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683 · Aug 2022
one year from now
natalie Aug 2022
one year from now…
the thought of your hands grazing over my skin,
or the sound of your laughter after i tell a bad joke,
the way your eyes become so much smaller when you smile,
or the reminiscences of your cologne in my car,
the taste of your tounge as it brushes over mine,
it won’t make me ache,
because one year from now,
i won’t know the you that i so desperately want to have now.
291 · Apr 2020
natalie Apr 2020
i’m hungry
but the numbers on the scale from this morning tell me otherwise
and i’m hungry
but the way my stomach doesn’t lay flat
against my body says diversely
i’m hungry
but i want to feel the bones sticking out of me
i want to feel how sick i am

now i’ve given in
it holds control over everything i do
the way i drag my feet
the things that slowly come out of my mouth
the thoughts that encourage the purple tone in my skin
and the bags under my eyes

i’m hungry
but the hunger to starve, is much stronger
and the hunger to binge, is heavier than the rest
natalie Jul 2020
the newspaper and i have something in common

overtime, we are forgotten about
overtime, we begin to decay
overtime, the sun beats down on us
overtime, we are torn apart piece by piece
overtime, there will be nothing left.
inspired by the newspaper that has been sitting in my neighbor’s driveway for over 2 months lol.
215 · Apr 2020
What I Need From Quarantine
natalie Apr 2020
The Pills
I take for my Head
I take for my thoughts
I take for my feelings
begin to look

Unlike the people
they accept me,
they want me,
they need me.
They haze my mind
making me uncontrollable
but oddly comfortable.

I’ve never been so high
not high enough to see the stars
or high enough to quit.
But i want to...
Not Quit.

I want to see the stars.
I want the world around me to go dim
stay there even.
And I want things to stop.
I want to be alone.
194 · Jun 2020
natalie Jun 2020
whisper in my neck
wrap your arms around me
tell me you love me
182 · Mar 2019
natalie Mar 2019
it’s ***** when every time someone gets near you,
you flinch,
and when people ask why you have to lie,
and when your at your lowest point
there’s no one to go home to
no one to talk to
because everyone you once loved
broke you
and everyone you once talked to
lied to you.
everything that has ever happened to you,
affected you
changed the way you think
changed the way you act
changed the way you felt when other come near you,
so every time someone gets near me i flinch,
i repeat and remember,
i remind myself that not everyone has the soft hands of an angel
just trying to help me out.
159 · May 2019
natalie May 2019
i know one day i’ll be okay again.
one day i will be able to get through it.
one day i will stop having these thoughts.
one day i will see how beautiful the sunset is again,
instead of thinking how terrible it is that i have to go through this same pain over again tomorrow.
one day i know i will be happy again.
but for now,
i’m just not okay.
146 · Jun 2020
confessions and fears...
natalie Jun 2020
if i take this pill
will my life be over?
because it seems like it already is.

if i take this pill
will all of my problems
wash away?
will they fall down the drain as fast as i fell for you?

if i take this pill
will your face disappear?
because every time i shut my eyes
you haunt me.

if i take this pill can you promise me i won’t ever be alone again?
140 · Apr 2020
natalie Apr 2020
i hate
how effortlessly
words come out of your mouth.
and i hate
how the sound of your voice
could soothe a stadium of 30,000 people.
i hate
that your laugh
sends chills down my spine.
and i hate
that your touch
is only a few streets away,
but forbidden by the government.
132 · Jul 2020
natalie Jul 2020
everyone’s finally going to sleep
but were waking up
watching the sky change colors
feeling the air become warmer
hearing the birds chatting

how could you sleep?
122 · Apr 2020
What Was Once Normal
natalie Apr 2020
Wrapped in a blanket of cold,
a reaction that happened overnight,
and one that would disappear soon enough.

Once the sun warms the earth,
and the cars start running,
the birds start to chirp,
and the city wakes up again,
the blanket will disappear.

But once the sun sets again,
the animals scurry back into the forest,
the city goes dim,
and the silence takes control,
all of the plants will be wrapped in a blanket of cold.
Once again
107 · Mar 2020
natalie Mar 2020
even though
you’re no longer lying beside me
face smooshed into the pillow
hiding under blankets
from the cold air outside
and even though
you’re not here to make fun of
the acting in this movie
or the taste of the popcorn
that i once again burnt
and even though
you’re not with me to save me
from the fire lit inside
and make me laugh until i’m
begging for air
i’m still sitting in this room
and heart
listening to the cars on the highway
reminding me of the
you’ve left me with

— The End —