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 Apr 2014 RA
This one for the dreamers
This ones for the lost souls
This ones for the broken hearts
That nobody really knows

This one for the misused
This ones for the abused
This ones for the little hearts
That thought they really knew

My  words may not be enough
To carry you through the day
But know your on my mind
I wanna take your pain
I wanna wash it down the drain
I wanna help you love again
I know just how it feels
To fall victim to the agonizing pain
So for now I tell you
Rest your eyes
And dream yourself a better life

This here's for the forgotten
Lay trampled on the floor
I know your probably numb by now
And can withstand no more

But hear me out
Close your eyes
Dream yourself a better life
And one day when you wake up
I promise you
Everything will be alright

And all the pain
Will wash away
Through the many years
Your wounds will heal
You'll have your scars
As forever memory
But trust me and I promise you
One day your soul will be free
I remember how it felt to hurt so badly once, how it still hurts somewhere deep inside. For whoever is there, it going to b okay. It has to be. It always has to be.
 Apr 2014 RA
Atiyeh B
 Apr 2014 RA
Atiyeh B
You were in my dream last night
Woke up not feeling so right
Woke up feeling like I had died
Wishing I had never cried

Thinking someone must have lied

Closed my eyes again in despair
Knowing this whole thing wasn’t fair
Wishing time could repeat itself
This time with me being my own self

You ask what my dream was about
All I tell you is it was full of doubt…
I say I was hurt and put to death
With you taking away my last breath!
 Apr 2014 RA
Farida Salem
When you feel the pain
Through every bone, every vein
You decide not to hide
And instead, you walk with pride
Is it worth it?

When you climb a mountain
So certain
You will fly
But you don’t, and people cry
Is it worth it?

When you see it in their eyes
Beyond the doors, behind the lies
And you finally choose
To stop staring at your shoes
Is it worth it?

When you've been on the other side
It can be hard to decide
Consequences may fill one with remorse
But it’s up to you, of course
So tell me now, is it worth it?
 Apr 2014 RA
I curl up into a ball
buds molded in my ears
and cry to the beat of the music
My wound filled tears
I try emptying myself
Of this anguish
of this pain
of this desire
to be consumed by darkness
because I know
I truly am afraid
and no matter what you say
Baby, it won't go away.
I'm drifting
and I hear it in my head
you saying "its going to be okay"
and how all I could do
was push you away
Feeling in that exact moment
my heart beginning to break
I grab hold of my beating chest
the musics ringing now
and as the lyrics
fill my head
of a song about love saying
every word of how it feels inside
I melt
deep into the wrinkles
of my faded sheets
and lose myself a little more
just as every other time I weep.
 Apr 2014 RA
We Are All Blind
 Apr 2014 RA
Reality is flooded
by the fantasies we seek
its all fog in the air
yet we still believe we're free
But I do not believe
that lingering demons deep inside
or the anger and unhappiness
that we opt to hide
shows any type of freedom
or strength inside our souls
we are not strong enough
until we learn to let things go
 Apr 2014 RA
Steve Raishbrook
When your head gets stuck in the ground there’s a feeling all around, you’re too tall, too small, too fat or too thin, people judging you everywhere, you never know what tomorrow might bring.  

This feeling inside grips you tight, keeps you awake at night, haunting you till the morning light.  You want to scream loud and true to let everyone know what you’re really going through.

This feeling inside haunts you while you work, it’s always on your mind, everyone just says you’ll be fine, you try to fight it but it just simply won’t be fought

With this feeling inside you never understand who you’re friends are, who they might be, who’s talking behind your back, who’s truly on your side, when will this feeling finally subside?

You’re constantly looking for a route out from this feeling inside, all the while it slowly wears away at your soul, facing it every day is begging to take its toll, this feeling inside comes over like a tidal wave that’ll follow you to your grave.
 Apr 2014 RA
Farida Salem
 Apr 2014 RA
Farida Salem
Today, I tried to comfort my 13 year-old self,
But there was nobody there, nobody listening.

It's so cold over there,
So lifeless and sad.
And come to think of it,
I'd rather be mad.

She cries in the middle of the night, hoping one day things would be different.
Then wonders "what if" and suddenly she's indifferent.
And there's nobody there, nobody listening.

I try to make this life as vibrant as can be
For her to finally see
That this is as good as it's gonna get
And that there's nothing she should regret.

But still she storms off in the middle of the night,
"Is anybody there, anybody listening?"

— The End —