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 Jul 2016 Rachel Brooke
Little boy
Little boy
Come let me be your friend

Little girl
Little girl
I do not play pretend

Little boy
Bathed in light
It is not a game to me

Little girl
In the shadows
I am not what you think you see

Little boy
I see* You
Not what you show the world

But I know you
From eons past
You are not a little girl

I am
What you make of me
Sweet angel in the sun

You will
Be the death of me
As it has since begun

Your smile
Is my very breath
Sweet gray-eyed boy of mine

And your love
Is worthy of my soul
I'm yours through all of time

Then how, pray tell,
Could I lay to rest
The purest form of light

By holding you
Sweet love of mine
You blacken all that's bright

Brighten my shadows
With your love
I promise I will learn

I will not change
The you I love
I'd rather lose a turn

A turn at what
I cannot see
I do not play this game

I'll find you
In the next life of ours
As it is all the same
 Jul 2016 Rachel Brooke
Tell me
Whisper in my ear
The love in your heart
Show me
Open affection
In the face of all
Love me
Out loud
To the boy who almost bought me flowers... But the store was closed.
Or he forgot,
or he couldn't choose,
because he couldn't remember my favourite flowers,
or he didn't care.

To the boy who almost loved me well.
The boy who almost made me a wife.
The boy who almost loved my flaws, but just couldn't quite grip them.
The boy who I almost lost myself in.
The boy who almost took everything I had, everything I believed.

The boy who almost killed me.

The boy who almost won the lottery,
until he lost his beautiful winning ticket.

To the boy who hurt the girl who cared so much that she almost forgot
to love herself more.
The boy who didn't think she could wake up and realize
that she deserved more than being
"almost" happy.

The girl who is almost healed,
almost clean,
almost okay,
completely done.
 Mar 2016 Rachel Brooke
JR Potts
I could never get a straight answer from her, the words didn’t turn crooked at the edges of her mouth. They just didn’t come out… Her forehead would wrinkle, creating a fold at the delta of her brow and nose. She would close her eyes and occasionally flash those electric blues in my direction. I could not help but admire how beautiful she looked trapped in her own indecisiveness. This woman would be the death of me, but **** it, I loved her, I loved her so much that my unanswered questions would never be enough until she confessed to me, she was in love.
I've been focusing a lot more on poetic prose, so forgive the lack of rhythmic formatting. I've always been a fan of novels and I think I feel more comfortable writing in this format.
 Feb 2016 Rachel Brooke
b r e n
You used to tell me that I spoke beautifully
but maybe it was just the words that I wrote down at 4am
because those 4am nights were seemingly becoming a thing
and I needed time to process you
and do all I could to put you on paper
so I said that you fit me nicely.
But since then I haven't heard from you much
and it seems that you've taken my beautiful words
and turned them into the ground and planted yourself a future
and you've given yourself hope that maybe you'll hold something beautiful someday.
But rainy days pass
and you've hidden your sun away
and I'm starting to think that I might not be a part of your beautiful future
so I won't suffocate you with the words you've stolen from my tongue
cause I can still taste them on my lips
inches from where yours used to be when you told me
you'd stay forever.

 Feb 2016 Rachel Brooke
i'd never felt such
cold hands
grab hold of my heart before,
and i'd never known it could
shatter into so many pieces.
            and i'd also never seen a
            sweeter man come along and
cut his perfect hands to shreds
             by picking up the pieces
and putting my heart back together again,
 Dec 2015 Rachel Brooke
her heart beat too fast for him,
too hard and too loud.
he loved to dance to her rhythm,
but his arms could not hold
onto her for long,
could not stand the wildness
radiating from within her.
so she held her breath,
she rejoiced less and was quiet.
her bounding heart slowed to
a whisper
and quickened only when
beheld by him.
she missed the feeling of life
in her chest always,
and soon she herself
became a whisper,
enveloped in the cool silence
of his arms
where she slowly turns
instead of dances.
I don't know why
it just happens
then I find myself
wanting to hide my face
turn away
pretend it isn't real

I just let it be
knowing inside
or somewhere
it isn't right
it was never right
yet the pain is there

I don't know why
so many suffer
without speaking
but go on hiding
their shame, their scars
their pain

I know it well
as I've been there
inside and out
never again
to be whole

the pain is real
it happens every day
but to let it
is not by choice
The pains of physical or mental abuse
is sad. The person that does it
has no heart, or does he? (she)
It's real. It's out there. I was there once.
It isn't the victim's choice. Nor
was it mine.
 Apr 2015 Rachel Brooke
the rhyming with erotica
and crime the passe difference
The heartbeats lost,
the so called toughness,
the manliness, heee
**** all you tough guys.
The tougher ones who stayed
around providing for their offspring
are the men among us. Those who had the
strength to say I love you, and ******'
meant it. all you tough Mf's look deeply,
why did you hate?
' cause maybe
You think?
No man was around to give you,
the love u missin"?
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