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 Feb 2015 Rebecca Figueroa
I drink until I feel
The sickness
Fake happiness
Until I don't feel you
Your touch
Your love
My broken heart
Is drowned in my pool
of alcoholic misery
 Feb 2015 Rebecca Figueroa
Leia R
My darling girl

You're not happy with yourself,
It begins to affect your mental health

My darling girl

You lose weight ******* and then your concert tees don't fit anymore

My darling girl

You say that you want to heal
But how then? If you cannot feel.

My darling girl

I have nothing left to fear
For you my dear, a silent tear.
Please contact someone for immediate help if you are experiencing any symptoms of this serious illness.
 Feb 2015 Rebecca Figueroa
my mother once told me
                you're too nice
you told me
               stand up
my father told me
               grow a backbone
I can now assure you I am a vertebrate
that I can stand on my own two feet
I can face my foes with dignity
and here I am standing in front of you

Because my sister once told me
               treat ***** like ***** treat you
If you blame the imperfect aspects
of your life on someone else,
change will not follow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
How can we change something about our life if what we wish to change we blame on something out of our control?
Why, why, why
This terrible feelings,
All of this tears, just for you.
Why, why , why
I loved you,
I adored you,
I admired you.
The times you kiss me
when you told me you loved me
Why, why, why
My heart hurts a lot
Turned to pieces
Why you do this to me all the love I had from you dying like I am
Why, why, why...
I was bored lol
With your eyes you saw deep into my soul
at that point, over me, you had complete control

With your hands you explored me
in anticipation of your touch
you were the lord of me

My ears heard your words of love
and made me let go,  all inhibitions of

Your mouth smothered me with tender kisses
Now as my mind wanders, of it often  reminisces

With my nose, I smelt your skin
which sent my head into a total spin

When my heart skipped a beat
I knew my love  for you was concrete
I glanced at your picture
On my wall it's a permanent fixture

I felt a welling up in the corner of my eye
I was so determined not to cry

Despite my best efforts
A little tear drop started to form
It was all salty and warm

It was a determined little thing
Its friends it wanted to bring

To smear my face
and make me look a disgrace

But I fought him back
with my little tissue pack
love   #heartbreak   #lost   #empty   #goodbye   #her   #goodnight   #you   #me   #us
losing interest in this world around me
fading softly into the background
nobody sees
nothing can save me
falling faster than the rain in the storm
I've given in and lost control
this injured heart will stop its beating
when blood flows freely from my body
and air remains trapped around me
my lungs are empty
my pulse is gone
so let me go, let me fade, let me leave this world of pain
on my own I'll die away
turn away, don't watch this time
I don't want to hurt you anymore
you don't need to see this
just know I'll be gone
and this is my "Goodbye, I love you"
one last time
From a far-gone darkness in which my dear friend Taylor suffered and which  I hope nobody succumbs to.
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