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 Jan 2017 Roanne Manio
It shouldn't have to be your problem worrying about my life when yours is already troubled enough
It shouldn't have to be your problem
It won't be your problem
In reference to telling my teacher about my thoughts recently
You relinquish your beauty when you allow others to decide what is beautiful about you.
Don't follow media. They don't know what beauty truely is.
 Jan 2017 Roanne Manio
i am the 1 am drunk text
i am the family pictures popping up on  your newsfeed
i am the polaroid at the bottom of your desk drawer
i am the modern baseball song that you can't seem to skip
i am the candy wrappers in your car door
i am the cd stuck in your car radio that is just me singing a song i never should have written for you
i am the way a dorm room bed is always just big enough
i am the draft of a poem that was never just right


you are the space between the lines of the poems that aren't fixing anything
you are the dried up corsage in the back of my closet
you are the third step on the stairs into the basement where i swear i can still see stains of mascara on the carpet from november 8, 2015
you are the post card i never sent
you are the post card i sent but never should have
you are the phone calls i can't make
you are the nightmares i have where we are both running from something not clear to us

now that i've set the scene are you sure you want to delete your audition tape?
are you sure that your first try was good enough?
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
"Why didn't you tell anyone?"
*No one asked...
this is not mine, but so so so important
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
Take me away
driver man
go as far
as my wallet
will allow
so at least
to the next neighborhood
I hear their lawns
are as green as emeralds.
polished emeralds
at that
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
Alter Ego
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
She smokes cigarettes outside in the dark
She likes the way it feels knowing the smoke is deadly
Her pale face and sunken grey eyes, drug induced state
She doesn't try anymore, and
Her hoodie isn't thick enough to warm her skin,
Growing ever colder
But I've pushed her so far down that she is gone now, and hopefully forever.
A poem about who I could have let myself become, but didn't.
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio

a smile is just like a ball
it bounce from person to person
with the right


© Pax
just a quote

Thank you everyone. It was a tough year for me. As you have known, i lost a parent a few months ago. Coming back here and writing  is like starting all over again. Smile was inspired on how i wear it on my daily routine in the office, even in tough times. This shows that i still have strengh and will to move forward. So i greatly appreciate everyone's support.
I have a golden locket,
That hangs around my neck,
It's heavy as weighted stone,
And I'm a nervous wreck.
I keep it with me through each day,
And through the passing cold,
I keep it close, next to my heart,
Although it has grown old.
I have this ****** and rusted locket,
Filled with ash and pain,
I don't know why I wear it still,
Don't ask me to explain.
 Oct 2016 Roanne Manio
there are times you say the right things in a wrong time.
sudden quote, my life.
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