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Paul Butters May 2015
The Laws of Physics say
That Everyone Dies
And is Gone:
Every blade of grass, insect, man and woman.
Every sentient being.
From Big Bang to Big Whatever.
They all Die.

Yet is there more than this?
Something of the spirit.
More than ghosts
And poltergeists.
An afterlife
In Heaven.
Another Realm.

Some say that when you die
You re-join The One Being,
Let’s call it “God”.

Your individuality may be gone,
But you become part of that Super-Consciousness,
The One,
And thus Remain.

The logic of this is frightening:
It means that I am part of God,
Just going through a phase
We call Life,
In readiness for
For Ever.

You too are part of God
And logic dictates
That I am my own Mum and Dad,
My sister, friends and everyone else:
Mother Theresa, ******, Shakespeare
And Eddie The Eagle.

I am a wasp, a lion, a dolphin, a tree
Maybe even a germ.
Another poet
Commenting on my poems.
I’m even You.

Better get on with it then.
I’ve got plenty to do!

Paul Butters
Still thinking...
  May 2015 Paul Butters
glenn martin
life to live
taken in strides  collected moments
reveals many sides
ah the life in the brain
turning me  where do I go
what is the need to for-fill
the dark n  beautiful
her libido her pen
where I run up [and  around]
its the freedom of will
to be or not to be
drenched to the bone
I miss my grammar school
I still remember all [of their names]
the Earth rounder
fame fame fame
I am at the wall
humanity a no where run
from self or the gun
now in my hands    to expose
the nature of nothing
proud of my 8 legs
I meander over  terrain
my life is my all or nothing
love poems fit
the life on Earth   so temporary
thank you your work   extra ordinary
A tri-angle   spot
great moments in time
but what of the rest of life
  May 2015 Paul Butters
glenn martin
I wish to dream of others
lost in the fate of love
to not know your name
to call love just a game
my desire to live the earth life
as a Star that has made me
I seek you out in the darkness
a night of humanity where the Stars live
to not block my way a Zeus forever
the way of creation I stand on the rear legs
of lions  my hair a mane
my eyes living compassion
to know the sharpness of my teeth
the world alive in change
brought on by nature to go lightly into
the world of Eternity living
realm for ever and ever more
the makings of life to harbor
the love of humanity allowing creation
to live a sustainable healthy life force
knowing no boundary to existing life forms
to seek out to bring together
a chemical reaction  from two
to make one anew my pen soars
these words to up lift the desire of love
over all     words to remember
the heat the battle
of love is yours   gjmars 5/19/15
hmmmmm grrrrgrrr
  May 2015 Paul Butters
My beautiful faded fantasy
Together we’ll make them see
How true we can be
How far we can go in our little made up pretty dreams
With love running through our veins
With ecstasy in our names
Together we’ll break and tear
So forget those who doesn't care
For time and patience is all we'll probably ever need

Oh the beautiful faded fantasy
Of made up pretty dreams
That forever we’ll be
In love
For all eternity

This is nothing personal, i was looking at a nice Indian film and just began writing... x'D
  May 2015 Paul Butters
Sitting on this addictive desk
Staring at the wonders of the world via the internet
From the modesty to the grotesque
It's funny how they all forget
The life outside of this intoxicating bottle of wires
But who am I to complain, for I am one of them
Lost inside these eccentricities that I admire
Wondering, conjecturing all about the beautiful eerie emblem.

What if just one day, one day we all stood and went outside?
Smell the breeze of the isolated air
Feel the earth, the dirt, that we denied
The earth we wear and tear
And yet, the ungrateful spends no time to relish
What we have, inexpensive
But all the care is for the wires; hellish
This is the mysterious truth
Of the brute
Of mankind and their neglect
Of a life that may never resurrect

I believe that this generation spend a whole lot of time on the internet and behind technology. They aren't realizing but they should try an look back to where tag was fun, it still is, just not to the memories of us.
Paul Butters May 2015
Our scientists say that before The Big Bang
There was Nothing
And therefore
No God.

Through red-shifted space they “see”
Back to The Beginning.
Exploding Singularity.
A photon winks into existence

Yes they are conceited enough to think
That all we see is all there is to know.
Like people pre-Pythagoras
Who thought the Earth was flat
They Lord it
With Confidence.

Yet Eternal Infinity
Beckons us on.

A light year is 5,878,499,810,000 miles.
An estimated 81,000 years Ion-Drive flight to the nearest star.
About 100 thousand million galaxies in the universe:
70 thousand million million million stars.
But we know it all.

Some say our universe is a bubble
Growing within another
Like a baby in a womb.

Some say it will grow forever,
Slowly petering out
‘Til all is cold.
Others that it will stop, shrink
Then be reborn
With another Big Bang.

Who knows what will happen?
Not me.

Paul Butters
On Existence.
She writes beautiful poetry
Experiments with form and content

Many styles, many ideas
Some vivid, few abstract
but none mediocre

She's the Queen of Haikus
Scored a century recently
And I thank, I had learnt Haikus from her
One of the first persons that I followed here, and learnt about many forms of poetry reading her beautiful poems. Wish to thank the good friend, teacher and wish her a glorious birthday and wish her to be forever young
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