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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
God created Hell and Heaven                                                                                  For bad people and good people ...                                                                             Inevitably evildoers will reside in                                                                                Hell depending on what they do and                                                                         Good-doers will reside in Heaven                                                                                     For ever and ever ...                                                                                                        The Al-Mighty God is always Great and                                                                     Fair in creating things ...                                                                                                He wants His creatures to be just and right,but                                                         Some creatures prefer the bad side ...                                                                        Hell is a suitable place for evil-doers and                                                               Heaven is a pretty place for good-doers too ...                                                       We ,as creatures,always have choices,so                                                                   Why do we go into the wrong side ?!
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
We are here and                                                                                                      They are there ...                                                                                                      They are there and                                                                                                    We are here ...                                                                                                           They left for good and for bad                                                                                 Towards the western countries or                                                                             Any countries looking for safer havens for                                                               Themselves and for their kids ...                                                                                  They are still our brothers and                                                                                  Our sisters ...                                                                                                           We don't see them anymore and                                                                         They don't see us at all ...                                                                                       We love them in truth and                                                                                     They love in truth ,but                                                                                         We don't see them anymore and                                                                         They miss us all the time ...                                                                                   Our sisters and our brothers left                                                                              Everything behind them including their memories ...                                       They have resided in different countries                                                               Simply because they have lost hope in the whole world ...                                 They emigrated into new worlds ,but                                                                   Out of their choice ...                                                                                              We don't know if they will be back                                                                       One day to their homeland ...                                                                               Nobody knows simply because                                                                              There is an ongoing war that                                                                                 Separates everyone ...                                                                                             Who knows one day they might                                                                          Come back to their lovely houses                                                                          To spend the rest of their life                                                                                 With their loved ones !?                                                                                           Who knows !?                                                                                                        ___
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
يعيش الغني دوما في برجه العاجى                                                                                        بعيدا عن الفقر و الفقراء ...                                                                                                 يحلم الفقير بأن يصبح غنيا                                                                                                في يوم ما                                                                                                                       و بعض الفقراء مليئون بالحسد                                                                                              من الاغنياء ...                                                                                                                 للغنى سلبيات و ايجابيات                                                                                                    و كذلك للفقر سلبياته و ايجابياته ...                                                                                        التخمة مرض الاغنياء و السكري                                                                                          و الفقير يعاني من نقص التغذية ...                                                                                                           للغنى احلام و للفقر احلام                                                                                               الغني يعيش في عالمه العاجي و                                                                                        الفقير يعيش في عالمه السفلي ...                                                                                       ظلم الحياة هو الذي يؤدي للفقير                                                                                        و لا يولد الانسان فقيرا                                                                                                   بل هناك عوامل كثيرة تؤدي للفقير ....                                                                              الفقير يحتاج فقط للأنصاف ...                                                                                          يحتاج الغني للنزول و لو للحظة من برجه العاجي .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Different people at work and                                                                                Different moods too ...                                                                                           Employees are different from                                                                               Their employees anytime ...                                                                                  Customers are different in                                                                                     Their attitudes ...                                                                                                     Salesmen or vendors are pushing                                                                        For their stuffs to be sold ...                                                                                   Delivery drivers are those go                                                                            In-between anytime ...                                                                                       All factors work together                                                                                  Including the climate itself ...                                                                           Shoplifters and thieves are                                                                               That part of life ...                                                                                               There are many things that                                                                               At work .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Although I'm with people                                                                                     Around me ,but                                                                                                       I always feel lonely                                                                                                With everyone and with everything ...                                                                I love all people without any exceptions,but                                                      I always heading for that lone life ...                                                                    I am with people,but                                                                                              I think I prefer to be alone                                                                                     For some time ...                                                                                                     I love people ,but                                                                                                  Some people always toil me ...                                                                         I feel alone although                                                                                           I am surrounded with our world ....                                                                I am besieged by some other people's                                                             Influence in many directions ...                                                                        I am alone in this world ...                                                                                I am with people ,but                                                                                         I feel completely that                                                                                          I'm greatly alone .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
It's better anytime                                                                                                   To be with people,but                                                                                            Not at all times                                                                                                        Simply because one needs                                                                                     To take one's soul into                                                                                            Its hideout anytime ...                                                                                            One thinks that he can stay                                                                                   With people hand in hand ,but                                                                             One discovers things go the opposite direction ...                                                 To be alone means                                                                                              To be with oneself for some time                                                                     Away from people                                                                                            For certain reasons ...                                                                                         Calmness and loneliness are pretty words                                                     When other life's term                                                                                       Shut down anytime ...                                                                                        People are so difficult in bringing someone down,so                                   One greatly looks for loneliness                                                                       As a pretty way towards sublimity ...                                                              That's the lone life that one                                                                               Looks for as a haven...                                                                                      Loneliness searches for lone people to have them                                        Under its armpit .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Those great men sacrificed their blood together with                                             Their souls for their homeland ...                                                              ­                They are the greatest people on earth                                                            ­          Simply because they gave their blood with                                                             Their souls to the land they loved in truth ...                                                            Th­ey are called martyrs and                                                              ­                        That name suits their situation ...                                                              ­                 Their blood will not go in vain                                                             ­                       Simply because heaven will be their wonderful house ...                                         On earth their sacrifices will not be forgotten                                                     Simply because we will be loving them for ever and ever ...                                  ________­__________
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