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nestling between my toes
while I sit and wait
FOR YOU, YOU *******
to come back in your usual manner
and watch me cry warm,
SALTY ******* TEARS.
We start as one.
We grow from the same wretched earth,
but eventually,
we begin to abandon the physiological Pangea
in which all our bodies are blurred at the edges,
And we grow independent.
Eventually, though,
each and every one of us
becomes tired.
We lay down to rest,
and our dura mater begins to decompose,
leaving our brain to slip free,
our consciousness to traverse the planes we left behind at birth.
i feel so very tired
i think my body is beginning to rot
from the inside out
something is wrong
Baby boy!
Pretty little thing,
your flesh
is So divine!
Oh yeah,
that's right;
I like to watch it -
i like to watch your flesh:
subcutaneous fat
padding tender hips
Shifting on a creaky framework of bones.
So beautiful,
so divine,
so delicious -
I will have you for my own, Straight Boy,
I will eat you,
your liver,
your Brain,
and finally,
I will devour your confused little heart;
I will bite through the muscle;
and you will watch on
as Blood that pumped
through a brain that pushed away thoughts of hesitant homoeroticism,
and a ***** that rose
For me - INCUBUS!!! -
dribbles down my chin...
 Aug 2022 Anastasia
 Aug 2022 Anastasia
Don't pretend
that you were trying
to save me when
you were the one
who let me

You're nothing but a jester
exploiting me to win my crown.
Exploiting: To use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.
 Aug 2022 Anastasia
Dear soulmate,

There's a lot of stuff happening right now.
Lots of things are going wrong,
Falling apart,
Or just becoming visible to people who didn't believe in them before.
And even now,
As things we didn't think could happen are happening,
As things are changing in the world,
People will still tell me soulmates don't exist.
And as is the usual,
I won't believe them.
They've been wrong before, right?

I know you're out there.
And I know that I love you.
I don't know what color your eyes are,
But I know I'll love staring into them for as long as I can.
I don't know what kind of music you like yet,
Or what kind of movies you like,
Or if you like to read like I do.
I don't know if you like to travel
Or if you're stuck in your hometown because you just don't want to leave.
I don't know if you're struggling right now or not.
I don't know how old you are
Or what color you are
Or even what gender you are really
But I KNOW that you are out there.
And I know I'll find you one day.

But until then,
Don't be dumb.
Stay safe and stay kind.
We could have a competition to see who finds the other first.
But even if we don't,
I just can't wait to meet you.
Until then,
I love you.
Keep being you.

With Love,
       Your soulmate
Stuff is rough right now. If you're struggling with anything going on, please reach out to someone you love. You don't have to save everyone. Sometimes saving just one person is progress. Even if that person is yourself.
 Aug 2022 Anastasia

There is the core of who it is that you are..
inside of you,  my beautiful ανάσταση

                           and it will never, ever leave you.

When we are hurt real bad..  and in such unjust ways,
we can sometimes lose ourselves--

                                          from ourselves..

But that part of us will never  not
                           want to be found.

We become afraid because the pain from the hurt
has been so bad.

There is a central part of you  that has been protected  
from every bit of that harm--

                                      that is the core  
                of  who  it  is  that  you  are.

    I­n its utter and magnificent beauty,
    it is wholly  unable to be corrupted
              by this less than loving world..

And in it's perfect ability  to see,

       it will always let you be the chosen one
                                                     to find it.

This is the picture painted,

             of you,
                finding you.

please forgive my inability to see
 Aug 2022 Anastasia
When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?
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