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I held onto you when love was new
When it bubbled up from the well
Young groom and his bride with nothing to hide
Before the teardrops fell

With sweet memories of how it would be
No one the wiser could tell
Where we both were before this occurred
Before the teardrops fell

On beaches of sand both hand in hand
Young lovers needing nobody else
Much fonder days is what we now say
Before the teardrops fell

In our marriage bed we held what we had
As we  held tight to ourselves
But that was back then, so I'll say it again
Before the teardrops fell

We lived our lives inside of the light
Where love is clean as a bell
Where all that was right stood by our side
Before the teardrops fell

Looking back on it all at the trip and the fall
We should have pulled tighter on loves belt
Then we wouldn't be so desperate in need
Before the teardrops fell
We don't see how much we are blessed
Until we see another in distress
I sat down next to this man on the train
Dark shades at 8 pm
Walker on his right hand
He was a blind man
Sitting next to his wife who was able to see with both eyes
Two different visions but one sight
Two different worlds collide
He held her hand with love
Far from a strong grip,
he didn't depend on her to see
When they spoke his words hit deep
He's a visionary that can't see
He whispered in her ears
Then she blushed and smiled
That's what she wants to hear....
Asked him to explain this love to me
He said words can describe
This woman right here is my beautiful wife
Indeed beautiful she is
As he sat there and described her physical appearance to me
As if he can see
The color of her eyes how they were as blue as the sky,
the way she did her hair in a ponytail,
The way her nose is shaped outwardly
And how her lips are the size of his index and ******* combined
He kept on
On The way her head tilts when he rambles bout her beauty
On how one eyes is smaller than the other when she laughs
The way she flicks her hair when she's mad
Then said but that's not love my son
I described her to you because I've touched her, felt her
You see my son I love her
My greatest gift was to be blind
Because I know her
See beyond the physical
I know her
I can dream up the perfect woman and she probably won't even come close to her
I can tell her emotions when she speaks
I don't need to see her cry
I understand when she's sick
I know how she feels by the fragrance of her skin
I just don't hear her I listen too
Her heart beat when I'm close
Her heart beat when I'm gone
That there my son is love
I don't need vision
This right here is my beautiful wife
"This stop is 191 st street" the conductor announced
He stood and she followed
He held her hand with love
Far from a strong grip, he didn't depend on her to see
All day in mind the story resides
How much I wish I was blind
There were days that I cried,
Because of all the pain,
Till it came to a point,
That I got tired of feeling,
That I got tired of pain.

So I hardened my heart,
Every day, I hardened my heart.
So much that it turned into stone,
Then it turned into steel,
Till it completely rusted, falling apart.
We all wear masks,
Some are elegant,
Some are deviant,
And some bizarre-looking.

We all wear masks,
Be it brilliant or dull,
Extravagant or simple;
Some a smile, some gloomy,
And some a frown.

For we are all theatrical;
We go about our masks,
We don them very well,
We want our faces kept hidden,
That no sunlight could touch them.
And we display ourselves,
That this is the real me, you, us.

We always look in the mirror,
Adoring our masks,
Obsessing over it,
Till we completely forget
What our true faces look like.
So we state to impress,
As we gather in a masquerade,
Dancing like devils in the night of lies.
 Nov 2014 Margaret Austin Go
Oh!  There it is!
The blood of my Mothers’
Blossoming on
My white sheets
Like a bouquet of English roses.
A shame -
Laundry day had
Been yesterday.  

My thighs have been painted
Rouge -
They blush
Like my cheeks
When my gaze
Lingers on my body
Too long in the mirror
As I put on my Sunday dress.

The needles in my
Lower back fill my
****** with blood -
I am a woman now -
And as such I must
Wake before the sun
And wash my sheets
And my body
Before anyone has a chance
To smell the iron and the shame
Between my legs.  

I have never been so
Acutely aware of my body:
My sore ******* feel like
Overripe tomatoes ready to burst,
My stomach bloated and taking up
Space I’m told is not ladylike -
My head throbs, my limbs ache, and
I continue to shed my insides.
How is it I never noticed
The cry of my body before?

A week of blood
Before I have served my sentence
For a woman
Who dared to disobey -
I clean the stains
And wash myself
I may come back to this later.
wet weather events are becoming rare
few of them venture to our location
we seemingly get not a goodly share

there is little or no precipitation
copious clouds don't form in rain bands
few of them venture to our location

so depleted of dampness these lands
yet acreages in England are sopping
copious clouds don't form in rain bands

we'd like lots of drops to be dropping
there's none to bring a beaming smile
yet acreages in England are sopping

the downpour provider walks not our mile
we look to the skies for some irrigation
there's none to bring a beaming smile

the soil's profile is lacking of saturation
we look to the skies for some irrigation
wet weather events are becoming rare
we seemingly get not a goodly share
 Nov 2014 Margaret Austin Go

Tears for the fallen
Saddened refrains
Lasting impressions
Endless the stains

Hearts of the young
Brave in the fields
Anguish and sorrow
The pain it does yield

Proudly they fight
Quickly they fall
Not soon forgotten
The blood on the wall

Freedom the journey
Cost laced with war
Darkened decisions
Death at the door

Counted statistics
No two the same
Numbers for tracking
Somebody’s name

Wasted perception
Fear has no place
Tears for the fallen
Roll down my face
We remember
You're the blood
flowing between
my head and heart.
You're the one who
writes poetry between
my legs. No fire can
ever set us apart. That's
what i felt from the
start. Eyes big and
round. They let me
gaze and feel as if i
am lost in a never ending
maze and in the haze of
blood red wine. I bow down
to you as they make me feel
the shivers descend down
my spine. As they make me
feel the drizzle of rain in the
middle of a chaotic hurricane.
As they make all these memories
we've created rush like feral
waves to my mind while holding
my tonic up high like a wooden
cross. How do you manage to
make my cheeks blush every time
you call me Mine .How
can you be so beautiful
and so devine? Wild and shy
as the wolf howling after the
clock passed midnight by
the shallow river side.
You're what's holding
the power to keep me
alive this entire time* ~
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