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 Sep 2014 Kay
Acidic Moon
Underneath the stars at night,
I lie awake and think of you.
I think of all the things we use to do,
Oh how I miss you..
I miss all our memories..
All the things you said to me.
I miss your voice,
I miss your laugh..
I miss you..

As I lie awake,
Tears run down my face.
When I think of you,
This is what I do.
You broke me,
I'm so sorry..
I loved you,
But you lied to me.
You never loved me..
You never missed me..
And here I am, crying.
And trying.
To be the person I was before you came into my life.
But you've changed me,
And now I'm nothing more..
Than a broken girl..
And you were my whole world.
 Sep 2014 Kay
Acidic Moon
You meant so much to me,
You still mean the world to me.
After all these years,
After all those tears.
And all the pain you put me through.
Somehow I still smile,
Everytime I see you.
But you don't seem to care how I feel.
After all, the love you claimed to have for me wasn't real.
All those lies you had spoken,
And all those promises you've broken.
You took my heart, and threw it away.
It's not like it meant anything to you, anyway.
But I only wish someday,
You'll truly see.
How much you really meant to me.
 Sep 2014 Kay
Acidic Moon
You were the one,
That taught me how to feel again.
You were the one,
That showed me that this wasn't the end.
You took my broken heart,
And put it back together again.
Even though, I thought you loved me.
Where are you now when I need you the most?
I remember those days when we were so close.
Oh how I wish, I could relive those days,
Relive all those memories that have faded away.
Even though you said you'd never leave,
Where are you now? When I'm in need.
I'm trying so hard, to cope with this pain.
But this emptiness inside, has left me drained.
Even if you don't love me too,
Just remember that I'll always love you.
 Sep 2014 Kay
Acidic Moon
There's still traces of you,
Every where I look..
I'm trying to forget,
But how can I forget,
When you have made a mark on everything that is mine?
How can I forget,
When I was once in love with you?
How could I ever forget you?
You meant everything to me..
To you, I was just some other girl..
But to me, you were my whole world.
And now that light, that you once gave off..
Has dimmed out..
And here I am, again..
Left alone in the dark..
I know you're gone now,
And I know it's for good..
I didn't want this day to ever happen,
Even though I knew it would.
I'll always hold you in my heart,
Even though you were the one that tore it apart.
I only wish you had loved me too..
But you never loved me,
As much as I loved you.
 Sep 2014 Kay
Acidic Moon
I have thought about you,
A million times, since the day you left.
I still can't grasp,
Exactly what I feel anymore.
Everything has been one big lie,
And a millions times I have cried.
The thought of losing you,
Was what I feared most.
Now it is not a thought anymore,
It is reality.
I know I should let go,
I know I should move on...
But how could I?
When I thought you were the one.
Every night, before I fall asleep..
I still think of you,
And a million tears I have cried into my pillow..
Were all for you..
Do you see how broken, helpless, and miserable I am?
Why did you have to say you'd be there forever?
Stupid me, I believed you..
I should have known better..
Forever is just a word,
There is no such thing...
But if there were,
I would've chose you of all people to spend it with.
You were my forever..
 Sep 2014 Kay
Just Melz
         You bring out the *worst

                  and best in us...
It really is astounding the things we do for love and the things love does to us.
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