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gabrielle Mar 2019
the people
who stands after me
that falls beneath of who i am
whom accepted my being

the wise ones
who taught me
that brings the best of me
whom shared time in loving me

for who i am;
in goodness and the worst
them who acknowledge
to what i am and to what i do

the advocates who i am thankful for.
@moots, @noeowu & @cami

thank you
  Mar 2019 gabrielle
Where emotions cant be seen there is always the poetry
  Mar 2019 gabrielle
Paint me a picture
Of your skin
Does it bronze beneath the sun?
Or sizzle and blush
Like your cheeks
When you’re in love?
Is it soft to the touch
Like when your palms graze
The smooth surface of water?
Or rough around the edges
Like your favorite book
And its lovingly worn corners?
Does it melt in the heat
Like sweet syrupy treats
Dripping through your fingers?
Or does it welcome the winter
With wide open arms
As if greeting a lover?
Paint me a picture
Of your skin
  Mar 2019 gabrielle
Em MacKenzie
I want to be a scientist,
maybe a chemist,
so I can dissect every molecule
and atom of your structure
to prove to the world
that perfection and magic
does exist.
Gonna try something new here.
gabrielle Mar 2019
t h i n k   t h r o u g h   v i v i d
g l a s s e s
a l t h o u g h   i t   b r e a k s
a n d   s h a t t e r
i t   i s   c l e a r   w i t h o u t
a n y   w h e t h e r
fact 7 - i am still a frustrated poet
gabrielle Mar 2019
for eternity

so be it,
let the wind pass through.
for my eyes.
be still with,
let them envy your blues.
My love,
With the chapters of life.
With the beauty of words.

Leaves are you.
Leaves are needed.
Leaves that fall.
Not with me.

Leaves are you.
Leaves are being read.
Leaves that are loved.
Not so me.
gabrielle Mar 2019
t o m o r r o w   i t   i s
i   w a n t   t o   d o   s o m e t h i n g
b u t   i   s h o u l d n ' t

w h a t e v e r   h a p p e n s
k e e p   t h e   s t o r y   a l i v e .
k e e p   t h e   l e g e n d
w i t h i n   y o u r   h e a r t
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