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it seems came her

adrift on mellow breezes
faintly scent o' strawberries

red dawn golden lashes  in rhythms
upon a meadow painted by
Emerson words and Van Gogh splashes

so lightly afoot
so not to spoil any of nature


 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
Counting each petal as it falls
For each is entirely
their own delicate fragment of beauty
If only I could admire them all

Their candy sweet, summer born perfume
someones turned the lights on again
my life simply, smoothly resumed

Looking back, I dont know how I could ever live a life so consumed- in anything but the blushing pearly hues that form so subtly as each magnolia bud begins to bloom.

I could sit here forever with you.
and enjoy every single one of your treasures
if you'd allow me to.

I want to get lost in you.
For lovely, there's a little piece of magic
in everything you do.
You've got me under a spell with the way your lips move, or the way your throat purrs when you sing me your lullabies and blues.

Small paradise, outside the old family house, beneath the sacchrine flowered tree
It's so beautiful to be in love with you

So beautiful, that you're in love with me.
Spring paradise
Drown drown drown in my eyes
 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
Sometimes I write words that I think are perfect and mighty

but when I read your words ,they ******* me ,they make me feel like a nonsense trying to make sense

They make me Wonder, why should i call  me a poet
With words that don't rhyme  
or flow

But again I believe that this words are perfect and mighty
they gave me hope
I found peace whenever I wrote them
I floated like a feather and forgot my permanent scars
with these words am a Knight and a hero
what are you with your words
I came from abuse, I came from sorrow.
What happened yesterday doesn't determine tomorrow.
I remember the past so vividly, peoples preconceptions about who I was gonna be
People in my old city thought they knew me
We in a world where we believe in fixed reality
The person you were yesterday isn't who you have to be
Ignorant people talking about , "It's just your destiny"
Stop complaining about life and be free
Do what you want, be who you want to be.
Went from the streets to a student at Seattle University
Nothing is fixed, transform your reality
-Kim Hines
My vulnerable heart beats just for you,
In tune with your every breath and step,
Its steady rhythm will always ring true,
For your love my heart will always be kept,

Mysterious beauty filled with pure bliss,
Your mesmerizing eyes they shine and gleam,
Deep and inspired our fortunes they kiss,
Reflecting bright shades of emerald green,

Strong yet calm your voice like a steady tide,
The words you gently whisper in my ear,
Masculine, mature cannot be disguised,
Relieve my timid heart of quiet fears,

But my lost heart cannot sing evermore,
Without you here to cherish and adore
Tis better to have loved and lost
And lost
And lost
And lost
And lost
And lost
And lost
And lost
And lost
Than to have never loved at all???
 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
Tori O
I wonder what you'd think,
If you saw me when I cry,
When I cry over the past,
The past you left to die.

I wonder how you'd feel,
If you witnessed my deepest thought,
My thought of why you left me,
Why you left me here to rot.
Wrote this a while ago, a bit depressing but I was just expressing and trying to work through the raw emotions that I was feeling.
 Mar 2015 Lizzy Jovanovic
the vibrations of silent music
an invisible hug
walking barefoot in the grass
your first breath

Schrodinger's cat rehashed
plants in the wrong habitat
ants crawling up and down your flesh
pins and needles writhing in your stomach

the first sign of spring
being encased in bubble wrap
walking on a cloud in the sky
a new life

until they open the door
and the steel shatters
Try and figure out what it is
To trust is to give yourself wholly to someone
You have no secrets
You have no wall in which you hide behind and cry
You have nothing to protect yourself from the times when your guards down

Your defenseless if they want to hurt you
You are weak if you trust some say
You let yourself open to someone
Which sometimes makes it hard to be brave

Why would you let this person into yourself?
Welcome them with open arms
Why let them have ammunition to hurt you with?
It's like you have given them a loaded gun
Why would you let them have that much power over you?

That is stupid
So stupid but humans are stupid
They let themselves trust
Let their love for another bring them to their knees

I was stupid enough to trust
That person let me down
Now I know that trust is stupid
I'm stupid for loving again

For letting my hopes get up
Because they always crash and burn
And it takes years for me to pick up all the tiny pieces of my heart
I know now I can't trust
I just can't anymore

Everyone in the world find it impossible to not hurt each other
To take the trust & break it
To exploit the trust that was bestowed to them
To hurt

Because that's
What people do
That's why I can't trust
Not anymore
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