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Oct 2015 · 5.9k
Headache & Cuddles
Phoebe Thomasson Oct 2015
Head exploding
life seems too fast
to find out what I'm thinking
I wonder if my strength
is going to last.

I crawled into bed
with you last night
first time in years
we've been segregated
by my exhaustion
and my fears.

To feel your flesh again
made my headache worth it
but nothing will take away
the ache that I feel
for the love of myself.

Self acceptance is what I need
I'm better than I thought
but the lingering mistrust
of how I'm going to be
scuppers me at every turn.

If I could just relax
on the inside
and let my self be happy
I think I would be happier.
I'm coming out of a long period of exhaustion and I don't quite trust my own stamina yet. Yesterday I loaded up with too many sugars and have a headache that's lasted for nearly twelve hours now. I didn't sleep much but I still feel that life is better than ever....mostly. At least I can see the horizon now...I'm no longer in a dark endless tunnel. I've just got to keep moving.
Oct 2015 · 549
Not my own imagining.....
Phoebe Thomasson Oct 2015
Sat with you
I feel like home
kind of different
than before
than ever before
so different, me
to what I know
what I assumed was me
without realizing
I was living
someone else's dream
Healing levels of doubt and fear seems to require a lot of consistent letting go, and embracing, fluidity and courage. Things are not as crazy as I imagined they were. The more I heal, the easier it is to feel like I am normal after all. I never thought that was a good thing before. How it changes!
Sep 2015 · 947
Earthbound Angel
Phoebe Thomasson Sep 2015
Gaping wounds;
holes the size of planets
open wide within
dreams, all the darkness
the sweet longing I cannot feel
in my day comes forth.

And everything about me
has changed, dream-scape
confidence of body
and desire pouring
from my *****
into the image of you
my animus, my beautiful projection
that only exists in my mind.

Sweetly I kiss you
down to your navel
glancing up, teasing
dreams borrow from me
truth and reality
and embellish with
dark tendrils of
***** desire.

I am earthbound angel
indeed, fleshy wanton
rivers flow freely in
sleep's realm, relieving
and balancing
the stifled tensions
of the waking world
safe inside my head.

13th July 2015
Sep 2015 · 404
rule breaker
Phoebe Thomasson Sep 2015
it's really really really ******* hard
but we do it anyway
making up rules as we go
then breaking them because we can
who's to stop us
now that we are in charge?
Sep 2015 · 3.5k
Crying Tears For Humanity
Phoebe Thomasson Sep 2015
I see you on our Little Planet
doing your lives
being human
being something like me
living your life
what is that?
it seems to be a complete miracle...

I myself am in favour of our survival
and to see where it all ends up
like one giant experiment
with ourselves
we keep exploring
each other
and ourselves
until the end of time...

whenever that is?
I was just watching Little Planet on YouTube and saw other people....a tear streaked my eyes....and my toddler eats a banana on my lap as this types itself through my trained fingers.....poetry rocks!!!!!
Sep 2015 · 504
Overboard & Anxious...
Phoebe Thomasson Sep 2015
Gone overboard
my excitement overtaking
me expressing how I feel
has made those around me reel
I'm trying not to beat myself up
for being the person I am being
can't always do the right thing
if I don't know what it is
that I'm avoiding
am I avoiding the truth of something?
like I should change the way I'm being?
reality creating before our eyes
spinning round and round
it's no surprise
because as we hurtle through space
at so many miles per hour
I have to ask what is real
is it only about the way I feel?
and you, where do you fit in?
I can't go back, I can only begin
to try and understand
how to fix this...
Sep 2015 · 432
My New Friend
Phoebe Thomasson Sep 2015
Thank you Amiee
for your sweet friendship
from across the water
you keep me smiling
with your missives
from silly to sublime
just like me
you smile and glide
on yogic seas
inside your mind
fellow poet
art lover
and fan of mine!

we share notes and wisdom
updates too
you keep me on track
and I think about you
mysterious lady
I've never seen your face
yet you infuse my days
with humour and grace

new friend from the net
whom I've never seen
may your days be of joy
and your feeling serene.
Aug 2015 · 669
A New Freedon
Phoebe Thomasson Aug 2015
Through dreamy landscapes
Mind travels
Between god
And the sky
My spirit revels
In new found freedom
Thought flight
Now safe
The barbed wire gone
No longer am I snagged
Upon the electric strands
Of fear
That held me
For so long.
I have experienced mental illness in my past and it does still have a residue that I am currently busting. The fear about deep and hidden things is one of the most pernicious weeds that needs dealing with.
This poem is a short recognition of my growing courage. I used to dream of wires in the sky like electric cables which snagged me as I tried to fly.

— The End —