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 Jan 2019 Deanna
love and alcohol are practically the same thing.
you take it, and take it, and take it,
until all of the sudden,
you cant take anymore.
some people can take more than others,
some people push over their limit,
and those eventually end up hurt.
there's different flavors,
different strengths,
and sometimes different effects.
the initial feeling is good,
but at the end they both become a depressant.
they both leave you,
at 2 am
sobbing on your bathroom floor,
begging someone to come back.
 Jan 2019 Deanna
I'm terrible at showing emotion
to the people i love i act as I don't
i act like they can leave at any point
and id be fine

its hard
being too scared to let people in
being too scared to love

I've been left so many times
its my biggest fear
... but the truth is that its inevitable

people come and go
"everything happens for a reason"
but that's the biggest lie I've heard

is there a reason why my mom tries to **** herself
is there a reason that the people you love so much always leave
is there a reason why every day people die

that **** doesn't happen for a reason
that **** doesn't make you stronger

when people leave
it results in never being able to open yourself to the people who care
never being able to show how much you care
because you never want to care, about anyone

when you show emotion it means its real
and you don't want to care about anyone unless you know its real

ending up pushing away the people you care about
and pretending to love the people you don't

i can't open up to people
and show them i care
unless i know its forever
but its never gonna be forever
so why bother
 Jan 2019 Deanna
 Jan 2019 Deanna
 Jan 2019 Deanna
it's much easier to push people away
before they get the chance to do the same to you
 Jan 2019 Deanna
 Jan 2019 Deanna
That appalling desire,
makes your heart beat so fast.
It’s an unsettling ritual,
which refuses to pass.
  The nagging need
   to feel something,
and make yourself bleed.
You must act and do it now,
you wait for the great release.
One slice turns into more,
and you need it to hurt.
No one must notice,
hence the morbid allure.
You can’t stop the impulse,
once the fuse is lit.
You tremble with sickly delight,
after every slit.
For now you’re done,
carving your skin.
Since the need seems gone,
even though it doesn’t last long.
But at least in those moments,
you feel that sweet song.
 Jan 2019 Deanna
Josiah Archuleta
I remember this feeling but it didn't hurt like this before
I'm missing you, please come back through that door
Why did you have to go
Im crying here all alone
You could've stayed, gave me another chance
But I'll wait for you
I don't know what else I can do
I'll wait for you
Even if its the last thing I'll do
If you think I'm fine, baby thats nowhere near true
I really need you in my life
You got me feeling crazy
What do I have to do to make you come back?
Can we please just start over again?
I'll learn how to love you right
I'll just be here and wait for you
I love you ;-* :-D
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