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24.5k · Oct 2014
louis rams Oct 2014
The word bipolar can put fear in your heart
Because you’ll never know when it will start.
Also known as manic depression and it can become
A lifelong obsession.
Wondering when the next bout of fear will enter you
And if you know just what to do.
It is like the devil trying to take your soul
And it becomes a battle of control.
Most times in order for you to live
You must take the meds that they give.
If your child is bipolar or autistic, will you love them any less?
I don’t think so is my guess!
The LORD puts a child where he / she belongs
With a person he knows is strong.
The strength of the parents helps them to cope
With the problems old and new, and that is
Something that they do.
Let us be a little realistic, not many crimes
Are committed by bipolar or autistic
So how can they use words like crazy, retarted or handicapped
When against us the cards are stacked,
When this becomes a challenge close to home
Remember that you’re not alone.
16.2k · Jan 2013
human trafficking ( part two)
louis rams Jan 2013

the human trafficker sells your body , sells your soul
they keep you under their control.
to them you are just a piece of meat
for humanity to sit and eat.

the younger the victim the easier to control
by the time they're teens- their spirit is cold.
no longer do they have the will to fight
it's become their way of life.

they never had a childhood or a family to love
or to even know what love's about
for their hearts and minds have been turned inside out.
fear is the only thing they know
and in their face it will show.

many are bought and put on the streets
if they don't meet their  quota - they don't eat.
then there are those who are sold privatly
those are the ones that you never see.

most are girls - but there are boys
and they're all used as ****** toys.
we have to let all countries know
human trafficking has got to go.

(C) L . RAMS
louis rams Oct 2012

At the beginning of “64” - I packed up my uniform
And walked out the door- it was the beginning of
The Vietnam war.
By August of that same year
President  Johnson started the draft
Under protests and jeers.

Then he made it a full scale war
And sent our soldiers to Vietnam shores.
The Beatniks in Greenwich village
With their long hair, beards, and
Flip flop sandals - wrote their poetry
About this undeclared war, and why
Our men were going to those shores.

This created a new generation called ‘HIPPIES”
The hippie generation was groups of protesters
Against everything that they found wrong
The draft , the war , pollution
And loved to stay high with ***, hashish
Coke and acid (lsd) which kept them blasted.

This also created the “ flower children”
Who like the hippies loved to be high
And on certain flowers they would fly.
But they spoke of loving one another
And gave out flowers as a sign of peace
Which to the president was a relief.

They all started painting this “53 Chevy impala”
With the words “ flower power”.
Now the “ flower children and hippie movement
Was in full swing, and everyone was doing their own thing.

They had  Greenwich village under their control
And not one coffee shop would ever be sold.
Every coffee shop had a poetry night
And going there was such a delight.

Then in AUGUST of “69”
The WOODSTOCK festival was on the rise
Over half a million people drove to that farmland
And set up tents , hammocks, sleeping bags and such
And the police found it was much to much
So they had no choice but to see it through
Because there was nothing else that they could do.

The WOODSTOCK  festival had become world wide
And to this day it still thrives.

© L . RAMS
8.0k · Oct 2014
single dad
louis rams Oct 2014
He was not one of wealth and fame
And no one even knew his name.
He was just known as dad, the only father they ever had.
He worked long hours for very little pay
Yet their clothes were clean every day.
He never lost hope, yet he learned to cope.
He worked at night so he could stay with his children during the day.
He would give them breakfast then take them to school
So that they could learn the golden rules.
His routine was always the same- it would hardly ever change.
Clean the house, take a nap, and for the children prepare a snack.
Then start to prepare for dinner, which wasn’t always a winner.
Yet they ate healthy and never went without
Of that there is no doubt.
In the afternoon pick up the kids and bring them home
During the day they were never alone.
They would change their clothes then have a snack
While he took another nap.
They did their homework when he slept
In the softness of his bed.
He would then wake up and dinner he would serve
And not a complaint was ever heard
They would say grace and he would ask:” how was your day?”
Wash the dishes and put them away.
They could watch TV. until it was nine
Take their showers and then bedtime.
This was the life of a single DAD
, and it was the best part of his life he ever had.
                      CHILDREN ARE A BLESSING!
6.7k · Jan 2013
a house is not a home
louis rams Jan 2013

a house is not a home- but just a place to rest your head
a house is not a home- when your heart and soul feels dead.
you go to that empty house with no one to greet you at the door
and with all the riches that you have-" you still feel poor".

riches don't buy happiness or fills that empty heart
it just makes you feel worse as it tears you apart.
you look around at the people who have so much less than you
but they have their loved ones and they know just what to do.

so you walk thru your empty house and you go from room to room
and in each one -all you feel is gloom.
you know that you have a heart-otherwise you would not feel what you do
and you know that you'll have to search for a love that will be true.

you sit on your chair and the tears flood your eyes
you're trying to be a man- you're trying not to cry.
but heartache has no preference as to who it will come to.
heartache is there to leave you sad and blue.
a house is not a home -  you found that to be true
now the search begins -for someone to share their life with you.

(C) L . RAMS
louis rams Sep 2014
The missus bought a Paperback Val Village, Saturday,
  I had a look inside her bag;
  ....T'was "Fifty Shades of Grey".

  Well I just left her to it,
  And at ten I went to bed.
  An hour later she appeared;
  The sight filled me with dread…..

  In her left she held a rope;
  And in her right a whip!
  She threw them down upon the floor,
  And then began to strip.

  Well fifty years or so ago;
  I might have had a peek;
  But Mabel hasn't weathered well;
  She's eighty four next week!!

  Watching Mabel bump and grind;
  Could not have been much grimmer.
  And things then went from bad to worse;
  She toppled off her Zimmer!

  She struggled back upon her feet;
  A couple minutes later;
  She put her teeth back in and said
  .....I am the dominater !!

  Now if you knew our Mabel,
  You'd see just why I spluttered,
  I'd spent two months in traction
  For the last complaint I'd uttered.

  She stood there **** and naked
  Bent forward just a bit
  I went to hold her, sensual like
  and stood on her left ***!

  Mabel screamed, her teeth shot out;
  My god what had I done!?
  She moaned and groaned then shouted out:
  "Step on the other one"!!

  Well readers, I can't tell no more;
  About what occurred that day.
  Suffice to say my jet black hair,
  Turned fifty shades of Grey.
5.2k · Jun 2013
hospice - end of life
louis rams Jun 2013
Hospice is the rest stop between heaven and earth
They care for you for all your worth
They are with you in your final days
Taking care of you in so many ways.
Relieving many burdens, and helping family and friends
Consoling them till the end.
The care givers are with them thru their pains
And they don’t do it for fortune or fame.
Finding care at the end of life
For a husband, sister, brother, or wife
Or a family member who may be alone or in pain
When needing help there is no shame.
They are health professionals and volunteers
Who help the dying from their fears!
It takes a special kind of person to help others
In their hours of need, and on their help the dying do feed.
A little smile, a kind word, a gentle hand
Are things that they understand!
Let them leave this world with a mind full of memories
And a heart full of love, given from you as they travel above.
5.1k · Nov 2014
female soldiers
louis rams Nov 2014
they are soldiers fighting a war
across the ocean,
but their hearts are at home
seeking love and devotion.
love from our country,
devotion from their family.
that is all that they need.

they joined the military to
fight for what they believe
to defend from foes, seen and unseen
in their hearts we are the greatest nation
from the farmlands to the greatest plantations.

it does not matter if they're black or white
they will never give up freedoms fight.
we have people here from every nation
fighting for americas salvation

women have been the backbone in every war
death they've seen by the score.
the plains indian women who fought
alongside their men
it became a common trend.

joan of arc- who lifted the seige
in only nine days
the greatest role a woman could portray.

the uniform does not necessarilly
make her a soldier, but her heart
and strength that make her bolder.
bold enough to cover your back
and pick up all the slack

she will always be there in command
and pick up the rifle from the sand
she will do whatever she must
for in her you put your trust.

she is the female soldier, she stood her ground
of that we should all be proud.

give credit where credit is due
this is what i say to you.

louis rams :
4.8k · Jan 2014
louis rams Jan 2014
She became a firefighter at a very young age
Passed with flying colors at every stage
Determined to follow the footsteps of her family
That is the dream that she did see.
She built up her body like any man
But had the gentlest hands.
The kindest heart that anyone would know
And that was something that she did show.
She would put the person on her back
Looking forward and would never slack
Her goal was to save all the lives she can
That was her goal, that was her plan.
And every time she looked at her children
As a mother would often do- and see the pride in their eyes
And in the faces of the lives she saved and prevented
Them from going to an early grave.
Then she would know that the choice she made
To be a firefighter would take her spirits so much higher.
So to the firefighters I salute you one and all
So stand proud, stand tall.
4.8k · Oct 2012
louis rams Oct 2012

His future had been laid- for he was a carpenter by trade.
Just as a carpenter can mold anything out of wood
He could mold mans hearts and souls into good.

He would mold mans hearts with accurate precision
For this was his fathers decision.
He came to mold all the hearts of mankind
And open the eyes of the blind.

The world would come to know him as the king of kings
And see all the love that he would bring.
Throughout the centuries it will be told
He is the master craftsman of the heart and soul.

Now when we feel a tingle of  sensation
And a wanting to get more of inspiration
Look for the craftsman who could mold
The hearts and souls of man
To give you a helping hand.

when he made the heart of man
He left a corner deep within
Where the love for him can forever grow
And his love you could show.

Let all who know you - know this carpenter man
Who from evil he took his stand.
He has entered in you to mold you from the inside out
So you would know what loves about.

4.3k · Jun 2013
louis rams Jun 2013
I sit here with so many thoughts going thru my head
I just want to close my eyes and go to bed.
How many times have you felt the pressures taking its toll?
And you want something concrete that you can hold.

You daydream of the way you would like things to be
But you come back to the   realities
You know that you must strive to achieve your goals
And not let anything stand in your way
But then you leave it for another day.

Procrastination is always there,
And with your thoughts the space it will share.
You say “leave it for tomorrow and a brand new day”
But tomorrow comes and it’s washed away.
These are the pressures that are taking its tolls
When you lose your control.

Don’t leave off for tomorrow what you can do today
With procrastination there’s a heavy price to pay
4.2k · Oct 2013
misuse of words
louis rams Oct 2013
*******= child born from ***** parents
*****= female dog, wolf, etc.

Men are called ******* and women are called *******
So with that in mind- I’ll put this into verse and rhyme.

There was a ******* named Bill, who would walk
His ***** named Jill.
Now she would love to lay or play
And this would go on every day.
Then when his ***** would go into heat
He would give his ***** a treat.
He would allow her to put her scent all over town
So that the others would know that she’s around.
Now Bill being a fatherless child- would sit around and laugh awhile.
(With the definition of these words being known)    I must ask this!
Why would you put your ***** on the street?
When there are so many others she’s bound to meet.
She will leave you in a flash, because she doesn’t need
Anyone to wipe her ***.
there has to be a line of respect
don't you know this yet ?
YOU are fatherless and what are you about to do
Is creating a litter just like you.

So why do we use these words as profanity?
That is not the way it was meant to be!
3.9k · Jan 2013
the hug
louis rams Jan 2013
it was a simple hug that she had received
to make her heart start to believe.
a little hug and three little words added to it
         " I LOVE YOU'
brought back feelings that she thought she had lost
for all eternity, and that love for her could never be.
that little hug so warm and caring, and with her he was sharing.
a hug that made her feel secure and safe and she did
not want to leave this place.

she held on tightly to him and did not want to let go
thinking that if she did - then he would know
all the fears that she had locked up inside and
for so many years she did hide.

he picked up her face and smiled down at her
looking deep into her eyes- then she knew
his heart did not lie.
a simple hug was all it took for her to find what
she had been missing all his love and passionate kissing.

with every kiss she felt her desire, as it started to climb
higher and higher- reaching a crescendo like waves
upon the rocks never wanting to stop.
she felt alive once again and knew her love would never end.
3.9k · Jun 2013
louis rams Jun 2013
I sit here with so many thoughts going thru my head
I just want to close my eyes and go to bed.
How many times have you felt the pressures taking its toll?
And you want something concrete that you can hold.

You daydream of the way you would like things to be
But you come back to the   realities
You know that you must strive to achieve your goals
And not let anything stand in your way
But then you leave it for another day.

Procrastination is always there,
And with your thoughts the space it will share.
You say “leave it for tomorrow and a brand new day”
But tomorrow comes and it’s washed away.
These are the pressures that are taking its tolls
When you lose your control.

Don’t leave off for tomorrow what you can do today
With procrastination there’s a heavy price to pay
3.8k · May 2012
love of a parent
louis rams May 2012

They had married at a very young age
At the time they thought it was a game.
They had been together for a long time
and he thought that everything would be fine.

They had lived together for two years or more
And they thought they knew the score.
At seventeen years of age they felt they knew it all
And life was to have a ball.

With part time jobs they paid their bills
Living together was such a thrill.
Not having to worry about a curfew hour
Now “ they had all the power”.

Going out partying every weekend
Not thinking of the money that they spent.
Coming home late at night , being drunk
They would start to fight.

She started feeling some ******* pain
And from this point on their lives would change.
She went to her doctor to check it out
Pregnant she was - there was no doubt.

Now their eyes opened to the fact
From this point on there was no turning back.
They now had a child on the way
And they could no longer go out to play.

He got a full time job and straightened up his act
And a better position he would have to attack.
He went back to school To get a better education
And to give his wife and child all that he could give
And with both their incomes they would have to live.

She worked for seven months till she
Could work no longer, and to get their house in order.
When she went to the hospital because her time was due
She found out she was having not one but two.

She gave birth to a beautiful boy and girl
He was a diamond and she a pearl.
The most precious babies you’d ever want to see
And he was the proud father - as proud as can be.

They struggled like most couples do
But he was determined to see it through.
She took her children and held them tight
For in their faces she saw their fathers might.

His love so strong for his family
And this is what they all did see.
And the rest is history.
3.8k · Mar 2012
carpenter by trade
louis rams Mar 2012

His future had been laid- for he was a carpenter by trade.
Just as a carpenter can mold anything out of wood
He could mold mans hearts and souls into good.

He would mold mans hearts with accurate precision
For this was his fathers decision.
He came to mold all the hearts of mankind
And open the eyes of the blind.

The world would come to know him as the king of kings
And see all the love that he would bring.
Throughout the centuries it will be told
He is the master craftsman of the heart and soul.

Now when we feel a tingle of  sensation
And a wanting to get more of inspiration
Look for the craftsman who could mold
The hearts and souls of man
To give you a helping hand.

when he made the heart of man
He left a corner deep within
Where the love for him can forever grow
And his love you could show.

Let all who know you - know this carpenter man
Who from evil he took his stand.
He has entered in you to mold you from the inside out
So you would know what loves about.
3.5k · Sep 2014
the abuser
louis rams Sep 2014
it does not matter if you're male or female
in the mind of a abuser
they will always prevail.
when you allow the abuse from the start
in you life, it becomes a part.

whether it's verbal or physical, it matters not
you let it start, and it won't stop.
the verbal can be more damaging than the physical
because it becomes daily.

like a sculptor chipping away at its mold
until it becomes the way that they want it to be.
and if you don't stop it
you will never be free.

they do it because of their own inadequacy.
which is something that their mind won't see.
how much abuse should you take
before it becomes much to late?

the verbal abuser will always put you to the ground
and expect you to not make a sound.
they will tell you that you was put here to serve.
and to make a move, you have no nerve.

that you must obey their every command
and that you are the **** of the land.
if you have no - or low self esteem
it is something which will be seen.

and when an abuser has you in their sight
no matter what you do, it won't be right.
STOP the abuse, before it's too late.
for this can not be your destined fate.

the verbal abuse will always start first
then from there, it will get worse.
YOU must walk away, so that they can see
a victim you will not be.

(abuse is like a broken tool, it could damage whatever is good)
3.3k · Mar 2015
the housewife
louis rams Mar 2015
If you do a little housework every day
Then on the weekend you’ll have time to play
A housewife s work is never done
Working from morning to setting sun.

Sweeping, dusting and mopping, always moving
And never stopping.
Washing clothes and ironing too
So many things that you must do.

Then the cooking and doing the dishes
Picking up in back of the kids and feeding the fishes.
Then trying to look pretty for when your husband gets home
So at your tired appearance he won’t throw stones.

Then when your day is through, a CALGON bath is what you do.
                 (Calgon take me away)
Just lying in the tub to unwind, and in another hour you’ll be fine.
The comfort of your bed is looking so good
And you’re wondering if you should.
Then your husband has that gleam in his eye
And you’re hoping that he doesn’t try.

Then the comment was all it took, of how good you always look.
Then he holds you in his arms and releases all his charms
And makes all your aches and pains go away
And this ends the housewife s day.
© L. RAMS 032515
3.2k · Nov 2014
miracles large and small
louis rams Nov 2014
Note: we always hear of miraculous stories every day
And of guardian angels and near death experiences.
Are these small individual miracles created by  GOD S hand
Or is it his angels which are sent to protect us? Who is to say!
And the greater miracles and visions seen by thousands
At one time. In one place such as the sighting of MARY holding JESUS
Above the Greek Church.
All miracles large and small are created by GODS call.
These are signs that he creates just to test humanities faith.
So many prayers have been heard because of their
Belief in GODS word.
This is the time of year where dreams are fulfilled and miracles created
And the repairing of lives that were devastated.
Where smiles are put back on children s faces
And hope is put back into the hearts of man
With the gentle touch of GODS hand.
That unexpected bonus that MR. JONES had never received before
As he was about to walk out that door.
That hospital prayer that you gave- when you thought your loved
One would slip away.
That car accident that you walked away from
When you thought your life was done.
What about Mr. H who fell off his roof and cracked open his head
And everyone thought he was dead, yet he got up and walked away
And never a complaint until this day.
GOD creates millions of small miracles every day
But the miracle I would like to see is the cleansing of humanity.
Just pure thoughts in the minds of men, and the worlds
Tragedies would finally end.
Just the thought of no wars, no hunger , no slavery, no abuse
And all the minds put to good use.
Working hand in hand to cure the illnesses throughout our lands.
Where equality is really true, for men and women like me and you.
Our ocean food line is dwindling fast because no control laws have been passed.
The slaughtering of dolphins and whales are world wide
And our politicians turn a blind eye.
We must spread the word of peace and love that the LORD
Has given us from up above.
3.0k · Dec 2014
christmas countdown
louis rams Dec 2014
Christmas countdown has begun and family members are on the run
Looking for the bargains everywhere, and how they get it they don’t care.
All the retailers have put up their displays
As they prepare for Christmas day.
Grocery stores and supermarkets with their specials on the floor
And in every aisle there are treats galore.
Turkeys and hams, candied yams too- all the treats just for you.
Department stores and shopping malls- filled with shoppers wall to wall.
The children are in total awe as they look from store to store.
And every new item that’s on TV.  In the stores for them to see.
Yes!  The Christmas countdown has begun. And the children
Are preparing for the fun, from bicycles and dolls and all the rest
Knowing they’ve gotten all the best.
Look around; look around, the Christmas spirit is all around.
©L.RAMS 112214
2.9k · Sep 2010
louis rams Sep 2010
it does not matter if you're male or female
in the mind of a abuser
they will always prevail.
when you allow the abuse from the start
in you life, it becomes a part.

whether it's verbal or physical, it matters not
you let it start, and it won't stop.
the verbal can be more damaging than the physical
because it becomes daily.

like a sculptor chipping away at its mold
until it becomes the way that they want it to be.
and if you don't stop it
you will never be free.

they do it because of their own inadequacy.
which is something that their mind won't see.
how much abuse should you take
before it becomes much to late?

the verbal abuser will always put you to the ground
and expect you to not make a sound.
they will tell you that you was put here to serve.
and to make a move, you have no nerve.

that you must obey their every command
and that you are the **** of the land.
if you have no - or low self esteem
it is something which will be seen.

and when an abuser has you in their sight
no matter what you do, it won't be right.
STOP the abuse, before it's too late.
for this can not be your destined fate.

the verbal abuse will always start first
then from there, it will get worse.
YOU must walk away, so that they can see
a victim you will not be.

(abuse is like a broken tool, it could damage whatever is good)

louis rams
2.9k · Apr 2015
abusive hot line
louis rams Apr 2015
he Was an abusive man and led her by the hand
Took her to a room and beat her till she was black and blue
In fear she didn’t know what to do , so she called the
ABUSIVE HOTT LINE – they told her to come in and she’d be fine.

With this group there was no hesitation
They filled out the reports and took her to the police station.
A restraining order was filed to protect her and her child.

He had done this many times before and they let him walk out the door.
No others had filed charges against him and he’d walk out with a grin.
But with her he could not be within fifty yards
Otherwise he’d be charged.

The ABUSIVE LINE is open to everyone
Don’t wait till they have a gun.
The abuser wants to be in control of your mind, body and soul.
To them it’s the greatest power to control your every hour.
And put fear in your mind and keep you meek so you stay in line
No matter where you live you will find an ABUSIVE HOT LINE..
Reach out while you can and get yourself a helping hand.

© L . RAMS 041415
louis rams Sep 2014
just follow the link to youtube and like and leave your comment.
copy and paste this link
2.6k · Jun 2013
afraid of getting old ?
louis rams Jun 2013
We are all getting old it doesn’t
Matter what you’ve been told
You go from your childhood to your teen years
But you’re young and you have no fears.
Now that the teen years have come and gone
And to your teen years, you’re trying hold on.

What will happen when you’ve gotten older?
And your thoughts have gotten colder, and
Your movements have slowed down
As you turn and look around.
When your hair may turn grey or it starts to thin
Then you realize that you can’t win.

Age is coming up mighty fast. As you kick
Yourself in the ***.
Your youth like the weather tends to change
And you are never the same.
You started off like a cool gentle breeze
So refreshing to feel, and with
Your spirit you could heal.

Now you’ve become like the torrential rains
That comes from the skies.
Your tears are the raindrops that sink into the ground
But without ever making a sound.

Because you get older does not mean
That your spirit on fire no longer burns
It has just become amber of light
Waiting to ignite.

Just blow on that amber and watch the flame start to rise
As it shoots up and touches the sky.
That flame is the same that you had in your youth
And when you feel it that’s the proof.

                       ENJOY LIFE
2.6k · Sep 2013
her beauty in winter
louis rams Sep 2013
I saw her on a cold winter night
Her beauty made my heart take to flight
The loveliest woman my eyes had ever seen
She was my beauty – she was my queen.

Her eyes shone like the reflection off of the water
Blinding , hypnotic, putting me in a trance
All of this at first glance.
Her hair flowing in the wind
Like the beauty of an eagles wings in flight
Covering the sun from my sight.

She is a rose blooming in the winter snow
How that was possible – I’ll never know.
She is the rainbow high in the sky
Extending her beauty from one end to another
Like the love of a mother.

She is like the ocean – deep, dark, mysterious
Treacherous and yet calm and can take you
Deep into the depths of her soul, where she will keep
You and take hold.

Her beauty on that cold wintery night
Drained me from all my will and my might.
Beckoning me to join her in the snow
Freezing my heart with nowhere to go.

Her hands calling me to come to her side
And telling me:” my love is as pure as the white of this snow
Can’t you see it, please don’t go “.
I walk into the snow with my arms outstretched to her
Feeling her love pulling me in like the ocean pulling the sand
Taking me deep into a wonderland.

2.4k · Oct 2011
stay at home moms
louis rams Oct 2011
Tribute to stay at home moms
                  ( from a writing by melvina germain)  10/28/11

To the stay at home moms (sahm) I must say
I honor you in every way.
I made my wife stop working when she got pregnant
Forty six years ago, and real love is what my daughter got to know.

She is there every step of the way and
my heart thanks her every day.
up in the morning at the crack of dawn
To change diapers , bathe the baby, change the clothes
And with the baby is where she belongs.

She is a woman with many hats, and for her
There is no turning back.
A mother, housekeeper , cook, and wife
Accepting all these struggles and strife.
You may not hear her complain
But when things go wrong, she is the first to blame.

We all may have a lot of food on our plates
And forget  what they are going thru , but
Do you honestly think you could do her job too?
we may be the bread winners and struggle at work
But we did not have to go through the pains of giving birth.

Do any of you men think that you could hold
A child in your stomach for nine months
Of morning sickness, weird cravings, sleepless nights
And with your partner you would fight.

They could only sleep on their backs or on their sides
Would you like to give that a try?
They look at you in your sleep and thank GOD
For all that you do, but they need compensation too.
There is another hat that they may wear, when
They have to become the C.P.A. and balance
The check book so you don’t overdraft
And turn around and get on her ***.
So many hats and so little time, and when you ask
Them they say they are doing fine.

So to all the (sahm’s) out there with you this poem I share
You deserve not just a flower, a outside dinner
Or a movie, but the biggest THANK YOU
From our hearts, because in our lives
You are the greatest part.
louis rams Nov 2013
Not even sickness could keep you down
You took the pain without a sound
You have strength beyond compare
And this with others you do share.
No one can know your pain
Except the ones who are going thru the same.

Breast cancer is not only restricted to women
            Men get it too.
But they are not as strong as you
They have more of a macho block
This stays on their minds and just can’t stop.
The percentage may be mighty small
But it affects us one and all.

With a lot of inspiration
Someday we’ll find the vaccination.
It will stop those cells dead in its tracks
And there’ll be no coming back.
But until then – don’t give up the fight
We see your struggles, they’re in our sight.
2.4k · Sep 2014
blind leading the blind
louis rams Sep 2014
I tried to explain colors to a person who could not see
But I found it was too hard for me.
Then a thought came into my mind
To put their feelings into color and rhyme.

The first question I asked is:
“I feel like I’m flying high above the sky”
Then I will call that GREEN
For high above the earth, that color is seen.
It’s when I have no one to talk to and no one around.
Then I will call that BROWN.
That is when I lost something that cannot be replaced.
Then I will call that “GREY” for that
Is something which in your heart will stay.
That is when my stomach shakes like Jell-O.
Then I will call that emotion “YELLOW”
Then the final question I must ask
That is when I am lifted high above
All that I think and feel.
Since GOD is pure, I will call it white
Because he puts your heart and soul into flight.
“ we have enough colors for different emotions
Just like the raindrops that fall into the ocean.
Now the colors no longer have a barrier, because now
It has an emotional carrier.
Emotions and colors go hand in hand, just like the joining
In a wedding band.
2.3k · Jul 2013
lovers passions ( explicit )
louis rams Jul 2013
Lovers Passions (explicit)

We were lying naked in bed, covered in sweat
From feet to head.
The ******* we shared
Was far beyond compare.
Our bodies had become as one
In a fast rhythmical beat
Sending waves of passion
Ever so sweet.
Like the sky meeting the ocean
And you can’t see where one begins
And the other one ends.
For we became lovers
After becoming friends.
We was exhausted, and our minds
Became as blank as can be.
But our souls was released
And our hearts set free.
We never knew how beautiful
******* could be
Till I found you, and you found me.
It had created a passion deep inside
A passion that we couldn’t hide.
And as I laid on top of you
I knew just what I had to do.
I kissed your lips once again
As I caressed your face
I felt you tighten your warm embrace.
If I wanted to be inside of you
Then I would have to marry you
For we was meant to be
Living together eternally.

louis rams
louis rams Apr 2015
for centuries they have been around in  every city, village and town
they was known under many different names and yet no two
were ever the same.
they are known as the angels of mercy, also te kind hearted souls
who helped the sick , the dieing , the old.
they see aches, pains and suffering every day while family members
may hide or run away.
they share with the sick , stories. pains and tears
and they wipe away their fears.
their faces may be the last faces that the dieing may see
as they bring them comfort in the life to be.
nurses don't work under doctors , they work as equals with them !
they give them meds and hold their hands to let them know they understand.
the nurses are the soldiers on the battlefields who fight the wars
they are the ones who know the score.
when they have to turn a patient on their side so
that they can clean their behinds and making sure
they have no bedsores before they  walk out the door.
they also have times of joy when they see the birth
of a girl or boy, and of when a patient can walk out the door on their own
because of the caring a nurse has shown.
they are the last stop between healing and dieing
and of this there is no denying.
(C) L . RAMS042715
louis rams Sep 2014
Let’s stand up to those bullies who think
Gay bashing is fun.
If it happened to one of your family members
Would you stand up and fight? Or would you run?

If you found out it was your mother
Who liked the same gender.
Would you say something to offend her.

A 13 year old in Texas shot himself for being gay
Another 13 years old also hung himself.
And now a freshman from
Rutgers college jumped off the George Washington bridge
Because two people thought it was funny, so they
Taped him that day.

Gays have been around since the beginning of time
Open your eyes, you’re not blind.
They live, they work, they play, the same as you
And their lives they’ll give for their country too.

They don’t tell you who you can and can not love
These all come from up above.
If GOD had made us exactly alike
Then we would really argue and fight.
You would be making love to yourself
Because there would not be anything else.

How many more lives must be taken
Before you are really awakened.
Bullying doesn’t only apply to gay bashing.

People who talk down to you because
You may not be as smart, or as good looking
Or as slim as them.
Don’t you feel like they offend?

We are all at the bottom of that totem pole
Even the ones who think they’re in control.
Is Roy smarter than me? does Sheila
Have a better body than me?
Everyone has their doubts, but that’s
What life is all about.

So before you start to put anyone else down
Turn and look around
They may be talking about you
The same way that you want to do.
louis rams Sep 2014
a couple born blind at birth, decided that they would marry
and a child they wanted to carry.
when an acquaintance of a friend
began to question such an affair.
he had to question them, he did not care.

how can you marry one another?
when you can't even see each other?
how do you know if your partner
is a beauty or a beast?
and any children that you have
may come out the same as you.
living in darkness, is that what you
want for them too?

the blind couple holding hands, and smiles
on their faces, walked over to him.
the woman asked if she could touch him?
and he agreed.
she touched the features of his face
his hair, his shoulders, and leaned
over and inhaled deeply.

she stepped back, and in a soft gentle voice said:
you are a man 5'11' in height
but you have no clue- no insight.
by your features of your face
your looks are quite fine
your face narrows down to your chin
telling me you are slim.

the mark on the bridge of your nose
tells me that you wear glasses too.

the smell from your body, tells me that
you are a nervous person, and always on the move.
and the way you dress, makes you think
you're in the groove.

'shocked and dismayed, he did'nt know what to say'

she then said in that same tone.
because we are blind from our birth
does not mean we can not see.
we live in darkness, but love lights up our hearts.
and the other senses, we had from the start.

we do everything the same as you
and some things, we may do better too.

we dress ourselves, bathe, cook, clean the house too
and we know just what to do.
as for a child coming into our lives
and if the child will live in darkness
the same as us.
in GOD we put our trust.

embarassed and apologetic, he learned
a lesson that day.
LOVE AND FAITH, have no boundaries
and there is nothing that can not be overcome.
if you trust in the FATHERS SON
1.9k · Dec 2014
no more abuse
louis rams Dec 2014
She bore no children of her own, because her insides
Were turned to stone.
She had been abused so much before, till she walked out the door.
A woman who was as timid as a mouse, beaten and abused by her spouse.
How much more can you take, before it becomes much too late?
He was abusive in every way and she knew she could not stay.
She recalled the threat that he had said
If you leave I’ll hunt you down and bury your bones in the ground
She had to beat him at his own game; otherwise her life would stay the same
And she had to put a plan in action that would meet her satisfaction.
No one believed that she was being beaten for he was able
To leave her with no scars or black and blues, and she knew just what to do.
She saved her money and had camcorders put all around that
Could record every move and sound
When he came home drunk that night and started to abuse her and fight
All the recorders were at work recording every punch and ****.
When he left for work the next day, she took it to the police
So they could watch it play.
That was all that they needed to arrest him on site
With the news she jumped with delight’
She filed for divorce and started a new life
Remarried and is living a good life.
© L. RAMS 120614
1.8k · May 2010
elderly choices
louis rams May 2010
The elderly choices- hear their voices
As they get older they tend to dread
All the things that lie ahead.
Will I have enough money to buy medicine or food?
          Which do I choose?
We work all our lives , just so that we can retire
Yet ! The retirement age keeps getting higher.
When we get older, we should be able to see
All the beauties that the u.s. holds for me.

We are lucky if we have enough to get
Out of the house, to go and buy a shirt or a blouse.
We have to think twice about buying a pair of shoes
But if we don’t buy it then we lose.
but when we go to the pharmacy
We don’t expect it to be free.
We are willing to pay what they say
In order to live another day.

Then we think about what we are going to eat
Canned ravioli becomes a treat.
We had gotten tired of eating peanut
butter and jelly, it wasn’t filling our belly.  
Now you say that social security has
Gotten out of hand.
When does it stop? When do we take a stand?
You have taken everything away from us
And you say in you to put our trust?

And now I have something to say to you
When you get to our age, “what are you going to do”?
1.8k · Jun 2013
louis rams Jun 2013
this is for the graduation classes

homework again?
will this drudgery ever end?
what do they expect from someone like me
when i don't even know my a, b, c, s.

teachers tell me that i will fail.
and that they see me going to jail.
that i have no ambition.

i can't afford college tuition!

but i know that i must learn
otherwise my life will forever turn.
in this life there is no other way
so i must listen to what they say.

i must take away this negativity
just so that the teachers can see
that there is some hope for me.

everyone says that my future is in my hands
if i learn to take a stand.
so my nose i did put to the books
and paying attention is all it took.

my grades have started to soar so high
that my head i can put to the sky.
now i can finally see, that the
education is the best thing for me.

homework is still a drudgery!
and i may still complain
but my life will never be the same.


louis rams :
1.8k · Aug 2010
louis rams Aug 2010
Mans best friend that I see, is our dogs and cats.
      Don’t you agree?
They will not argue with you, bicker or fight
They will love you with all their might.
It matters not the stature of them
They will love you till their end.

They know when your body and soul
Are in aches and pains
And they’ll try to lick it all away.
They’ll kiss and cuddle up next to you
For what else can they do.

They can not talk to you to let
You know that everything will be alright.
But the things they do are such a sight.
They’ll give you those big sad eyes
And their love , you can’t deny.

They will jump and dance around
Till you laugh so hard your on the ground.
Each animal has its own personality
Which is something that you must see.

Some love to chase their tails all around
While others love to jump high
in the air and then back down.

Like my daughters dog CHLOE who
Loves to scratch at your feet
The first time that “she” you meet.
Man oh man what a wonderful treat.

And then there is  ASIA who runs in circles
When she gets excited, and then jumps in the air
To let you know that she is there.

Then we have RAVEN he is the king of this mountain top
They jump on him and bite him and will not stop.
He is the most calmest of them all
And has the biggest saddest eyes you want to see
And the oldest of the three.

They all have their ways to make you forget
That is why they’re your best friends yet.
1.8k · Sep 2014
sightless world
louis rams Sep 2014
She was born in a sightless world, never knowing
The beauties all around, but enjoyed and knowing every sound.
Her hearing had become so defined, she could tell
The dropping of a dime.
The sounds of a car, truck, or motorbike
No two sounds were ever alike.
She knew the sound of each bird high up in the trees
And the sound of a cricket in the summer breeze.
Being sightless did not mean that she could not see
Her hands took away the mysteries.
With just touching a picture would form in her mind
To be seen as clear as day, and wipe all her doubts away.
She would run her fingers around your face
Feeling every line and every space.
She had all the gifts that GOD had given
And making life truly worth living.
With her keen hearing she could tell what was in your heart
And if you was in love – or your heart being torn apart.
Her life was about as normal as can be, but she had her
Human desires and needed a love to put out the fire.
Then her dream finally came true, when a friend told her
“I’m in love with you”!
Her parents told her – “listen to his heart and you will see
If this love is meant to be”!
She listened to his heart like a doctor with a stethoscope
And his heart did beat true – that this man’s in love with you.
Her sightless world is now complete as her heart skips a beat
louis rams Sep 2014
You wake up in the morning with sleep in your eyes
Wondering if this day will turn out fine.
You get up out of bed and do your daily routine
Washing your face and making sure your clothes are clean.
You get yourself ready to go to work
And the coffee is just starting to perk.
You’re deciding on what you’re going to eat
Maybe pancakes will be a good treat?
You finish your breakfast, wash the dishes and you’re out the door
Wondering what this day has in store?
You get to work and the headaches begin
It seems like you just can’t win.
The hours seem to slowly pass!
How much longer will this last?
Five o’clock is finally here – every one jumps up and starts to cheer.
Now you start your trek back home- in your bed is where you belong
But it’s Friday night and it’s party time
A little dancing and some wine.
You put on that **** dress- and the makeup will do the rest.
You pick up your purse and your cell
You’re low on cash, but you won’t tell.
You get to the club and your friends are there
And their table with you they share.
After your first drink you’re out on the floor
You can’t stop- you want much more.
After a full hour of dancing you have to take a break
You know you’re tired because your legs and feet ache.
Back to the table – another glass of wine
Your eyes are heavy so you know it’s that time.
You say good night to your friends at the table
You’ve got to get home while you’re able.
You get home and lock the door, take your shower, then walk the floor.
A house is not a home when there’s no one there
And you have so much to share.
But who do you talk to when you’re all alone
Sitting there by the phone.
This is the time that you think about a man
Who can fit in your plan.
But you’re still young with no obligation
So why get into a heavy relation?
                “PARTY TIME IS JUST FINE”   HA-HA
1.7k · Oct 2011
womens hidden beauty
louis rams Oct 2011

Each night you remove your makeup
You wash your face.
You rest your head in the same old place.
You prop up your pillow as I kiss you good night
But your inner beauty is always in my sight.

The outside beauty is only a mask
It is something that does not last.
But that inner beauty will last throughout eternity
That is something that I do see.

Even when you’re snoring in a deep restful sleep
And I lift up the covers to take a peek
The urge in me builds up a burning fire
Filling me with a ****** desire.

I want to tear the covers off of you
And hold your body close to mine
But I know it’s not the right time.

So like a good soul mate
I will lay here and wait
Till you wake up with the morning sun
That is when I’ll have my fun.
1.6k · Jul 2010
louis rams Jul 2010
Your eyes are wide open, but yet you don’t see
All the love I have inside of me.
Eyes wide open, but you don’t look around
You don’t open your ears, you don’t hear a sound.

Eyes wide open but the beauties that surround you
Do not seem to exist.
Is it that your eyes on you are playing tricks?

Eyes wide open and yet you have a blank stare.
Have you closed off your mind?
Or you just don’t care.

What can I do to remove that haze
So that on my face you can gaze.
If I hold you tenderly in my arms
And kiss those beautiful eyes.
Will they move? Will they cry?

What must I do so that you can see
That our love was meant to be.
They say that you went deep inside yourself
To hide the hurt and pain
But without your love “ I am the same”.

Eyes wide open . Did they just glance at me?
Is it because your heart is finally free?
I see a tear forming in your eyes
Emotions being let out that you tried to hide.

Eyes wide open- now they are mine
I can see your love for the very first time.
1.6k · Oct 2014
a little more comedy
louis rams Oct 2014
A family is at the dinner table. The son asks the father, “Dad, how many kinds of ***** are there?” The father, surprised, answers, “Well, son, a woman goes through three phases. In her 20s, a woman’s ******* are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s and 40s, they are like pears, still nice, hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions.” “Onions?” the son asks. “Yes. You see them and they make you cry.” This infuriated his wife and daughter. The daughter asks, “Mom, how many different kinds of ******* are there?” The mother smiles and says, “Well, dear, a man goes through three phases also. In his 20s, his ***** is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s and 40s, it’s like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it’s like a Christmas tree.” “A Christmas tree?” the daughter asks. “Yes, dead from the root up and the ***** are just for decoration..****
1.6k · Feb 2015
dream catcher
louis rams Feb 2015
I put the dream catcher at the head of my bed
Where bad dreams dare not treed.
It captures just my good dreams and hopes and prayers
And with the angels it is shared.
What better carrier than an angel with wings
Who can handle most anything.
Your prayers and dreams have been seen and heard
Every dream and every word.
The dream catcher must start again
Because your dreams may never end.
© L. RAMS 020415
1.6k · Jun 2015
angel vs devil
louis rams Jun 2015
the cries of this soul entering the valley of death
where others before him sat and wept.
the life you changed is a life that had gone wrong
it was on the road of self destruction , and for
the devil it was an abduction.
your powerful wings brouht you to my side, when you heard
my far distant cry it was  a cry for help so loud and clear
that all others shook with fear.
it was an echo that rang like the bells on a steeple
giving a warning to all its people.
knowing that your battle had begun , they looked down
to the earth to see which one had won.
the wings of the angel knocked the devil to his knees
as his pitchfork struck him and he began to bleed.
the devil jabbing at him with all his might , not wanting
to lose another fight.
the angels wings moved quickly like in a dance
and the devil knew he had no chance.
his arms were tired as he continued to poke
as the angels wings weakened him with every stroke.
with a screech he fell to the ground , screaming to the angel
" you won this round "
no longer did he have control over a child of GOD
because it had become much to hard.
the angel carried the soul to the heavens above
where all he could see was happiness and love.
(C) L . RAMS 062915
1.6k · Dec 2012
chanukah and christmas
louis rams Dec 2012

2100 years ago a band of Jews defeated the Greek army
And drove them off their land, reclaiming the holy temple
In Jerusalem and rededicating it to the service of god.
when they sought to light the temples menorah
They found only a single cruse of olive oil that
escaped contamination by the Greeks.
Miraculously the one day supply lasted eight days.
The sages instituted the festival of Chanukah
To publicize these miracles.
The Dreidel which is a four sided top with a
Hebrew letter on each side which means
“ a great miracle happened here”
was used later on in the years to give thanks to god
Without the enemy knowing that they were praying.
Chanukah, the Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the festival of lights, is an eight day festival beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev.
Chanukah is probably one of the best known Jewish holidays, not because of any great religious significance, but because of its proximity to Christmas. Many non-Jews (and even many assimilated Jews!) think of this holiday as the Jewish Christmas, adopting many of the Christmas customs, such as elaborate gift-giving and decoration. It is bitterly ironic that this holiday, which has its roots in a revolution against assimilation and suppression of Jewish religion, has become the most assimilated, secular holiday on our calendar.

Christmas and Chanukah are known world wide
But these two faiths do not collide.
They walk hand in hand
For they came out of the promised land.

You see : the son of god was born a Jew
The Romans felt this was taboo.
No other religion could exist
This was controlled by the Romans fist.

JESUS preached in synagogues throughout the lands
Something that the Romans did withstand.
His own people wanted his death
But little did they know
That with this- a new faith would grow.

The cross on which he died became a symbol
Of Christianity, and that’s the way
God meant it to be.

Chanukah is eight days of giving while  the Christian
Holiday is just one day ,but during these
holidays we all kneel and pray.

We give GOD thanks for all the beauties of the earth
And for family and friends, and it is something
That will never end.
As long as man holds a belief in their hearts
And faith,-then all will be overcome and
Let GODS will be done.

© L . RAMS
1.6k · Sep 2011
blind faith
louis rams Sep 2011

I was always taught that JESUS CHRIST  was a Jew.
Then there is a question that I must ask of you.
If he was a Jew- did he have a bar-mitzvah?
Or was he just put on this earth
So Christianity could give birth?

At the age of twelve he sat down
with rabbi’s and teachers
For this was the way that he would reach us.

Was baptizing people with water.
Was this the first step of GODS orders?
Questions such as these will always arise
But I know he’s always by my side.
Christianity was born on blind faith
Most get it early - while others get it late.

This blind faith is passed down from
Generation to generation
This has become our salvation.

Unlike scientist who only believe in what
Can be seen and what can be proven, they ask
How can blind faith keep one moving.
Now JESUS is but one man
Yet his face is in every land.
There is not one person in any religion
Known more than CHRIST.
It makes you think - not once but twice.

This is how fast Christianity has spread
That he is known world wide
And on blind faith we do rely.

As for GOD there is only one
And he gave us his only son.
1.5k · Oct 2011
the angry young man
louis rams Oct 2011

He had so much anger , so much hate
To lash out at someone he couldn’t wait
An innocent bystander walking down the street
This was the one that he would beat.

If she had suspected what lied ahead
She would have turned her back and fled.
With fists flaring he knocked her to the ground
Her jaw broken - she couldn’t make a sound
They say they don’t know how she survived
With the extent of her injuries
they was sure she would die.

She gave a description of what he looked like
And before blacking out she started to fight
They caught him with the description she gave
They saw that he was full of anger and rage.

They say from his step father he had been abused
And fighting back was of no use.
His mother did not believe what he had said
And she turned - and sent him to bed.

He now blamed his mother for what
His step father had done
no one to turn to, no where to run.
She should have - defended her son.

He and his step father are both in jail
Because his mother had truly failed
To hold a man she did not watch her son
Now look at what he has gone and done.

( child abuse can create stories such as this)
louis rams Sep 2014
We were lying naked in bed, covered in sweat
From feet to head.
The ******* we shared
Was far beyond compare.
Our bodies had become as one
In a fast rhythmical beat
Sending waves of passion
Ever so sweet.
Like the sky meeting the ocean
And you can’t see where one begins
And the other one ends.
For we became lovers
After becoming friends.
We was exhausted, and our minds
Became as blank as can be.
But our souls was released
And our hearts set free.
We never knew how beautiful
******* could be
Till I found you, and you found me.
It had created a passion deep inside
A passion that we couldn’t hide.
And as I laid on top of you
I knew just what I had to do.
I kissed your lips once again
As I caressed your face
I felt you tighten your warm embrace.
If I wanted to be inside of you
Then I would have to marry you
For we was meant to be
Living together eternally.

louis rams
louis rams Oct 2011
(10/6/11) Halloween

Let me give an update of Halloween night
When Freddie Krueger and Jason got into a fight.
Blood was flying all around
Yet not one of them made a sound.
Their instruments of death as sharp as can be
And the ending - no one could foresee.

They were joining forces for Halloween night
Since all the Halloween crowd would be waiting for them
Because at midnight the scaring would end.
Now that all the revelers were here
They would plan their rants and jeers.

FREDDIE would pull them out of bed
Then the GRIM REAPER would cut off their heads
Then DRACULA would **** them dry
And their bodies the goblins would hide.

The GHOSTS and WITCHES decided to do their thing
And the frightened victims they would bring.
The GHOULS and WEREWOLF would roam the alleyways
To ensure those that were hidden would not stay.

Now there was FRANKIE, the MUMMY , JASON ,
and the GOBLINS too
They’d hide in the shadows waiting for you.
FRANKIE ,the MUMMY, and JASON were all slow walkers
But they was great as shadow stalkers.
The GOBLINS would trip them to the ground
And jump on them before they could make a sound.  

To the graveyard at midnight they would go
Man oh man ! What a wonderful show.
To their places of eternal rest, till next year
When they’ll do their best.
Look at that cemetery and you will see
That this is where they have to be.
1.5k · Oct 2012
of unspoken women
louis rams Oct 2012

They are known by many names - *******
Hookers, ladies of the night, escort services, call girls
But what’s in a name ! it’s a trade name like electrician
Carpenter, plumber, doctor.

First and foremost she is a daughter - has a mother
And may even be a mother.
You may not accept her as a sister, a cousin , or an aunt
But she is still blood.

her ways of thinking and living
May be different from you
But do not criticize unless you’ve walked
A mile in her shoes.

She may open her legs to all and any man
But there is one thing you must understand.
She is a woman with many needs
And on this men do feed.

She puts to use what GOD has given
And that’s how she earns her living.
She knows that these are her tools
For her to survive - and it’s one of a kind.

Her tools can be used in so many different ways
Whether she stands , sits, or even lays.
She does the same things that all women do
She even has dreams just like you.

There are many who use their income
From day to day - then there are the ones
Who use a lay- a-way.
They’re the ones who think ahead
And 30% goes into the bank instead.

So when their bodies tell them it’s time to quit
And to enjoy life
By then they’ve accumulated a nice slice.

Now I decided to figure it out
What their lives are all about.
Using a very low figure, even thou
It can be much bigger.

If they have ten johns at twenty dollars a pop
Each day for a five day week .
10x 20 = 200 a day times 5 days =1000.00
A week times 4 weeks is 4000.00
At 30% being banked is 1200.00 per month
Times 12 months is $14,400 a year for 20 years
Is $ 288.000 dollars.

This is a low figure, and how many of us can
Retire in twenty years and have saved this amount?

So with this in mind- who are we to criticize.

© L . RAMS
this is an ignored topic which has to be faced
1.5k · Oct 2011
broken home
louis rams Oct 2011
she came from a broken home
where the parents at each other
would throw stones.
every day they would argue, bicker
and fight, all the way till the night.
not realizing their Childs plight.
the child to them in turn would scream
but in the battle she was not seen.
   from her father she had ****** abuse
fighting with him, was of no use.
he forced himself upon her at a very young age
from there on, her life would never be the same.
living in fear of what he would do
and who she could turn to.
where could she go
the judicial system moves very slow.
when she had told her mother.
her mother said it could never be
why would he go with you
when he has me?
she knew then, that she would have to leave
and with her being gone, no one would grieve.
      she would pack her bags, with everything
she owned, and on the road she would go.
with tears in her eyes, she walked out
the door, to return never more.
and as she got to the swinging gate
her mother screamed to her
but it was too late.
on her dresser bureau, her mother found this note.
you gave birth to me, and brought me
into this world, and you had always said
that I was your little girl.
but when I told you what had happened to me
you laughed and turned your back on me.
   so now I am leaving, because I can not
continue this abuse, don't look for me, it will be of no use.
I love you mom, for you are my mother
just watch out for my little brother.
  I am a child from a broken home
and I know that I’m not alone.
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