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Narukami no sukoshi toyomite
     (A faint clap of thunder)
sashi kumori
     (Clouded skies)
Ame mo furanu ka?
     (Perhaps rain comes)
Kimi wo todomemu
     (If so, will you stay here with me?)

Narukami no sukoshi toyomite
     (A faint clap of thunder)
furazu to mo
     (Even if rain comes not)
warewa tomaramu
     (I will stay here)
imoshi todomeba*
     (Together with you)
here's a tanka which i got from the japanese animated movie, Kotohana no Niwa (The Garden of Words). I just love the question and response written in the text.
Where was your sense of compunction
as you held your stony faced head high?
What kind of messed up malfunction
gave you the right to let that man die?
for BLT's word of the day challenge , the word is "compunction" . my poem aimed at Derek Chauvin.
I can feel you
but not as I once did
Absent is
the intertwining passionate
euphoria of two
minds, bodies, souls,
in energy, in ecstasy

I sense you withdrawing
piece by piece
Your essence, your brilliance
growing dimmer
I struggle to hold you
grasping wildly
for any shred
I can catch, and feel, and hold close

Conversations and innuendos persist
but in them lies a hollowness
A new space between us
our depth moving upward to the surface

I watch you fade from me
You no longer call me by my deity
Once so attuned
Words rendered unnecessary for understanding

But now
I beg for some connection
and don’t even receive a reply
Power is in the eye of the beholder it is a state of mind
Power over another human being is not right that's a form of slavery
Power should never be mistreated or misused
Power is not a birthright
Power is not defined as where you were born or how much money you have
Millions of people banded together for a mutual purpose now that is true power
Peace and freedom is worth fighting for
The people have the power to stand up to corruption and stand together for our human rights we are one people we are not nationalities we are not races we are all one people human beings we are all born equally and should not be judged by how much money you have or the color of your skin
Power is in the masses not with the few
Thank you for listening I wrote this based on the death of George police brutally is not ok
 May 2020 Splashes of Surreal
I'm the warm cup of coffee
he drinks every morning,
but today he's forgotten me

I've been waiting for his
mouth to swallow me all day,
and I'm losing my warmth with
each time he forgets to drink me

After months,
his tongue longed for my sweet taste,
but now I'm cold, bitter, and sour
I’m angry and hurt.
 May 2020 Splashes of Surreal
I wear a sweater no
matter the weather

It keeps me warm
and hides my shame

Sometimes I forget
what my arms look like,
but every time I try to look

I see only the scars that has
slowly healed but never faded,
and I am reminded of my pain

And so I wear a sweater no
matter how hot the weather
I haven’t written anything in a month, I have lost my inspiration with all this chaos happening in the world. But today I write and hope my voice will be heard.  Stay safe everyone.
How can I not feel lost,
When the world is new and no one talks,
Or listens to what I say,
Where do I go when no one accepts,
Not even me!
Where do I fly,
When my wings are cut,
When I have succumbed
to my own vulnerability.
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