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Olga Valerevna Jan 2024
if I am unbecoming all the words you’ve never read
then I can take my time while I go walking through your head
you’ll never even see me and you’ll never even know
I’ll speak into your body, may it reap what it will sow

if I am unbecoming all the traits in me you knew
then I will be the mountain you will not know how to move
you’ll never even feel me and you’ll never even think
I’ll be with you forever, every single time you blink


if I am unbecoming all the words you’ve ever read
then I will pick my body up and bury it instead
you’ll find me in the in-betweens, in laughter and in sighs
I’ll be in every single breath, you never will know why
who you think i am or who i am
Olga Valerevna Mar 2016
I'm not without the thought of you converging into me
'Cause everyone I've ever met is nothing close to we
So tell me where we're going next and I will pack my things
The south and north and east and west will teach us how to sing
I've noted only happy days that I've already spent
Beside the shadow of the sun in everywhere we went
And I cannot explain this to a single 'nother soul
you're part of what makes all of me, your being makes me whole
We'll stumble into other things and try to catch our breath
But in the end it's me and you until there's nothing left
And even then we'll see ourselves exactly as we should
And trust that all we've done to date is only for the good
I loved you then, I love you now and that will never change
your moon's become the only star that hasn't gone away
I'll live inside the galaxy that brings me to your bed
And recognize your presence as my senses are reset
I've held you one too many times and here we go again
I want to have you something bad don't let this be the end
we could've been forever
Olga Valerevna Oct 2023
if we bind our minds to violence, all the evil that can be
will infiltrate our bodies in a single breath with ease
if we bathe our Souls in terror, all our bones will see decay
and everything our eyes perceive will slowly rot away

if we rush into our anger, all our tongues will turn to ash
the sweetness of The Truth will taste like bitterness intact
if we supplement deficiencies with lies we tell ourselves
we’ll end up in the throes of what it’s like to be in Hell

if we follow our delusions, make them part of who we are
expel our own beliefs from every chamber of our hearts
we will walk away with nothing, even less than, to be sure
if we bind our minds to violence, we’ll be gone before we were
Olga Valerevna Jul 2022
if you give me a place to, my body will glow
my fingers will gather The Truth in the snow
and The Water will melt over parts of my soul
and I’ll be renewed and completely made whole

if you give me a place to, my Spirit will sing
I’ll float through my bones and come out of my skin
and The Light will consume all the darkness around
and there will be Life in the form of a Sound

if you give me a place to, I’ll be who I am
I’ll break through the silence and tell you, “I can”
and The Words that I speak will sow Love into you
and I will be stronger and you will be too
for my little sister
Olga Valerevna Feb 2013
then every open door is at risk of being closed
Olga Valerevna Nov 2012
I was so far gone long before you came along.
Olga Valerevna Dec 2012
just you and me and this unmade bed

the perfect place for our tangled legs 

a home for hearts that once were dead

but now have found a way to spread 

the newly flowing shades of red

upon the eyes of sleeping heads

it's time, the vows are being read

for readied minds are soon to wed

and truth be told, you are my bread

i live off every word you've said
Olga Valerevna Jul 2020
I’ve been scraping my knees for a lifetime
just to learn they will always resist
and if I am alive it’s because of
all The Grace that I have to exist

I’ve been clenching my fists for no reason
just to learn that my knuckles need Truth
and if I don’t betray them to nothing
then my life will be honored by You

I’ve been voicing my thoughts for an answer
just to learn that my heart knows Your Name
and if I can be still in Your Presence
then I know You will show me The Way
“Остановитесь и познайте, что Я — Бог: буду превознесен в народах, превознесен на земле. Господь сил с нами, заступник наш Бог Иакова. Слава:”
‭‭Псалтирь‬ ‭45:11-12‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Apr 2021
It’s in the corners of our friendship where I feel most alive
where every single part of me can find no place to hide
and then every time I see you and you give me all your space
I find myself surrounded by a certain kind of Grace

it is with your hand in mine I walk a way I never could
and everything I do and say is just because I should
I have never known another who feels closer than my skin
who leads me out to waters and then teaches me to swim

that I have no closer friend than you has turned into a song
and in its very melody we’ve learned to sing along
I’ve always had a best friend because I have sisters and we are so close to one another’s pulse. but when you meet someone who’s not blood but feels like it, some words come forth.
Olga Valerevna Jun 2013
I made you my confession room and opened up my mouth
Without a second thought began to pour my story out
And at the end of every day I could not understand
Why it was that I would feel the weightiest of hands
In slowly passing over me and resting on my head
I knew that they were learning me but why - could not have said
Amalgamated perfectly, my tendencies a prose
They're written down, immutable, the words that I once chose
Oh listener, what have you heard and what can you recite?
Tell the world what I told you, you do remember, right?
Olga Valerevna Mar 2017
he lives for every future he could ever hope to have
except the one that matters, one to never hold him back
a path discretely paved for his own searching soul to find
unraveled in the questions buried somewhere in his mind
his tired feet have found another stone along the way
"tomorrow needs to come, there's nothing left of me today"
too in a rush to notice he had just to turn around
embrace the life behind him yielding patiently to sound
"I had to have a goal to live for."
Olga Valerevna Mar 2024
I knew the way I knew you and I liked to hear your thoughts
but now that someone else is you, the thinking needs to stop
you put your head on backwards, made your body fight your soul
you tried to hide the parts of you that I will always know

I know where you are going ‘cause I’ve been there and I learned
you have to manage all the pain where trauma is concerned
I’ll love you from a distance and I’ll stay until you burn
I’ll wait for you to heal and be right there when you return
Thank you for knowing me, for loving me, and for inspiring me to be better. You know who you are.
Olga Valerevna Jan 2016
We're not as much apart as we are broken to the core
The blood upon my hands is somehow covered up in yours
And if I turn to water you will never want to drink
Then let me be forsaken by the thoughts in which I sink
I told you all my secrets both in person and in soul
But I can't be responsible for where you long to go
It's only in the stillness that I conjure up the words  
To tell you that I loved you in a way I wasn't sure
I've asked the time to grant us more than we could ever bear
So I would have a chance to make it up to you, I swear
The past cannot be changed and so the future goes astray
but I don't want to tempt you to just walk the other way
For I can bathe in showers that are hotter than you make
But if you fall asleep then I'm the only one awake
What am I to you?
Olga Valerevna Aug 2012
This time I'm the
n e e d l e
you can be the
f i x
Olga Valerevna Dec 2013
Everybody's fading
Becoming someone else
Recklessly escaping
A lie within itself
Smoke is curling higher
Than they can ever go
Not that it would matter
They clearly never know
i remember walking
Before we couldn't see
Picking up the pieces
Dividing them in three
Never mind confusion
We are not the same
Death becomes illusion
When life is made a game
i cannot escape it
So what am i to do
i continue onward
In memory of you
Olga Valerevna May 2015
I cant be bothered cant be moved
My head has swallowed many moons
And somewhere in the black of night
I cease to be, surrender sight
So this is what it means to lose
Your mind to everything you choose
And any steadiness you had
Is in a fist of ironclad
I want to see, I want to feel
But none of this is even *real
...or is it?
Olga Valerevna Dec 2012
The smolder's flame it fills the room
And I am mixed inside the fume
Not white but gray I cannot see
The world around, in front of me
As I become unweighted scents
The gravity will recompense
All that's stored within the fix
And painted using candle wicks
Flicker bright then fade to dark
I'm waiting for the slightest spark
I'll ask the sun to give me heat
That my cold heart may start to beat
For when I wake from hazy sleep
The dried up ice will melt to seep
I long to walk as I once did
Through heavy smoke that keeps things hid
So pass away, oh dying times
My soul found rest outside your lines
Olga Valerevna Sep 2012
You and I we are both good at what we do
But I'm on a whole different level than you
You're mapping out the mind, I'm blurring all the lines
Lacing every thought with a dose of cyanide 
I contain the colors that you cannot create
All because I've reached an uncharted mental state
And never will I tell you nor will I unveil
How it is and where I go, you'll have to find the trail
Speak away your conscience and bury it with deeds
Then imagine how to nourish what your body needs
Soon you will be restless, just as I once was
Or maybe I'm just saying this like everybody does
I can see you're doubtful, perhaps you want a clue
But time and space will prove again, eternity chose you
Olga Valerevna Jul 2016
There're so many people who open your eyes
           and show you the craters they see in the skies
Perspectives are jaded when Truth's within reach
  and I have rejected most people who teach
I forfeit the frenzies they feed themselves to
I'd rather go hungry than eat out of you
And even if crazy is all I've become
     My sanity's measured by little to none
I drew my conclusions like everyone else
in anger and envy that put my in hell
The fire was pretty, the darkness the same
             but I want to hear what the light has to say
I cannot be honest if I cannot see
Surrender my soul to the Spirit in me
Olga Valerevna Jul 2016
you don't need to be drinking to reveal a sober thought
the words are there inside you if you're not afraid to talk
We have too little time to be offended by ourselves
so throw away the bottle and forget there was a shelf
Let time be your instructor, it will whittle down with you
and show you something greater in a way you cannot do
I've read the twelve believers and considered all their words
they're either all too certain or completely all absurd
so let us make decisions with a judgement of our own
give wholly unto others we may never even know
The point is we've been fighting for a point we've tried to make
but loaded every message with a fountain of mistakes
Olga Valerevna Oct 2012
These two empty people
are sitting in a room
waiting for their fates to cross and hoping it be soon

Washing off their faces
replacing them with masks
and saying that they see themselves to everyone who asks

Catching all the sickness 
from other people's hearts 
then purging out their own disease by way of tainting art

Everything they painted 
has dried and turned to stone
and soon their hands will harden too as bodies decompose 

Making way for masses 
to follow in their suit
planting seeds that never grow or yield them any fruit

These two empty people 
are sitting in a room 
waiting for their fuse to burn and magnify the fume
Olga Valerevna Jul 2016
But what is the answer when people have died
and why is the question still asked at this time
We've *l
earned to be human in so many ways
attacking the Spirit and numbering days
We've broken the sky yet we beg for the sun
it shines without choosing, on everyone
We're made of the same down to every cell
let's stop drawing lines to put others through hell
The skin on our bodies was beautifully made
akin to the soul we were given in faith
Remember beginnings as endings to come
although they come slowly but hasten for some
As people we're called to be servants of those
who enter our circle when nobody knows
Matthew 5:45
Olga Valerevna Mar 2019
see, there is a place where the clock doesn’t count
on every second The Time’s giving out
where Always is final yet tends to be shown
as some kind of present you couldn’t have sown
whatever was given to you in your hands
is what will be tested by God become Man
and if you have nothing but seconds and thirds
you’ll be like the king who was fed to the birds
«Главный хлебодар увидел, что истолковал он хорошо, и сказал Иосифу: мне также снилось: вот на голове у меня три корзины решетчатых; в верхней корзине всякая пища фараонова, изделие пекаря, и птицы [небесные] клевали ее из корзины на голове моей. И отвечал Иосиф, и сказал [ему]: вот истолкование его: три корзины — это три дня; чрез три дня фараон снимет с тебя голову твою и повесит тебя на дереве, и птицы [небесные] будут клевать плоть твою с тебя.»
‭‭Бытие‬ ‭40:16-19‬
Olga Valerevna Apr 2017
the only wall I ever built once crumbled over me
the night I fought so hard because I didn't want to leave
I asked for something dying to believe that it would rise
to meet me in the middle with the key I couldn't find
and when You called my name again my heart began to feel
allowed itself to recognize there was a way to heal
so never mind the dryness and the drought I knew would come
I want to drink the rain again and run where You will run
my heart.
Olga Valerevna May 2021
I feel like I’m holding my organs
and all of them want to collapse
I need to get back to my Father
Who keeps me completely intact

I feel like I’m losing my brain cells
and all of them stopped making sense
I need to get back to my Father
Who paid all of my recompense

I feel like I need to get closer
and all that I am is without
I need to get back to my Father
Who cancels out all of my doubt
“У тебя же, когда творишь милостыню, пусть левая рука твоя не знает, что делает правая, чтобы милостыня твоя была втайне; и Отец твой, видящий тайное, воздаст тебе явно.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭6:3-4‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jan 2013
Such beauty lies within her stare, a pallid shade of grace
What once had been invisible has shown upon her face
Collective thoughts have danced their last, in sleep they take their rest
Until the lonely girl aglow confronts her final test
In this is life - that what is fought cannot be seen with eyes
And so she must lay down her self to see past all disguise
It's only then, in spirit's dress, will everything be clear
Even if the only soul is hers that draws in near
title taken from lyrics of a song by Deathcab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
Olga Valerevna Mar 2015
I don't want to ask the question anymore
It's not my place, I've let it go
And even though I've said too much already
I've found the strength to tell me no
It's not like I control a person's seasons
The winter comes and then it ends
But as the snow becomes the melted waters
In you forever I've a friend
It took this long for me to get here
A place I should have always been
I guess it's time to let you speak now
I guess it's time I let you in
sometimes you have to stop and listen
Olga Valerevna Jul 2015
there's nothing but the traces of your person
of hands and feet that barely made it through
and sitting in your solitary sameness
you can't be bothered any less to move

the circles in the sun become your fingers
but rays of light they cannot be contained
to see the sky and all of its arrangements
you mustn't ever fight the pouring rain

the wind is only present if you feel it
it changes every shallow thread of flesh
you know it isn't over for a reason
the purpose for your life has never left
even if you leave
Olga Valerevna Jun 2018
if you can see my sleeplessness you likely feel it too
and maybe you believe it has become a part of you
One Hour til the road of dreams but you are wide awake
as Rest leaves from your body, comes a prisoner to take
what vicious disposition has the fiend of all you are
so outwardly pursuing every treasure in your scars
a second with the silence is the only thing you need
to know that in your mind you’re not as carnal as you seem
but eyes opposed and weary are reluctant so you cave
for there is nothing more than this, there’s nothing left to save
alone, aloof and dying to a world you tried to shed
where everything is dying and you’re stuck inside your head
Olga Valerevna Jul 2019
the sea is inside of my body
The Sun and The Moon are my eyes
I’m salt and I’m water forever
Your Truth I could never deny
propensity bites at my person
intention gives strength where I lack
I mute all the voices around me
so I can hear Yours calling back

I know the sound of Your Story
like I know the beat of my heart
and rather than go on without You
I’ll hope You will never depart
“Вы — соль земли. Если же соль потеряет силу, то чем сделаешь ее соленою? Она уже ни к чему негодна, как разве выбросить ее вон на попрание людям.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Apr 2013
A screen was posted on a wall, the corners of my mind
Were stretched so very thin indeed, reverberating time

And vapid personalities then danced upon the veil
Attempting to impose themselves as those who never fail

In perfect step with everything, their tendencies align
Allow for new anatomies to form upon their spine

Collect, repel, reorganize with regular delay
I cannot tell you what's become of every single day

To calculate would take too long, the change of pace too much
And I've become immune to what is parallel to touch

See, I have learned their song by now, I've memorized the beat
Its rhythm pulses fervidly, intensifies the heat

The space is filled with every breath of those who write the notes
A call to those who cannot keep the music in their throats
Olga Valerevna Jun 2015
Enough with all the anger, enough with all the skin
I'm tired of the people that I've been letting in
This nothingness is lonely and more than I can take
I want to be remembered as nobody's mistake
To sing at every silence and hum at every word
Put all of it in poems that everybody's heard
I'd like to sit in thicket and let it swallow roots
That flourish into gardens and harvest many fruits
Without the fear of waiting or wanting to escape
Release the sense of longing for somebody someday
The thought of it is simple and easy on the eyes
A mess of little secrets I've come to recognize
all a shambles
Olga Valerevna Dec 2012
A dull pencil always reminds me to sharpen my intuition.
Olga Valerevna Feb 2013
Close your eyes and come to me,
finish my soliloquy
with silence.
Olga Valerevna Dec 2013
I don't know what the numbers mean, they float inside my head
I count them in between the ticks I try to put to bed
And if there's any logic left you will not find it here
Considering the apathy has made itself unclear

Or can you force the senses to appease another thought
To find a new beginning where you've tied a tighter knot
Suppose interdependency be vaguely unaware
Of any past security you swore was ever there

The case for explanations then, may need to be adjourned
In retrospect, the evidence has already been burned
So if you'd like to sup the ash, then turn it into bread
The stove is set, the fire hot, the recipe - regret
Olga Valerevna Jun 2015
what is fairness in the eyes of those who never see
a life outside of here and there where everything just bleeds
it's in the roots and fills the veins with water lacking air
and breaths are shortened all the more until there's nothing there

if what we had was only this imagine what you'd do
so realize it's been this way for many people who
have told themselves the world exists to burn up what they have
the end is often yesterday tomorrow musn't last
for the people who truly live one day at a time because tomorrow may be worse, it may not come at all
Olga Valerevna Nov 2019
if you thought with your heart and felt with your mind
then would you go backward or forward in Time?
if Words had a pulse and a beat of Their Own
would you feel them moving inside of your bones?
if aches of the head became aches of the heart
then would you be able to handle the harm?

if there were an answer to all that you ask
then where would you feel it or know it at last?
on impulsive behavior.
“Итак, братия мои возлюбленные, всякий человек да будет скор на слышание, медлен на слова, медлен на гнев, ибо гнев человека не творит правды Божией. Посему, отложив всякую нечистоту и остаток злобы, в кротости примите насаждаемое слово, могущее спасти ваши души. Будьте же исполнители слова, а не слышатели только, обманывающие самих себя. Ибо, кто слушает слово и не исполняет, тот подобен человеку, рассматривающему природные черты лица своего в зеркале: он посмотрел на себя, отошел и тотчас забыл, каков он. Но кто вникнет в закон совершенный, закон свободы, и пребудет в нем, тот, будучи не слушателем забывчивым, но исполнителем дела, блажен будет в своем действии.”
‭‭Послание Иакова‬ ‭1:19-25
Olga Valerevna Aug 2013
people's minds become so thin that thinking causes pain
Subdued by every common thing consoling them insane
Transparency has found a way to take its toll on me
But I am here to welcome that which causes him to see
That I have woven far too much with strings that do not hold
And what I've caught inside of them is meant for letting go
The spider said he'd take me in and fed me my own mind
A web of lengthy subtleties diluted in my spine
I crawled upon them long enough to change the shape of days
Pretending to facilitate the others in their ways
But somewhere in this head of mine I tucked away your voice
The only sound that anymore can bring me to rejoice
The note, a key, in which I place the contents that remain
A map upon the lines I crossed but won't and can't
Olga Valerevna Sep 2013

As all the fury of the sun was put inside the moon
The sky was lit, a starry sight, a petrified maroon
And now the dark is like the light, the earth is spinning still
The people go in circles too, their sleepy heads to fill
And all the voices gather up as language is explained
The mystery that once had been is openly disdained
Familiar now and understood, the bitten tongue will bleed
The zealous cell in every drop is coming out of me
I put it back inside my mouth and fight to keep it closed
But there is no assailant here, I'm already exposed
The sun is night, the moon is day, confusion - rationale
And be there blood among the two, it spilleth all around

"furious as the sun, vibrant as the moon"
Olga Valerevna Aug 2020
your, “who I am,” is in your head
your day-to-day, your daily bread
your, “who I want and hope to be”
your, “here I am,” and, “this is me”

your, “who am I,” is in your blood
your cell-to-cell, your day en kah
your, “in my dreams I see what is”
your, “I believe in all of it”

you have a mind to know The Truth
and may it always humble you
you have a heart to feel again
and may it always give you strength
Olga Valerevna Aug 2021
I see You in colors that do not exist
In gardens and rivers and Time as it is
I see You in Spirit, in thoughts we collide
You lead me to moments that keep me alive

I see You in ways that I never knew how
And You carry the weight of all that is now
I see you in corners, in clouds, in the rain
Reflecting the aura gone out of my pain

I see You aglow in the parts of myself
That I have neglected or thought were unwell
I see You because I know You see me too
And being beside You, I know, is The Truth
in Love: “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬
Olga Valerevna Aug 2013
From corner to corner I'm holding the wall
I'm clenching my hands, I continue to stall
But where are the colors it once had sustained
They're probably lost, only shades have remained
And gone along with them are days at a time
The hours have shaken me out of mind
Yet somehow I stand in this body, awake
Without ever sleeping, I call it a grave
And corner to corner I've measured it all
I've buried my bones, here inside of this wall
title taken from City & Colour's, 'Body in a Box'
Olga Valerevna Sep 2012
you used to talk so pretty that i believed you
Olga Valerevna Oct 2015
I tied you upside me in a knot we can't undo
and patiently I wait for you beside the aging moon
through all of its eclipses and the phases we have seen
I find you in the daylight and the spaces in between
you're not as much aware of me as I would like to think
but when you talk in circles I will never let you sink
there's something in the water I was given long ago
that settles any longing we could ever care to know
I share what I was offered and accepted with my heart
the only thing I carry that will never fall apart
whatever has intruded is whatever we've allowed
a tangle with intentions to destroy us inside out
I am who we are.
Olga Valerevna Jan 2023
I rode the train to yesterday and saw what I would see
I wiped my eyes so many times, my tears came back to me
I watched myself befuddle every single thought I had
and woke up in a room where all the energy was sad

I caught the train again to seek its solace one last time
to fall apart completely in the gallows of my mind
I rectified conditions in the best way that I could
let alternating currents go directly where they should

and so

I’ll catch the train tomorrow, when my eyes are made anew
when everything inside of me is not so black and blue
my heart will have a beat and my whole soul will hear its sound
and it will be the music that I always carry now
Olga Valerevna Feb 2021
If I could begin to define you
I’d start with a parallel life
I’d put all my bones in a basket
And watch how you mold them to size

If I could explain what you’re doing
I’d use only words that you spoke
I’d lay them all out into lessons
That you would believe were a joke

If I could impart conversation
I’d use only Words you don’t know
In hopes that inside of you, somewhere
Their Light would implore you to glow
“А Я говорю вам: любите врагов ваших, благословляйте проклинающих вас, благотворите ненавидящим вас и молитесь за обижающих вас и гонящих вас, да будете сынами Отца вашего Небесного, ибо Он повелевает солнцу Своему восходить над злыми и добрыми и посылает дождь на праведных и неправедных.”
‭‭От Матфея‬ ‭5:44-45‬
Olga Valerevna Apr 2013
to take a swim

but keeping time

has sunken in
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