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 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Ree Bunch
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Ree Bunch
You’re that unruly animal that has escaped its leash.
Wrecking havoc at every place you meet.
Your sparks Ignites a grotesque flame.
Setting blazes in total defame.
You can choose to spread beauty or hate,
but became things I should’ve **never spake.
Once again my mouth has gotten me into drama.  Uugghhhh I need a muzzle!
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Jwala Kay
so naive, we all are,
that at times we paraphrase
all our life's sweet moments
and title it
with another person's name.
add your own watermark next time
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
I lost her voice in silence
In the breaking of the dawn
In depths of white noise whisper
She quietly sleeps on...

Would you trade
For a better way
Or is familiar what you seek
The perfect placement
Of every footstep
On a path
That's on the brink

The road you know
Of jackals and trolls
Do you aimlessly commit
To a limited roll
Where the soul never grows
In orthodox conclusions
Of those old myths

Let her sleep
The harlot's beast
These institutions
Of trapped minds
The establishment
Of government
Has left their souls
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
One Love
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
When love is lost
But doesn’t go away
Wandering thoughts
Sting every day
When all that remains
Are hallow holes
Stubborn stains
I promise that
I will embrace the pain
As your memory
Has seduced my heart
Preserving it
For a day when we
May hold hands
And walk through the trees
Once more
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Drawn to the privacy of the quiet beach,
And the deafening roar of the waves,
To the mangled shells, and seagull screech,
We surrendered to our bodies, like slaves.

For that seaside was our wild and secret love place,
With our toes we drew hearts in the shale,
A bunch of seaweed she smeared in my face,
I splashed water on her bare bosoms pale.

The sea spray bit cold on our naked skin,
As she teased and taunted so well,
Her magnetic curves how they drew me in,
Like the ocean I did seethe and swell.

Goose bumps crawled on our bodies entwined,
As the harsh wind caressed from the South,
We groped for heat from desires combined,
And the warm saline taste of our mouths.

The moonlight danced high as the sea did ebb,
Our spent bodies now bared to the sky,
The traces of our love play on the rippled sandy bed,
Not even the waves could deny.

We lay starkers on the strand, no madding crowds,
Still flirting in the naughty nip,
Our only company the shadows of the clouds,
And the drone of a distant ship.

Alas ! Our bliss was destined to fade,
Ne'er again to converge in the tide,
The moon no more a ****** to lust displayed,
When mad youths their pleasures not hide.

Memories now so vivid, I could nearly touch,
The tangles in her wild windswept hair,
Or taste those lips that I miss so much,
As across the barren beach I stare.
Teen memories.
I've been hit again.
My mind
suddenly begins to think
how do I get away
I am cornered.
not yet I tell myself.
After the beating finishes,
(Only because they are tired now)
I walk painfully to my room.
My ***
feels like it's been shot.
My body
feels like it has been pulled apart twice.  
I sit down,
lift my mattress,
the blade lies here.
I look at it, craving its sharp clarity.
My wrists are the matching fit.
Cut cut
I think.
No one will miss me anyhow
I think.
But then
I imagine people's faces,
when they hear the news.
When they hear
how despicable the idea was
that I killed myself.
I don't lift my blade.
I let it rest.
"Till next time, friend"
I whisper to it.
I cannot speak,
my mouth has been punched in so many times,
It is as if the great pyramid rests on my lips.
My skin is raw,
carpet burn everywhere.
I tried to get out.
I really did
Like the blade,
I want to be sharp,
yet feel so dull.
Though I have not,
my heart has already killed itself.
is not of the essence
Never again.
I will not
let them take this life.
That's my job
And quite frankly,
Im not ready just yet
So I will keep hanging on.
Just a little at a time.
I will let myself fall,
that way I can learn how
to pick myself up
all by myself.
I do not need the blade.
I am Strong.
A dollar for a gram of coke?
sounds like a good deal, but just one problem
I don't like coke, I prefer Pepsi....
 Apr 2016 Poet kiri
Brent Kincaid
I got used to a fantasy world
I knew I’d wise up one day.
Give up a dream I was making.
So tired of living in someday.
When it started I was younger
Not quite as bright as today.
Settled for crumbs of your love.
So tired of living in someday.

I tolerated each of your myths
And lived with being miserable
Hoping things would get better
Always waiting for the miracle.

I gave in so easily to the idea
That it was all about just you.
I did it all without questioning
Whatever you wanted to do.
It was dreamwork those days
All made of mirrors and smoke
And felt like the kind of high
You get from illegal tokes.

I exaggerated on your myths
And lived like an acolyte
Like your personal Cleopatra
Waiting for the snake to bite.

I told myself I would win
If I held on to you some way.
So, I gathered all my assets
And invested them in someday.
I can’t say your habit was
That you treated me like dirt.
But, I also can’t say to you
That your treatment didn’t hurt.

I am through with your myths
And living feeling so miserable.
I know things won’t get better;
I won’t ever see a miracle.
When it started I was younger
Not quite as bright as today.
Settled for crumbs of your love.
So tired of living in someday.
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