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639 · Jan 2018
Creative Captivity
Patrick Sporrer Jan 2018

In the mind

Is what he strives for-
Ushering sweet shushings
Destined to fall-



On deaf membranes-
Eardrums cluttered
And cloistered
By juggling run rampart-

The color of blood
Seeps down his forhead-
Sweatdrops glistening
Their crimson beauty-
Reminders that his sight
Is still unseen-

Cataracts unsheathed
Beneath Winter's chilling kiss
Of endless doubt and drought.

The frozen beauty captivates,
Encapsulates his mind,
And all his eyes roll back,

And his hands are useless.
445 · Jan 2018
(She) As Andromeda
Patrick Sporrer Jan 2018

She sits sequestered horizontally
Against currents of mindless winds-

Her apathy uncontested
By neither man nor wicked thing.


She flutters hopelessly
On glass wings,



Are the fragile little things
That hold her head up
Above the towering sea chains-

Her lungs' heavy breaths
Dull her spirit's grin

And all her numbered days
Tick away without a sound-

Engulfed by the ocean's deep breath-

Beneath insanity's serenity-

She drowns.
367 · Jan 2018
Patrick Sporrer Jan 2018
Distilled by blackened blood,
Our ancestral integrity
Dissipates between damaged hands-

Hearts and *****
Scarred by the jarring truth-

Two lions warring 'til death.

Transference imprisons
Our fragile egos-

Forces discomfort
Upon the burdened soul-

Dismembered and scattered
By mercurial synapses.

A once steel-trap mind-
One-way vision-

Sears apart

And convolutes his confusion-
Human ashes lost to the wind.

Oh ancient wind-
Bearer of truth-

Whisk away my insanity-

A mere whisper in the dark.
349 · Jan 2018
Old Friend
Patrick Sporrer Jan 2018
I felt the echoes of you reflecting across time-
Your knife pierced my heart,
Opening old wounds-
Scars that have yet to heal-

Stubborn and skinflint,
Resisting all natural urges to resuscitate the broken skin-
An entrance now for evil to crawl into
And desiccate the sacred soul.

Your tears remind me of my own-
A time when I once sobbed molten mountains
Of softened crystals
Over the devastating death of my friend-

My old friend-
The one who left me in the dark-
Alone and humbled,
Huddled in a hollow tree,
Contemplating suicide as the rain poured 'round me
And the cold closed in,
Crushing all fleeting chances of hope remaining.

Dead eyes stare back into mine from the refracting dew-
Falling without a sound,
Without a memory of you.

— The End —