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 Jul 2014 lina S
 Jul 2014 lina S
From deep within;
As if you're trying substantially to chase a ghost;
You look around and there is no one, nothing
Simply yourself and some nonsense..
I ask myself, is it me? Am I the problem?
I take a look at my heart;
I wouldn't find pureness but lucidity and daintiness
Im still on my own
Fighting the feeling of loneliness everyday
The day ends, I go to bed
Cry myself to sleep.. But I wake up hoping that my day would be different
no, it just ends horribly.. like every other day.
Giving up.. It hurts to give up though
Specially giving up on him
As if you're yanking, stripping out, extracting
a piece of your own heart and mind.
Holding way too many feelings
Nodding to people and heads
When I wish to have a simple happy life
With my loved ones,
Instead they misunderstand me,
hurt me,
blame me,
disrespect me,
I can't explain my love to him,
infinite emotions of love,
flowing thoroughly within every inch of my heart
 Jul 2014 lina S
Muggle Ginger
Between a baby's first word
And a deathbed confession
There are plenty of times
For God to say,
“I told you so.”
Was kind to me
And sometimes I could fly.

Fate, you see
Excluded me
And I felt I'd never die.
 Jul 2014 lina S
The Raven
 Jul 2014 lina S
The Raven
Dreams are an instant in reality when your mind pushes past the barriers of the mentally sane.
Dreams are not fake, they are real.
Dreams are your mind, processing the higher functions, and comprehending a higher reality.
I know this because I've done it.
I know this, because I pushed past that mental barrier, and I found you.
A girl that has only existed in my subconscious; my imagination...
A perfect girl.
I pushed into my dreams, and unlocked that higher reality, where that perfect girl exists.
That's where I am now.
That's why I have you.
 Jul 2014 lina S
Take me to the ocean and
kiss me under the waves.
Watch me put shells in my
hair just like pretty mermaids.
We can watch the sunset as
you braid my brown hair.
Then curl our toes into the
wet sand as we stand hand
in hand. Collect the shells
with me and whisper your
wishes to them before you
throw them back in the sea.
Hold me in arms so you can
be close to me. Rest your lovely
bones over mine. I want to feel
a fire take place inside. Tell me
those words that light me up like
one of your favorite afternoon cigarettes .
I'll promise to inhale
the smoke you'll exhale. The
of I love you I love you taste
better than my cocktail. You
make me life drunk just like
the characters that
exist in fairy tales* ~
 Jul 2014 lina S
Ariana Sweeney
Off                   comes my slip, socks, sanity and an echo
Goes                 up my spine.  
The                   men
Film                  my sinking heart  
And                  dive into the  
Filth                  plastered against my mind without a thought  
Of                      what moments define me.
That                  girl who used to wear a  
Shirt                  embroidered with flowers and had a mother  
Making             her a meal with love is now working the  
Room               with what's left of her.
For                    -ward motion depicts nothing
More                 than bones and memories never cherished.
Inspired by Emily Hopkins
 Jul 2014 lina S
harlee kae
your love is as distant as the stars,
and just as dead.
yet i wish on them every night..
 Jul 2014 lina S
harlee kae
because the words spew out like *****
and I am one sick child.
They flow out of my mouth as
ceaselessly as the tears
drip off my nose.
And they splash around your feet,
but you don't even stop to clean up your shoes.
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