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 Dec 2016 madison
Sk Abdul Aziz
The sun will rise without you
The birds will sing without you
The winds will blow without you
The rains will fall without you
The moon will shine without you
The stars will twinkle without you
The sky will change it's colours without you
The seasons will come and go without you
From the lovely summers
To the romantic monsoons
To the awesome autumns
To the harsh and festive winters
And finally the magical springs
The world will move on without you
Life will go on without you
But.......will it actually be life???
 Feb 2016 madison
Sk Abdul Aziz
I'm drowning in a sea of doubts and fears
Dear belief and courage...
...where are you???
Just when i need you both the most
You seem to have deserted me
I mean...what i do now?
How do i cope with this situation now?
You guys were my only hope
How do you expect me to fight without you?
 Feb 2016 madison
Got Guanxi
little girl blue,

They reminisce over you,
In the cosmic blues,
A star before the fire sparked,
consistent front page news.

A heart of golden rock and roll,
Nothing stopping you.
The pain inside took its toil,
the grain in your voice and tortured soul,
stole us all from you.

It was time that took your life,
In the the time of your life
You wanted to be loved so much,
but not enough to change your mind.

Now you are a shooting star,
that burnt out years before,
Captured in the music left,
that all of us adore.
Janis joplin
there are those days
so sunny and so  bright
that you begin to  think this is the time
for some achievement  that excels
of which the people tell for many years
admiring stories of heroic deeds

the morning passes   then the afternoon
the sun sets casually as usual
the moon is hiding behind clouds
   like dying ember
and when night falls in earnest
    shrouds the world in darkness
you recognize it is the day  
    not you
that people might remember
 Feb 2016 madison
Allyson Walsh
There's an ocean
Sloshing around
Inside my head

With each step
I feel the waves
Lap my skull

My mind is
Warped like
A heavy bucket

Brunette waves
Used as
A handle

His hands
Grab handfuls
Yanking my hair

Steers me clear
Of sweet

Takes me
And my ocean

Has me
Tag along
Just in case

If salty rivers
Ever succeed
In their escape

He let's them flow
Indifferent of
My waterways
For WY

Why is it so hard for me to hear your voice? Why do I let myself cry over you? Most of the time, I think I'm over you. I'm obviously not.

I'm great at crying in public.

No title. Unsure of what to title this as, anyway.
 Feb 2016 madison
Corlene Beukes
His mouth tasted like cigarette smoke and lies.
He told me of my beauty and the freckles in my eyes.
He held me like all the broken pieces could just be remade.
Out of his mind shone a darkness that enveloped me; that remained.

With teeth as sharp as the truth
he would kiss me through
to the otherness that is me.

With hands as lithe as the night sky
he would lead me toward sin;
toward the part of me always hidden within.

With lips as supple as the wings of a bird
he would whisper to me
"oh, my sweet, sweet love, just give in to me; just let it be."

And I did.

With each kiss.
With each touch.
With each whisper.
With each cigarette.

I gave in to him.
To sin.
To night.
To life.

He was the death of me but he taught me how to live.
I joined this site last year in March
and have found many voices since
that kindly welcomed what I wrote
with ‘likes’ and comments
even messages

thank you, my friends

I was a short-time member of some other sites
and from my past experience I have to say
that hp is the liveliest of all I’ve visited

even if there at times are posts that sound mean-spirited
and the occasional invasions of silly trolls
    make you aware that on the internet nothing is safe
    from the shenanigans of some frustrated idiots

in sum
    and in comparison with other sites
given its size and its diversity
hp is doing fairly well

to keep exchange of voices and ideas
    benevolent advice    constructive criticism
    helpful encouragement of younger members
    and sometimes simply kind remarks
alive    and spread the urge of writing poetry
    that helps us to articulate our loves and fears

to keep alive this spirit of creative art
is  our formidable work in progress
in which we all should lovingly play our part
back in an other world
   that feels unreal

with people whose familiar voices
   sound strange and thin
   as from behind thick glass

moving in rooms
   that do not promise
   your return

walking in streets
   that fail
   to echo your steps

I dream of you

       * *
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