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6.9k · Nov 2014
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
Her blood ran deep
So did her cuts.
She loved seeing the blood slowly seep from her wrists
and she covered them up
She broke glass and cut too deep
Her scars are what hold her past-
-Or what's left of it.
She never told anybody
She thought she deserved it.
Now, a year clean, her scars show her
But she's proud.
6.2k · Nov 2014
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
1st grade
She was called short
2nd grade
She was called stupid
3rd grade
She was called clumsy
4th grade
She was called fat
5th grade
She was called ugly
6th grade
She was called flat-chested
7th grade
She was called acne face
8th grade
She was called fake
9th grade
She was called a ***
10th grade
She took her life.
3.9k · Dec 2014
To all Boys:
Maddie Sink Dec 2014
I know all boys aren't like this, but a lot of them are.
Rules for Boys:
1. You treat all girls with respect
2. You do not call them "chicks" "little girls" "xxxxxxx" or any other hurtful names.
3. Girls have feelings too.
4. Teasing is a form of Bullying
5. No girl will like you if you think of them as being less than you.
6. Everyone is created equal.
7. Don't call a girl names just because they are standing up for themselves.
8. All girls are different and unique.
9. Your ego doesn't matter.
10. You don't have to be a certain way to impress girls. Be yourself
Sexism needs to stop.
2.5k · Dec 2014
Maddie Sink Dec 2014
Sometimes I would be afraid to go to school.
I was afraid someone would tease me or call me names.
I was in fear of one person in particular.
I still am.
They don't know their 'playful' teasing actually hurts.
Or when they trip me in the hall.


­Yet I do.

I don't know if it will get better, or even if it will go away.
I don't want to live in fear.
I want to feel confident, not second guessing everything I do.
They destroy every chance at confidence I have.
I can't feel good about myself when they do this.
They have destroyed me,
and what little confidence I ever had.
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
They always say 'If you love them, let them go.'
They are wrong.
It's so hard to let go of someone.
If you love them, hold them close. Tell them you love them.
But, letting someone go can be
the best choice you've ever made
the worst mistake you've ever made.
1.2k · Nov 2014
First Date
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
On my first date I want to be with you,
on top of a mountain with a great view.
The sky will be blue and that'll be the
first time I thought I loved you,
little did I know,
you weren't planning on staying
it was heartbreaking to know our love
was fading.
I told you what was on my mind,
you didn't care, I went home
and cried.
At least I know I tried, our love
wasn't sad or dark,
And looking back, I realized it didn't
leave a mark on my heart.
1.0k · Nov 2014
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
It's just you and me:
together between the trees,
singing happily.

But there's one little catch,
you aren't even there, it's just me
we aren't by the trees.

As always, you're gone,
it's me, and i'm not singing
because you're not here.
1.0k · Nov 2014
Those girls
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
In the locker room after gym
they laugh and point as they smother on their lip gloss and eyeliner
They made fun of the girl who tripped while playing a game
I confronted them, said they were stuck up.
I helped the girl up, and she ran away from them.
They stood there in silence.
I realized:
They don't know what kindness is.
452 · Nov 2014
Maddie Sink Nov 2014
As I take my last look into your eyes
I smile
Not for particular reasons, none at all
I go beneath the water
Slowly, the air slips from my lungs and travels to the surface in little bubbles.
I start to close my eyes as I reach the murky depths of the lake
The lake in which we first met.
I quietly drift off as I watch you fall to the ground in defeat
I'll miss you. That's for sure.
I'll miss our trips in which we spent talking and gossiping
at the lake.
I'll miss you. I'll miss the memories of our first kiss
at the lake.
I'll miss you holding me as I cried when dad died
or when you held me as you told me
"I love you"
I'll miss you.
You told me I didn't have to do this
but I did.
You couldn't understand
all our trips to the lake, and I couldn't tell you
In my mind, everything is always my fault.
That's why I chose the lake.

— The End —