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 Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
Sitting her thinking about you,
wonder about what I'm going do.
I, don't know how to move on without you,
why did you have to go and do what you do.
Instead of you being here, us kissing,
i'm all alone here, missing you,
So lonely without you.
Two destine lovers,
torn apart,
in two.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...
There were no signs of love, not even for a mouse....

There was no Christmas tree with glitter and lights..
Just boxes to sleep in and a smelly old couch....

There old whiskey bottles glistening in the night.....
There were feelings of loneliness and feelings of doubt.....

There were candles for light, with no hope in sight...
The chimney was boarded to keep the cold out...

A home for homeless, hungry, lonely and cold....
Wanting someone to love them before they grow old....

With a light through the window, then a bang on the door....
In came the police and they dragged them out the door.....

Moral to the story....
If you don't get what you want for Christmas.... Be joyful that you have someone that loves you!!!!
Merry Christmas and God Bless....
 Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
Overcome by the moment.
Possessed by our obsession,
with the pleasure that awaits.  
Realizing a whole new world,
filled with nothing but us.
 Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
 Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
Her legs stretched out.
His palms wrapped around her hips.
Her body clung to his.
His breathing calm.
She feels his pace,
as their bodies embrace,
paralyzed by pleasure,
encapsulated forever.
"Everyone deserves
to meet that person
that makes them quiver."
In the deepness of the night
All you can hear is her moans
Not even a single creature was stirring.
 Dec 2015 Rachael Judd
     a radiant being,
    sent her to rule my heart.
    Her beauty more precious than gold.
    My heart, ordained by her presence,
    yearning for the title *My Love.
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