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Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
If life goes smoothly and wonderfully ,then                                                           Then I have to be happy ,but                                                                                  Not at all ...                                                                                                                We all love our works and our jobs ,but                                                                Nothing goes perfect                                                                                               Simply because there are some people who                                                           Go fishing in the muddy water ...                                                                           Nothing remains great anytime                                                                               Simply because there are some who look for troubles                                           At work anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                    There is that ugly harassment that arises only from                                         Those who look for troubles for any reasons ...                                                   Life goes badly with that ugly harassment                                                         Simply because things will go bad ...                                                                   If the employers or if the managers keep silent ,then                                        Everyone and everything will turn up-side-down ...                                          It's very important to be one team rather than                                                  To corner oneself into those troubles                                                                     With that ugly harassment ...                                                                             There are a lot of employees who suffer                                                              Without finding any solution ...                                                                             That ugly harassment never brings people ,but                                                It cracks all people's relationships                                                                         For all reasons whatsoever ...                                                                                There is a pretty formula that links employees                                                  To all employers to fix any problem anytime                                                    Before it's over ...                                                                                                    ___________________­__
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Uneven and ugly roads lead                                                                                 To that endless tunnel of darkness                                                                      That starts in my dream and it ends                                                                    In my horrible and ugly nightmares ...                                                                That lone Rock of Suicide is located on                                                              Near that endless road ...                                                                                       I don't see any people on either sides                                                                  Of that unusual and unfamiliar road ...                                                               I walk alone towards a dreamy world                                                                 Where only I meet only those who passed away a long time ago ...                                                   I cross through mountains and through                                                         Deep valleys where the dead people stand                                                  Outside their tombs waiting for something ....                                              There are no real people anywhere over there                                              Simply because all people passed away ...                                                     That long trip leads me into the unknown and                                             I find myself inside that long tunnel of darkness                                          Alone , but not scared or someone to scare me ...                                         Everything becomes different inside that endless                                         Tunnel simply because time and place are fully                                           Different , unusual,unfamiliar,and even unexpected ...                               I am completely separated from our real world and                                    I live in different realms that lack days or nights ...                                      I am nowhere ,but I am somewhere which can not                                      Be described by me or by anyone over there anytime ...                              I am wholly in a dream which looks like a real thing ,but                           All incidents are completely different and unfamiliar ...                             My trip goes on inside that long tunnel of darkness and                             I am waiting to reach the end of that tunnel,but all in vain ...                     -----------------------------------------------------------------­-----------------------------
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
I feel in truth                                                                                                            In a little village and                                                                                               Not in a big world like ours ...                                                                              I can connect myself                                                                                               With anyone easily through                                                                                  The internet that helps me                                                                                    Write what I like anytime ...                                                                                  Although there are thousands of                                                                         Miles separate us ,but we're much closer ...                                                        ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
I keep myself inside the house                                                                              Simply because I can resist                                                                                    Winter's cold air anytime ...                                                                                   I put some firewood inside                                                                                   The fireplace just to roast those                                                                            Pretty and delicious chestnuts ...                                                                          I am alone reading Charlotte                                                                                Bronte 's Jane Eyre happily                                                                                   Simply because it reminds me                                                                              Of all those Winters that passed                                                                        After my graduation from my college ...                                                        Winter is to sit beside that pretty fireplace                                                     Just to remember all of your college's days ...                                                I am alone remembering all those days that                                                  Passed away from my loved ones for many reasons .                                ------------------------------------------------------------­----------------------------------
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
كلام الليل يمحوه النهار ...                                                                                                   لا تصدقوا كلام الليل                                                                                                         فالنهار له بالمرصاد ...                                                                                                       البحر عسل ليلا                                                                                                                و نهارا مالحا !                                                                                                                 كل كلمة تقال في الليل                                                                                                        ماهي الا كسحابة عابرة ...                                                                                                  احذروا كلام الليل                                                                                                              لأن كلماته هراء بهراء ...
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
If she is a woman ,then                                                                                            I am a man ,                                                                                                              If she loves me ,then                                                                                                 I will love her ...                                                                                                         If she cares about me ,then                                                                                      I will care about her ...                                                                                             Life consists of a man and a woman .                                                                     We are both the core of life                                                                                      Simply because we are the world ...                                                                      She and I are the world ...
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
نموت الف الف موتة                                                                                                         و لا يرانا احد!                                                                                                                في الليل نموت و في النهار نموت                                                                                          من شدة الالم و من شدة العذاب ...                                                                                         حالنا لا توصف                                                                                                              فنحن اموات في الحياة                                                                                                       و نحيا في الموت ...                                                                                                          كلنا - رجالا و نساء و اطفالا -                                                                                            نعاني الامرين ...                                                                                                              الجوع و التشرد و الظلم و البرد و غيرها                                                                           عناويننا ...                                                                                                                اننا غارقون حتى آذاننا                                                                                                  و لا قشة بالأفق كي نتعلق بها ...                                                                                     وجوهنا عابسة و السنتنا مربوطة و                                                                                  ايادينا مكبلة                                                                                                               و العالم كله من حولنا                                                                                                     اعمى و اطرش و ابكم ...                                                                                               كل هذا ليلا و نهارا ...                                                                                                   _____________________
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