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 Aug 2014 Kay
homework love
 Aug 2014 Kay
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out
 Aug 2014 Kay
I know it, I’m a new kind of evil.
21st century devil.
Manipulative and romantic.
Fall in love with me, I’m irresistible.
You can’t help it, darling, trust me.
Try to hurt me, I’ll come back harder.
Baby, I’m invincible.
I’m every fear in your imagination,
Coming out to play.
I’m not scared of anything,
I’ll win the game…
You’ll find yourself glued to me,
Despite the rage-filled horror I lay upon your
Fragile little life.
I know it, I’m THE 21st century devil.
You’re aware I’m evil,
But you can’t stay away.
. *** .
 Aug 2014 Kay
Raven hearted25
 Aug 2014 Kay
Raven hearted25
Want to be together but alone
Though your heart is made of stone
Couldn't share with you my thoughts
You were never that sure about
Your feelings , always so insecure
Used me like a stepping stone
So let's pretend and remind ourselves
That our need for love has grown
I kept saying " If you go, please let me know "
I want to move on but you keep holding on , dragging me along
It's just a make believe , why can't you see
You don't love me.
It's never love. It's just a carnal lust . A dark desire , a hidden thought , unexplored fantasies. In the end , we are meant to be torn apart by feelings.
 Aug 2014 Kay
******. After two months
my breath still catches in
my throat when I see his face.
What the hell
 Aug 2014 Kay
 Aug 2014 Kay
I cannot stop writing about you. Every little thing I can remember, I've written it down.
I've written you down.
A permanent stain on these sheets.
 Aug 2014 Kay
Aoife Teese
i can't be alone with my thoughts
so i douse them in alcohol and fire
and revel in the burning deep within
the constructs of my chest

nothing makes sense anymore
my intuition is lost
and the fire isn't warm enough
 Aug 2014 Kay
The Messiah Complex
Please don't misunderstand me
I know this had to be done, things
were growing more rotten by the day
and sudden amputation was our only choice, but

I still feel you, like
fingers grazing skin, I feel you
like a heart that never left this chest
I still feel you, and

Though we had to cut away
the decayed flesh of what is
I am still trapped, thinking about
what was, and what could have been

My heart is still full of tomorrows
and I need you to know
I will never love again, not the way I loved you
never that way

Each path before, led me to you  
but somewhere we took a detour
and I can't stop thinking; Is this the way it ends?
is this the way true love was meant to die?

Severed limb and bleeding heart?
I am only human, and there is a limit
to how much pain I can endure
and even though you're gone

*I can still feel you beating in my chest
A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb (even an *****) is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts
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