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Well I hope you’re good
at jumping fences
and running quickly
and lowering defenses

And I hope you’re good
at catching what’s running
and I hope you don’t think
that ice is numbing

I’ll turn and I’ll run
I’ll look away
I’m uncatchable
But I want you to stay

I’ll be drawn to you
You’ll be drawn to me
And just before we collide
I’ll run for safety

Well I hope that you
Don’t mind the chase
Because I can’t slow down
Until I know it’s safe

So I'll run my fastest
I'll build my fences
I'll slow down when you show me
It's safe - from a distance
You can go home
When you run out of dreams
When there's nothing left
By any means
When you've spent all you have
And your left all alone
When your dry to the bone
You can go home

You can go home
When the end has been met
Of fond memories
Of what you once had
When all of your needs
Out way all of your wants
That's when you will know
You can go home

You can go home
Because homes always there
With the door that is open
With the people who care
No matter where
Or how far you have gone
Your not to far away
That you can't go home
as a kid there were so many things I perceived as dangerous, like getting into cars with strangers or stepping over railroad tracks while the train was approaching
I used to think danger meant my life was being threatened or I was potentially going to be hurt physically, but as a kid I never ever Wouldve thought danger could be looking into someone's eyes and simultaneously feeling my heart beat twelve times faster than usual
Your very presence is dangerous to me
the freckles across your pale skin spell Stop And your tattoos look a lot like caution signs
the first time I met you was like one big red flag shouting at me to turn around and walk away
danger isn't just keeping the door unlocked at night or stepping on a thumb tack, danger is looking at them and knowing you're going to get hurt but refusing to walk away
danger is falsely believing so intensely that they love you, too
when they make it so blatantly obvious
that they don't
That frolic pronunciation of words
Moving the Tongue in Motion
The Palate has become Smooth
Excess Saliva in the mouth doesn't come
And the melody is made
Without the knowledge of the mind
That is Called the Songs of Heart,
Songs of Freedom
Outburst the Words
Of Love

Find Fascination
Grown the rhythm of life
Where Peacocks unclogging their feathers
The rain drops on the desert
Flowers bloom in hope
Dreams to fly on wings
Seeking Love
There Peacock has found his Peahen

Flowers Spread Fragrances
Music melts into melody,
In words
In Souls
Moving the River into the Sea
And where there is floated
A Fearless
Love Boat
From one end
To the another Horizon
And where we found our lost existence

@Musfiq us shaleheen
when words moving the tongue in motion
 Mar 2015 Rachel Brooke
Across the room I watched as he stroked her hair
The gentlest of fingers brushed her face
From his gray eyes he poured love into her pools of sage
The sweetness touched me as I am sure it touched her
And I watched him, in that moment, be a man
The man I had hoped he'd become
With a full heart I turned away
Proud of who he is, who he has always been
Hoping, that in some small way, I taught him well
As I watched their hearts soar
I walked away letting him love her
bittersweet and beautiful
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