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el Apr 2020
loving someone
is only giving them a door
giving them a door
a lock
a key
and a wrecking ball
they can choose to
destroy you
save you
protect you
they can do whatever they please
and in the end they leave
whether by
or death
they leave
and take a piece with them.
  Apr 2020 el
Aryan Sam
Years ago
We stayed up till
3 am talking,
And today
I don’t even know
How to say hi,
el Apr 2020
the fact that
man created weapons
with the capability to **** man
and the intention
to **** man
is truly shocking
is we existed
without weaponry
so many brutal wars
could have been avoided
and many deaths
could have been
brutality and cruelty
would not
cease to exist
it would
exist less
i wrote this in the middle of class on a sticky note a month ago, so
el Mar 2020
                   --- from the perspective of a girl.
el Mar 2020
prisoner of my own heart
that's all i am
el Mar 2020
i dare you
go on
tell me not to eat that
tell me i can't wear that
tell me i look fat
tell me i can't run
i can't party
tell me i can't move,
tell me i can't accomplish
tell me i should starve
tell me i should do something about this weight
this look
tell me i should run and not eat
no more than one leaf of lettuce a day
tell me i should only drink water
tell me no one will love me
no one will want me
tell me i'm ugly
tell me i'm not worth it
tell me my flabs are just a waste of space, and
that i take up too much oxygen when i breathe, because

i'm fat.
i'm fat.
i'm fat.
my head screams as i look into the mirror
do you think your friends aren't embarrassed to be seen with you?
honey, do you think you're pretty?
oH, do you think you can afford to go out
grab some dinner with your 'friends'?
can you afford that weight?
are you even pretty enough?
oH, do you think
really really think
you deserve to be happy today?
ha ha
that's funny
look at your belly and go back to bed
go cry
you'll never be great
well, size is the exception.
you're a waste of space
honey, i don't think they make coffins your size..
it's okay,
you can feed the fish
(C) Elissar Mustapha
every time somebody comments on my weight it takes a massive toll on my mental health and makes me self destructive. first stanza is others and second stanza is in my head. words hurt. words cut deep. even if she's not ideal, remember, nobody is and she is more than the outside.
el Mar 2020
what do you see in her?
how do you love her and trust her
when she tells you to your face ''i'm wearing a mask"
what do you enjoy about her
what does she have to her besides gossip and complaints
always always always complaining
about sh't she gets herself into
always making it a competition
"no, MY life is harder."
she doesn't shut up
about her problems
we get it
you have issues
and you're tired

think about it sweetie..
if you're sleepy
maybe you should stop pulling all nighter's every night
watching youtube
and then coming up to MY best friend the next day
burdening her with you're complaints
"i'm oh so f'cking tired"
"i didn't get a wink of sleep last night"
"i was on my phone"
oh, the unsurprising
you came in to control our lives
not letting any of us get another word out
before you exhausted time with your stories
do you know how hard it is
keeping my mouth shut
while you're being a blatant b'tch
to me?
when the exclusion is up

i felt it
the moment you waltzed into our lives
and played for her pity
the way you began extracting my best friend from my side
i'm so over you
please leave.
i can't stand it anymore.

and to my best friend, sometimes i just want to ask:
"do you love you're new best friend?"
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