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 Apr 2018 mjad
 Apr 2018 mjad
Staring into the fire
As the flames crackle and pop
The elegant dance of light
That seems unable to stop

Unleash your deepest secrets
As you sit around the flames
For those who shall surround you
Will soon forget your name

Alcohol and spirits
Fill your body and mind
Though around the bonfire
You will feel yourself unwind

The people here will listen
Strangely they will care
And for some odd reason
Everybody else will share

A peculiar bonding moment
With strangers you just met
What is it about this fire
That makes nobody seem like a threat

No faces to be matched
With the words that they pour out
No contact info exchanged
For this moment will be blacked out

So come sit around the bonfire
And begin to pour out your soul
Because for this fragile moment
Your story can finally be told
What is about bonfire that makes people have such deep talks and feel so calm?
 Apr 2018 mjad
Remind Me
 Apr 2018 mjad
I don't remember what it was like before...

What did the air feel like?
What was the summer like before you came around?

How did food taste?
Did it taste this good?

And the ground,
Was the ground soft before its purpose was for us to lie?

What about the sky?
Was it this blue before I met you?

And the rain,
What was its use before we used it as our stage?

The trees, what about those?
Did they sway this easily before we watched?
And their trunks,
What did they look like before our initials scarred their surface?

What about water?
What was its use before you replaced its significance?

And the moon,
What did it look like before I saw it through your windowpane?

Your eyes, what about those?
Did they look the same before I kissed them as they closed and stared while they were open?

What was it like before I loved you,
and what will I do after I'm done?
 Apr 2018 mjad
 Apr 2018 mjad
I love when
Your hand
Runs from my legs
To my waist
From my hair
To my neck.

I love when
You look
From my eyes
To my lips
From the ground
To my silhouette.

I love when
You trace
From my cheek
To my chin
From my jaw
To my chest.

I love when
You kiss
From my wrist
To my fingers
From my ear
To my eye.

I love when
You love
From my head
To my feet
From my beginning
To my end.
So what you gained a little weight
It won't make a difference to me when your legs are up in the air and I'm in between there
The more of you I get to touch
The better things are
Don't worry about being fat
Because you won't be
But thicker thighs
Save lives
With deeper sighs
Of pleasure
Don't worry about the measure
I'd still be enjoying what I see
Pure as the Seven Seas
You'll always be more gorgeous then me
Never forget that
I'll still want to get you finished on surface bumpy or flat
You can teach me yoga on your yoga mat
That's how I see that
 Apr 2018 mjad
Face Yourself
 Apr 2018 mjad
I know you can't come today
why don't you tell me your looking away
why don't you show me
tell me where to go

I haven't seen the moon
cloudy  afternoon
it was going to rain maybe snow
I don't really know
I've been thinking about you
not so much as I use to

I found new friends
the space you had in my head has been replaced

Your no longer running in my dreams
hiding behind the bed sheets

Stop running away
It's better to face them
I'm finally over it
Don't worry, girl
I'm not going to cheat
You will be my morning sunrise
You will make my air pressure rise
You'll alleviate the worst weight that strains my soul
You'll be the grass to a knoll
You pierced me like paint from a paintball pistol
Don't you worry about a thing
You can be my favorite thing
Since Sour Patch Kids and Baseball
They say women can't fight
Can't write good poetry
Can't create good paintings
Can't play sports
Can't work good jobs
Or do what a man does
I think they're afraid
Afraid that women might be better than them or equal in skill
Silly sexists
The world is changing
Changing for the better
I think women can influence history and the world like men can.
Even with the vastness of things to acquire
Closeness and trust
Skin to skin
Soft thrusts
No indication of lust
Leave those assumptions in the dust
I desire a touch
That'll keep me feeling optimistic
Knowing it's a returned feeling
To let go of the stress I constantly have
Instead of lashing out
Let me make you sweat
And go all over the room
Hoping to make you finish soon
I care about that more then my own pleasure
I want to be proud of my work
Not only on paper
But with spreaded bed sheets and pillows on the floor
Bed cover coming off
And a spring with a shortened life span
I'll do the best I can
To keep that beautiful smile on your face
I want to be the reason you don't worry your place
With clothes, food and necessities
I can cope without the others if needed
But definitely not you
My one and only necessity
My whole destiny
To give you all my promises
That's the only way I'll ever feel content
My beautiful convent
Ready to commit to my Sunday service
 Mar 2018 mjad
Krista DelleFemine
We always think of Hell as down.  I wonder if it's not up
And evil souls are burning in the sun, returning the warmth that they stole from the world.
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