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 Nov 2018 Lauren Pascual
when a heart broken
pours out all
her feelings and
translates them onto
words. something
beautiful gets created.
appreciated by many but
never the one
she's always written her
heart out for.
i go to funerals
without shedding a single tear
i've looked the devil in the eyes
and i've been touched by demons
i've died inside so many times
and bled out more than i count
and you think
i care what you may think of me?
you're mistaken, dear.
 Nov 2018 Lauren Pascual
I jumped into a skin
and found old bones
a poets poetry
scattered across years.
I used to write poetry only for the
It was nothing more to me, then mere child's game.

As I grew up, I wanted something to blame,
So I wrote my poetry with saddened flames.

My heart got broken, so I wrote for a claim,
But I didnt had it in me to write the

But then I met you and I setted my
So im writing this poetry  in your
And her beautiful brown eyes, they made me homesick for the home i never had
All our love is different now.
All our dreams are different now,
But all the stars are still the same.
We grow different flowers.
We listen to different songs,
But the sun still shines just as bright.
It's so wild, how we all went and changed overnight.
 Oct 2018 Lauren Pascual
 Oct 2018 Lauren Pascual
be with the one who sees constellations on your skin and treats you as the brightest star in the sky
be with the one whose arms feel like home and you’d run to drunk in a room of everyone you’ve ever loved
be with the one who is satisfied with just your company and needs nothing more from you but your presence
be with the one who does everything in their ability just to make you happy and doesn’t let you go to sleep sad
be with the one who distractedly traces your skin just to remind them that such a wonderful person is not a figment of their imagination
be with the person that restores your faith in true love and good people
be with that person because they are not common and never let them go

sometimes i imagine how life will be
when you move off to new york.

will you be brighter
without me to dim you?

i see you bustling
about the big city, following your
dreams up there
while i'm chasing mine
down here

in this nowhere town with its
roots buried in the past
and its leaves curving downward.

how do i know that your ever-beating heart
will race its way back to mine?

you will be  up there
with the honey coloured streetlights
and the streets bursting with so many  lives,
that they tell their own story.
i'll be down here with the honey suckle bushes
and the pale white lights in the sky
staring down at me.

my hand will stretch for something to hold it
my lips looking for someone to kiss
my body bracing itself for the embrace
that never comes
and always goes,

you will always go
and lying alone
in bed
i hope
that you remember
to return.

you'll find me on the corner of the street,
where you first said,"'hey, what's your name again?"
if you found me alone where'd you want to be?
it'll all change but i'd still be the way that i was when we were young
and in love and free.
believe me.
love, distance and lany inspired
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