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mumu Jul 2018
There is always a reason to smile
Just step back for a while
Close eyes, breathe deep
No worries to keep

Breathe in, think.
The baby in the neighbor that wink
Breathe out, laugh
Remember a big smile of giraffe

Don't hesitate to grin
Play your favorite song, and sing
It's okay to make face
Give everyone a warm embrace

And when you walk in the aisle
Share to everyone your smile
Be their source of happiness
When everything gets so mess
Apparently, I started to my first job, and working gives you different emotions every day that sometimes to much to handle for you. But I realized, whatever situation you are caught up, there is always a reason smile, even the smallest things can be a reason to smile and of course, you, yourself must also be a source of happiness. :)
Anyways, I feel that I am late. AGAIN
mumu Apr 2018
The Rules of Woman
These should be done with all of your heart
And do not forget
Should not
Do the work of men
You are allowed to
Be stuck, not to
Polo, pants and T-shirt,
Crop tops, shorts, sleeveless
But, wear your pride with
Blouse, dress and skirt
I know it's perfect
It defines you
Be vocal
Shows no respect
Be educated, do not
Cuss, nor swear
You can
Only boy, do
Not just
Try to kiss a girl
And you will be have a happy life
This is the rules of Woman.
P.S. Don't forget to read it backwards. :)

All woman have their right to do what they want. So, you girl reading this, step up and be proud! You have your hand, you have your heart, you have your life so used it and live the way you wanted to be. ❤
mumu Jun 2018
She woke up from a nightmare
A strange Prince was toung tying his lips to her
She never wanted to be engaged
So she poisoned the king and killed everybody at her young age
When the poor Prince arrived to save her
She throws some gas and put him on fire!
She says "Prince are not my interest,"
"I just want to sleep and have a beauty rest"
mumu Jun 2018
If the universe is fair
There will always be a happy pair

Love will be back to you
When you love him too

You will live with your dream
Live it with no pain and scream

Everyday you are happy
Your cup is always full of tea

No one will have a sad face
Looking for happinesa like a race

If the universe is fair
No one will risk and dare

This world will be a monochrome
Ugly like an old gnome

The universe may not be fair
But at least you learned to care
Ever since, it is a question to me why we can't have everything we want eventhough we show effort still we can't have it, while some get it so easy. But if we get things so easily, I think this world is so boring, no thrill  and not exciting.
mumu Apr 2020
This is world

In the eye of no one
In the eye of 22

Kindness is selective
If I benefit more from you
I'll lend a hand

Children are matured
Adults have tantrums
Both get hurt
With stupid words

I bow not to respect
I bow to check
My phone vibrates
Then rang twice
***? Cool!

She loves him
She loves her
He loves him
This is love

The world is not dark
More than I thought
It's a colorful rainbow

It is not good
It is not bad

This is world
mumu Dec 2017
This is who you are.
No. You are not.
You are Ugly.
To be specific
You are a girl full of insecurities.
You are a girl full of envy in veins—
Yes. You are.
Are you Self worth?
Are you Confident?
You are not.
Are you the girl who always compare herself to others?
Are you the girl who cannot standout?
Are you the girl who cannot make her own light?
Yes you are.
Are you loved?
You are not wanted.
(Don't forget to read it backward :))

This new year, let us have a new perspective about your self. You are beautiful. Please remember that.
mumu Oct 2020
have you killed yourself
in your mind
for once
is it normal?
or maybe isn't
i killed myself
at the exact time
i hang myself
at the same place of this house
in my mind
to make me sleep
to fall asleep
it's not normal
wishing you be safe, always
mumu Jun 2018
Beautiful and transparent
Lightweight and floating
Pops to make everyone happy
I envy bubbles

I wanted to become a bubble
Showing off transparently
Telling myself I'm pretty
Without judgement from anybody

I wanted to become a bubble
Flying so freely
Going up up up, highly
Makes people so bubbly

I wanted to become a bubble
When the pressure is on me
I will burst, quietly
Leaving my space lovely and empty

I wanted to become a bubble
I'm scared to be a bubble
Have you ever see yourself as a bubble. Because most of tht time, I see myself as a bubble.
Living and floating freely then,you will POP! because the pressure on you was too much to handle. You will disappear,  leaving your space so empty. But, people around you will not cry because you are a bubble after all, when you POP! You make everyone happy.
mumu Jul 2018
Today will be my day!
Everything will be okay
I will not astray
I will make my way
Anxiety will breakaway
Only happiness will stay
This will be my headway
My life will never be a cliché
I'll live my life until I decay
Say hooray! Today is the start of my first job. Though I'm starting as a trainee, I'm excited with a little bit of anxiousness but hey, ite still my first job so let's celebrate! To people outvthee, remember, every day is your day so heads up and smile. :)
mumu Nov 2021
I am too happy
        to write a poem,
Words can't describe my feelings

I am too busy
         to write a poem,
Crumpled paper on the floor

I am too sad
         to write a poem,
My mind is not here

I am unmotivated
        to write a poem,
I need motivation

I have too many excuses
          why I cannot write anymore,
but I want to, i just cant
hello there! i missed you all. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that u are having a great day
mumu Dec 2017
"Click!" the door says.
As I open it, our eyes met.
Is this "Love at first sight" what I felt
Or it is just the cold wind that makes my skin shiver?
I walk fast to the blue you--
Eyes full of emotion, skin so soft
Nose that cringe and lips can I kiss-- kiss?
Alas! Is this love?

Time's hands run so fast.
3 years and I'm still mesmerized--
Your presence makes my stomach ache,
Your looks always makes me melt,
Your voice, Oh! my favorite sound.
Tell me, do you ever felt that to me too?
Written 2 years ago. The first time I fell in love to someone who can't love me back
mumu Dec 2018
To whoever reading this
May your heart be at peace
Even you woke up late this morning
Even you got stuck in traffic
Even in work you got tardy
Even your work filled up
Even your stomach almost empty
Even your task is not done
Even you feel you are not enough
You are Enough
And your heart needs to be happy
Because today,
You have done enough.
Hey lovely, smile because you are ENOUGH! :)
mumu Oct 2023
Sometimes you asks
"What's the universe plan?"
You wonder,
People around you move forward,
Then, you are here —
Still here
Stuck from the beginning
Time passes,
But still in the beginning.
You did your best
But then you ask
"Did you really do your best?"

People say "Calm—
You are where you are right now
Everything are according to life's plan"
I hope I can choose my place.
I hope I can choose the battle I can fight.
I hope that life didn't choose me for this.
I am doing my best to follow the life's plan.
Or maybe I am not
It's been a while. :) I was busy doing everything for a kidney transplant while undergoing a dialysis treatment. But life *****, my donor is not qualified to donate so I'm stuck and helpless.
mumu Dec 2017
As I lay my back
Under the beautiful night sky,
I always see your face.
Your eyes like black hole,
Smile close to crescent moon.
The light face like sun.
You have eight moles, right?
Three aligned under left eye
One under your crooked nose
Above your right arching eyebrow
Another near your deep dimple
Lastly, inside your right eye.
Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars. Jupiter.
Saturn. Neptune. Uranus. Don't forget,
Pluto is in your jaw.
I know it's funny, isn't?
That I see the universe.
Everytime I glance to you,
I want to cup and
Hold your face of galaxy.
But please, always remember this—
You're not my Milky Way
More than that, you are
My green mountain of trees,
My floating dandelion in summer,
My calming sounds of rain—
You are not just Universe,
You're my love, my Home.
I really love the universe and in it that is why it is always part of my every writings.
mumu Jun 2018
I'm wearing a black see-through dress
I looked in the mirror, I thought I will see myself
Brown skin
Short legs
Fat bellies
My insecurities
But I know this is not me, I know
I take a knife and peel myself
I started to my ring finger
Skin stretched to my elbow
I'm not crying
I'm hurting
Blood's dripping
Tears are not falling
I thought I have a fresh red flesh
But it is black
Blacker than black
And I'm laughing
Because this is me, the real me.
How did this happened?
Maybe I breathe the air I thought that was air
Or drink the water I thought that was water
Or eat the food I thought was food
Or maybe..
I was rottening in hell. Alive.
But this is me. The real me
And my skin covers more than what I know
And my dress cover more than my insecurities
And myself covers myself
I will not wear my see-through dress again
mumu Jun 2018
It is the brightest moon
That makes me remember your smile
A smile that lights up my dark night
As I see your smile,
I see myself
Myself with you forever.
I hate cringey poems. Poems that talk too much about love and affection is not my forte and not fan of it and yet, I really made one?!I still don't know how did I wrote this 3 years ago. I didn't even remember who I am talking with this. Hey self, who's guy did you fling for this cringey poem? Lols. :P
mumu Feb 2018
Her touch makes me warm.
I came back from the coldest fight,
She rub her hand and heat me up.
Told me I deserved to rest but not to quit.

Her words makes me cry.
Every day she shout the bad ones,
But she never fails to whisper the goods.
"I'm always here for you" she mumbles.

Her love hurts me.
She deserved one hundred percent affection,
But I gave her zero attention.
"Take care" she always say.

"I love you, Mama"
Why I can't say these words to you?
Love you always, Ma. ♡♡♡
mumu Feb 2019
I like how we became
As stranger, as a friend, as a lover

I like how you speak
    You make me smile, you make me laugh
Are you catching my attention?

I like those late night walks
    And those non sense talks
Slow down your pacing, or this trip will end

I like how the back of our hands touches
    Without knowing, it intertwined
It looks so cute together

I like those warm hugs and head kisses
    It feels like home
A lovely home

I like you
    The way I like the moon and stars
May we make this last.
You are my best decision. No regrets. I love us. ❤
mumu Jan 2019
Never hesitate
When the back of our hands touches
Do you feel the urges?
Hold my hand
Hold me tight
Don't let go
Never let go
mumu Jun 2018
They call us "Millennials"
The internet dwellers
Post and make your status
Hey! Have you read the rumor in campus?
We live with these app
Faking ourselves and crap
Sharing your pictures so happy
Though your mind are so ******
We know it by every "Liked"
I want to be her by every "Share"
Why I can't be her in every "Love"
This is what we suffer
Millenial Fever
A post can overwhelmed our feelings
Living scratch into us until evening
"What's on your mind?"
"What's happening?"
This is our struggle
To be me but also not me
Welcome to our generation
We are Millennials
Disclaimer: "Millennial Fever" is a term I come up with on how Anxiety and Depression became so common in this generation. With every post we read in our social media accounts can overwhelmed our feelings and trigger our emotions. I'm not saying that "Fever" and "Anxiety and Depression" has the same level of illness and treatment, the commonality is what I'm talking about. But, if you still feel that it is inappropriate or the whole poem, please tell me and I can delete this. Thank you. :)
mumu May 2018
"What do you want?"
It keeps on repeating
Like the old vinyl I bought yesterday
Enter the University for my parents
Took this course based on my friends
Choose this path 'cause someone says
Did I really want this life
Life like a zombie
Fed by others brain
"What do you want?"
I have the answers in my hand
To write is what makes me happy
To understand you
That's what I really wanted to do
"What do you want?"
Am I late to tell
It makes me sad that it took four years before I finally realized what I really wanted to do in my life and surprise, I'm done with college. And what more awful, reality hits me when this question was asked to me "How about you, what do you want?". I thought, this path and decisions I choose is what I want because I make people around me happy but, it doesn't makes me happy at all. This is not what I want and I wish I really could turn back and pick my decision again. :(
mumu May 2018
What's your worth?
You're just another mouth of the family
Another waste of the society
Another consumer of the planet
Just a dust in this universe
Know your worth
Just like stars that made this universe
They are dust
They shine
So you are
The consumer that makes
Every space so lovely
The waste that leaves hope
The mouth that makes
Everyone happy
You have worth.
Aside from being anxious this past few days, I feel worthless too. But, I know I am not and so you are. I/We don't need to rush what is our purpose and worth. Let's take our time until we found out our true value <3
mumu Jun 2022
Words are just words,
Letters combined together
To give meaning into something
Words are just words,
It shouldn't weigh you
But, words can linger and haunt you
Just like the day i learned the word "dialysis"
February 6, 2022; 10:49PM
It doesn't bother, a fun word in tongue
Until I googled it —
Felt its weight,
It's overwhelming.
Since then, I am crying.
If words are just  words,
Why this word aches me so much?
If the word doesn't exist,
Will I suffer from this?
It's okay. Everything is gonna be okay

— The End —