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378 · Dec 2019
Naseeha Ansari Dec 2019
Somethings we all have in common
Is a fear of troubles.
A baby to an adult, they fear
An eerily quiet thing called troubles

They run away from them
Laughing at the corner are troubles
They get scared easily of
An eerily quiet thing called troubles

They don’t want to face
Such a delicate thing called troubles
They just think it’s a faze
An eerily quiet thing called troubles

They feel the need to be unsolved
Because they are being chased by troubles
They don’t want to be living
An eerily quiet thing called troubles

It is time they face
Their own troubles
It is time they make amends with
An eerily quiet thing called troubles

They need to stand and be brave
And let loose of their troubles
They need to be shaking hands with
An eerily quiet thing called troubles

They can do it, I might say
As it is not a troubled thing, which is troubles
They can let go of them
An eerily quiet thing called troubles
I would like to dedicate this poem to those people who like to run away from their problems way too much....
310 · Dec 2019
Oh Human...
Naseeha Ansari Dec 2019
Oh human what have you done?
You couldn’t stop with your selfish act!
This is where you wanted it all come,
So you’ve set a foot on that devilish path!

Oh human why have you become like this?
With all this hate in you, you’re foreign.
Remember that this is gonna take a turn,
This will come back to you for real!

Oh human, did you think of this once?
You are gonna take this all alone
With no one to pity on you or save,
You are to take what you deserve all along.

Oh human, why do you hate so much?
With a heart in you there to love,
To cherish every moment you live,
You ignore all the best stuff.

Oh human, why don’t you learn?
There is so much good in this world
This place is a heaven on Earth,
And you can be an angel of your own.

Oh human, can’t you change?
For this world lacks of love,
You don’t need to be so cruel, for you can let go of it.
You just need to remember how it feels to be loved.

Oh human, be the human you can be.
You can change for the better good
Bring back the humanity in you,
And you’ll be the highest anyone has stood.
All I want to say about this poem is.... it is from a human, to a human, about a human.
288 · Jan 2020
The Next Ten Years
Naseeha Ansari Jan 2020
A decade starts, leaving the previous one behind,
The whole world celebrates.
And the history’s put to rewind.
For the next ten years.

With so much lived in the past
And so much to live in the coming ones
I hope I don’t find myself aghast
Of the next ten years.

It’s definitely a long journey
And I’m ready to take off
To take up a different sojourn
In the next ten years.

Lives will be changed
And a turn will be taken
Leading to something strange
Up the next ten years.

Many new goals will be set
And people will thrive
And will do anything to get.
In those ten years.

All I am stuck thinking
Is how much I will change
Leaving my old self behind lurking
Through the next ten years.
I think this poem is self explanatory, yeah!
281 · Mar 2020
You tell me...
Naseeha Ansari Mar 2020
You tell me that there is no way out
Before walking out the door
And I stand there; frozen
Slowly breaking down to the core.

You tell me everything’s said and done
And go quite for a lifetime
I sit there listening to the silence
Speaking thousand of words of crime

You tell me there is nothing left to look at
And you close your eyes
And I gaze around in the water
Slowly watching it turn into ice

I believe in everything that leaves your lips
Blinded by the darkness of the night
Because there is nothing else left to do
There is nothing left to fight.

The battlefield of our hearts empty now
Craving for just a little bit of mercy
The blood splattered around; stinking
Because we have no one clean the wounds.
I have no idea why I wrote this. But I did. And I like it. How do you like it?
262 · Dec 2019
Oh, where are we?
Naseeha Ansari Dec 2019
It is hard to find a light
A moth drawn to the flame
Because we have lost something special
Oh, where are we?

It is hard to understand
How life has changed
We’ve lost our old selves
Oh, where are we?

Why is there a human
Standing all alone, in the dark?
Is it because he can’t find the light?
Oh, where are we?

Why is there a human
Crying from his soul?
Is it because he can’t find himself?
Oh, where are we?

Why is there a human
Trying to pull apart from the dark?
Is it because the dark is blinding?
Oh, where are we?

Maybe that human is us
And we can’t find something missing
We have lost someone long the way, ourselves...
Oh, where are we?
I have written this poem with the thought of getting ourselves lost and then trying to find ourselves but being unable to. My intention was to never point this on to anyone. Not even myself. It is to all the people who are feeling like this with me.
Naseeha Ansari Mar 2020
It is so obvious
That it is hard to find
A piece of art
Lying around in the dark. Divine.

The colours spread over the canvas
In a matter of laziness
Yet, it tell us a whole story to listen
That it is almost a disgrace.

Frenzied minds trying to decipher
The meaning behind that creation
Yet, being unable to do so
Because no one knows what are the artist’s intentions.

Maybe it is pain
Maybe it is grief
Maybe it is something he wants to hide
Or just something to relief.

It is there, full of colours
Yet, it seems so lifeless
As if it is trying to tell you something
But it has become riot-less.

I am still trying to understand
What the strokes show to the world
Is it a little show of the love he had once
Or the hate filled gut?

I will never find out what he was trying to say
Because it is too beyond my mind
But for the rest of my life
I have a goal to accomplish. An emotion to find....
I have a feeling I wrote this song about an art piece that I once saw. But I couldn’t ever forget it.
184 · Jan 2020
The Beauty Within...
Naseeha Ansari Jan 2020
People run behind beauty
Wanting the perfect face
And that perfect smile
It feels like there’s this invisible race.

People starve to be up to the standards
Set by those beauty gurus
‘A little bit of hunger’s okay, right?’
They ask, abide by those awful rules.

What they don’t realise is
That this beauty goes beyond eyes
To the mind and to the heart
Reaching way below the ice.

They don’t realise that they’re
Beautiful just the way they are
And they don’t need to change
And remain the way they already are.

This outer beauty is just a cover
To who the real them there is
Beneath all the fake stuff
They hold the real beauty there is.

Can I be a mirror
To their inner ‘you’?
Do they need a helper
To find a way through?

It’s time that they finally realise
That there is a different rhythm.
There is something much more
Beautiful. It’s the beauty within.
This poem is for those people who need to realise that their inner beauty is the most important.....
157 · Dec 2019
Hearts and Souls...
Naseeha Ansari Dec 2019
Where have we lost humanity
Along the way to the present?
Why is there so much insanity
That we don’t even resent?

Why have people become so rude
To their own kind?
Why is there always a rude
Remark that people tend to find?

People just stand and watch
A person just wanting to be helped.
They’ve lost their hearts, their humanity.
And they’re so fazed that the guilt can’t even be felt.

We didn’t used to be like this!
This is not why our mother gave birth to us.
We were here to spread love and kindness
Instead, we decide to make a greater fuss.

I don’t want for people to hate
Each other enough to ****
Treat People With Kindness, I’ll chant
And I’ll hope for all this to be stilled.

This is where we’ve come to stand
In a time so advanced
That we forget where we belong.
It has got us all in a trance.

I think the hearts have taken themselves to stones,
Not wanting to change, not wanting to turn gold.
This is the end of humanity in hearts,
That once God wanted to be for love and souls.
It’s all about humans losing humanity, I guess....
151 · Feb 2020
Something called ‘Love’
Naseeha Ansari Feb 2020
Come, I’ll show you
Something beyond the aspects of sight
Something that I’ve myself never seen before
Something to cherish and makes you want to be alive.

I have never been there
But I know that it is beauty in disguise
That needs to be cleared
Of the dust and kept safe in a quite paradise.

I don’t know what it looks like
But I know it is of the finest forms
Something whiter than snow,
Something kept in a secret dorm.

I haven’t felt it before
But I know it is softer than feathers
Something that is clear with no flaw
Something that is far away from haters.

I haven’t heard it before
But I know it has a sweet rhythm
Something that touches hearts in moments
Something that makes souls sense freedom.

I know what to call it
For it consists of letters known
But the meaning behind them
Is rather way more unknown.
I sweetly call it ‘love’.
Something left to be grown.
This poem is about love. This word is way beyond the aspects of life, and it is enthralled with beauty. This is what makes me write this....
123 · Jan 2020
A Good Surprise...
Naseeha Ansari Jan 2020
I want to be the one with wings
I’ll fly higher than the dreams can take!
But there is something that stinks;
Those dreams can really shatter and break.

I want to be the one with smiles.
I’ll make the world light up and great!
But even the smiles, though they reach miles,
Can be also a mask, can also be fake.

I want to be the one with gifts.
Those sad people? Happier I’ll make!
But wrapped up in the golden glitz,
Are also things which brings lives at stake.

I want to be the one with reality.
Then I’ll always be real and not one to get hate!
But the sad truth not all are aware of,
Reality can also be as hurtful as wrong doings of fate.

After all I wish
I’ve come to realise
That there isn’t anything in the world,
That is always a good surprise...

— The End —