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Liliana Jaworska Jul 2015
Afterlife, a reflection of soul?
A gap we slip through
When membranes between layers unfold us
To Zero Point;
Touching consciousness absolute

The womb we go back to
Where dark does not hurt our higher selves
The first seed rooted
In Living Light
Growing with original vibration
The first sound

Acoustic Universal Mantra
Existing in the space between colors
Blending with all that occupies.
A passage through an enigma
Spanning epchos of luminous flux

Patterns of conscious light,
we emerged from the Void
From fractals of an eternal soul
A Universal breath
Fuse us with flesh;
Divine ballads in Golden Mean
Joann Chan-McKeon
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Breath counts our days and nights like God.

Breath during twilight laid into blissful sleep,
breath of newborn welcoming the world,
breath during considerations on storm of frozen years,
breath of mortally terrified man thrown into abyss,
breath of memories creeping into oblivion,
breath during ecstatic experience of union with beloved,
breath of bard in sanctuary,
breath of soul while symphony plays in it,
breath during interference of God's message,
breath during observation of visible signs of what is performed in soul,
breath while you are overwhelmed by primal instincts,
breath during kiss affecting the sphere of sensuous ,
breath during awakening of images of love sick from excess of words,
breath during the intervention of God in life,
breath on the path of recognition of the idea of ​​good,
breath during  maturity examination in the field of theological virtues,
breath during reward of unrighteousness,
breath during arrangement of feelings.

Breath releases emotions without need of Katarsis.
Breath strengthens internal sense of security.
Breath makes soul your guide and teacher.
Breath makes possible
connection of mind,body and soul,
deliverance from the darkness of ignorance,
release from bonds of illusion,
separation of the spiritual needs and ****** needs,
to experience spectrum of human feelings,
to be a man distinguishing good from evil,
to celebrate life in all its glory,
to get rid of belifes limitating mind,
to enter into spiritual and physical world,
to study cosmological issues,
to hipothesize and recive answers,  
to experience fulfillment in the field of love,  
to overcome chaotic desires of our soul,  
to use the knowledge gained before entering the body,
to become an expression of divinity,
to imitate order of nature,
to dry out unusual flowers under a pile of books,
to experience God's Providence,
to prove that justice is worthy of having,
to exploit  days and nights in conformity with destiny,
to avoid venial sins in the future,
to exceed usual consiousness,
to dance in lake with stony bottom,
to think about something we never experienced,
to avoid the loss of sensitivity of the moral conscience,
to cry in defense of the poor,
to express  respect and love for fellow beings.

Breath is the hourglass measuring time grain by grain.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2017
I thought I love and then I saw you.
I love only You before creation of moon,
before light giving birth to mortal stars.
My past 'lovers' lost meaning
like a candle without taper waiting for a spark.
I never loved anyone.
It was just mind construct, dream of dead heart..
I always loved you and only you I will love.
I am God, fragments of morning kisses, every atom of your soul.
Creator is silent when He sees Himself in me.
As a result of my unconditional love
the moon will dance in the opposite direction
to the logic of all ascentors of centuries
in half-tons of my wistful soul full of unfathomable fondness.
And if the sun shines on man tomorrow with an unrelieved face
it's only when you and I unite in the love flames of our bodies
bringing God into the world, one soul of all Gods.
Trinity in two bodies will bless every human being
in every sacred touch of your kiss.
The etheric stars I will feed with heavenly light
of movement of your lips when you say 'i love you, art of my life'.
The breath of fantasts comes to the world
once in a million years, You.
God Himself gave me power
to bring the stars aglow under your feet
and burn with passion your heart and spirit,
the only one I adored, adore and will adore
in non-local reality of space and time, forever.
Ingenious Metaphysician of sublunary world I am
spreading astronomical theories of unconditional love.
No sun comparable to true love of your heart.
You are the axis of my universal soul.
You are the light inside black holes.
I am limitless love without concept of being loved in return.
God you are.
I am God.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
You gave me eternity,
my immortal love.
You are in every particle
of my soul.
Your are my breath of life,
my every sense.
Without you
I am empty air,
insignificant trifle.
I will hide our love
under the stars.
The sea of mystery glow
will cuddle us
to eternal sleep.
Our inner desires
will be satisfied
in dreams.
Liliana Jaworska Nov 2014
In your eyes shines universe in the shape of your face.
The stars whisper verses of unconditional love.
Light of the moon emanates with your heart.
Sun burns oath of immortality on my skin.
Planets dance to the music of our souls.
Even the black hole discovered the essence of love.
Stardust wraps our bodies and souls.
Meteorites juggle in space of desire to hit ecstasy of fated land.
Interstellar space is filled with love of devotion.
Electromagnetism guards intimacy of our bodies.
Gravity is jealous about force of our feelings.
Strong impact rising between us.
Space-time continuum is richer in our kisses.
All forms of matter and energy count light years of love head over heels.
Our love was born in the Big Bang's peculiarity,
existes since the dawn of time.
Atoms formed union of our beings.
Star agglomerated in galaxies of fascination and fulfillment.
Supernova of our passion is new kind of cosmic explosion.
The shock wave propagates even in the toes and feet.
We transformed in pure energy.
Expansion of our love accelerates.
Existence has become a paradise on earth, cosmic catharsis.
Love is bliss of ******* with you.
Drink a love potion to the bottom of romanticism.
You will raise where I am.
In you I found the multiverse.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Every crisis is opportunity from God for new life.
It is impossible to avoid in life human, spiritual crisis.
However, everything in life is useful.
Life is a constant demolition and creation of brick of life.
Do not destroy in order to ruin
but to build with elements similar to the previous world a new one.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
You left me without remorse and hesitation.
I stayed in exhaustion in bedding of ice.
I see your ghostly outlines.
You are like polar ice cap in distant horizon.
I can not stand insulation.
I reached irreversible aspects of survival.
Little heat of my body has left.
My whole body embraces the numbness to the core of bones.
Dark hallicunations penetrate my mind.

You left me without remorse and hesitation.
Maybe unconsciousness will rescue me from pain.
My heart will stop functioning soon.
I wish I could do something to save myself.
I need anesthetic of your kisses,
your sweet morphine of saliva.
I barely close my eyes to sleep.
I tremble and search for answers
why you left me,
why God allows for loud cry,
why destiny walks dark paths.
Will mountain of ice in you crumble?

You left me without remorse and hesitation.
Nothing makes sense.
Haviness is growing inside of me.
I try to speak with flames of grief.
I try to play with them
but soon I will stop breathing.
Inaudible lullaby lulls me to sleep.
You are my attacker now, my conspirator.
Obviously you feel innocent and blame me
for sinfulness which I carry with me,
for lies that were not spoken.

You left me without remorse and hesitation.
I am waiting here in pain for your endorsement.
I vowed to be with you forever.
Promises fade away in the cold
from lack of heartbeat and breathing
as I now died here for you.
After this initial death may come  
second and third death
until I wake up with you
staring into the ocean of your  eyes
like a shore waiting for waves.

You left me without remorse and hesitation.
Without you all parts of my body screams in pain.
I am churned sea wishing calmness,
lost molasse on your journey through world,
underwater sounds not heared by anyone.
My thoughts are inquisitive for your words not said.
I am kneeling in beseeching prayers.
Maybe this will save us from disdain and sorrow.
My confusion is mixed with panic attacks
that I will never kiss your eyes again,
that love floated like frightened bird,
that world would die with my dreams.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
In the depths of the soul
I would like to be a better man
for ants,
for passer-by,
for daisies.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to be the brightest beacon
for my astray soul,
for my troubled mind,
for my amblyopic eyes.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to be the purest form of love
to appreciate the beauty of the world,
to reconcile with an old friend,
to awaken in others simple needs of the heart.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to become a ray of hope
to discover the meaning of forgiveness,
to have a better taste of coffee in the morning,
to experience a long farewell.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to find answers to your questions
about love,
about God,
about Universe.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to get far away from here
to find myself amidst worries,
to subdue my own weakness,
to breathe a sigh of relief.

In the depths of the soul
I would like to become everything
that's admirable for your eyes
to possess Unity,
to possess your soul
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Our common cards are written down by fate.
You gone away with dubious relief
as closests leaving  a few times in life.
I dried out memories in atlas of eternal moments
to preserve the view of your eyes tinged with doubt.
I am at my wits' end.
I don't belive in destiny.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
“Kisses are a better fate than wisdom.”
Liliana Jaworska Jul 2015
'You will find Universe in his arms.'
Angels wispherd in my thoughts.
I am safe knowing all stars will guide you to me
even if one day you will lose your path.
There is only one home in this world.
There is only one love.
I remember birth of Universe.
I remeber voice of God
'He belongs to you forever.'
I am ready to let you in my life
after painful experiences.
I had to open my heart for Love again.
I am ready to fight for you
even if this love will fight for itself.
This time I have certainty I am safe.
When I lost faith in dreams
you fall from sky in manifestation of Pure Love.
I will wait patiently
even if it takes decades.
I don't believe in time anymore.
I am Pure Love.
I promise I will not run.
I found wings of Angel.
Let's speak their language.
It will safely take us home.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2018
I picked up flowers in my garden before first days of autumn, dried to save them from black magic of winter and cold breaths of sky. I put them between warm rays on my windowsills in arms of cozy home to bring spirit of life forever in their bones. I saved compositions of their scent on my lips, so you will feel endless, enigmatic, healing symphony in my kiss. I will leave sweet taste in your mouth little by little until dark mirror of your thoughts and wounds break into innocent fields of flowers full of butterflies and indispensable, clear-eyed raconteur of happiness speaking in every fragile petal silences your fleeting and long-lasting demons endowing your shadow with seductive light, tiredness with aliveness of grass, broken dreams with ubiquity of creation, fears with ineffable tranquility. This is how I love you. I will save you from the worst. I will never let you die inside no matter how cold are your days. I will fill your soul with air of metaphysical love of past eras and magic of innumerable, free-flowing joys not based on any circumstances. I will fill your thoughts with romantic myths and insatiable fantasies and old-fashioned poems. I will cover you to sleep with my dragonfly soul no matter how cold life could be.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
It is impossible to compass life without suffering harm
from loved ones.
Wrongs that take the ground from under the feet.
Wrongs that hurt heart through and through.
Wrongs that make us distraught victim.
Does forgiveness immunize us for further injustices?
Does forgiveness soothe suffering?
One thing is certain, everyone has been hurt in life
and everyone once inflicted wound:
unjust judgment,
bad word,
emotional abuse,
unfair reward.

Love that bears all things, and endures all things
shows the principle of overcoming evil with good.
We live in times where love is seen as pleasure.
When there is lack of fulfillment the connection ends
instead of support in moments of weakness,
jointly bearing burden,
willingness to give up the ego.
In relations underflow of virtues is worthless.
Every love at some point hurts.
The more we love the greater the suffering.
Remember, that you are also sometimes hard to bear.

One of the most important lessons in life
is non acceptance of evil.
Always we are entitled to protest and defense.
There is a difference between sagacious enduring of injustice
and permition for hard time and  humilitation.
Defense against evil should be free from desire
for revenge, hate, wrath, punishment and anger.
Leave vengeance to God.
The point is love. It is she who shows the right path.
The cure for the human pain of injustice is forgiveness.

Man needs time to forgive,
therefore necessary at times of touch of hurt is compassion.
Does forgiveness mean to forget?
No, forgiveness is an act of will not of forgetting.
Great injury can not be erased from memory.
Forgiveness is duty that gives hope and strength for the future.
Forgiveness is the transition from helplessness to peace of heart.
Forgiveness is overcoming anger and grief towards acceptance of reality.
Is forgiveness reconciliation?
No, although it is a quantum leap in the direction of reconciliation.
There is no way to force act of reconciliation.
Forgiveness is one thing,
and to be mature for reconciliation is another thing.
Most important in forgiveness is not to rely
on gesture of compensation.

Some believe that only weak people forgive.
Forgiveness requires tremendous effort and courage.
It is easier to sail away in anger
than creative dialogue which leads to remedy of the situation.
Without forgiveness you can not win
with guilt, abyss of past and human frailties.
Forgiveness is above all priceless gift for yourself.
Forgiveness frees you from inner poisons,
and also opens up new lands.
If we are able to injure,
we are also able to say the sorry and make amends.
Act of contrition allows for a true change of heart.
Act of forgiveness is the bud of heart at peace.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Under the touch of your delightful love
the world turned into a sunny flame all-embracing its warmth.
Under the touch of your burning love
I became the other half of the universe of fulfilled desires and feelings.
Under the touch of your infinite love
I see charming reflection of you in me everyday.
Under the touch of your omnipresent love
I went through the dark night of the soul
in the presence of the guardian of love and life.
Under the touch of your life-giving love
I became richer in higher feelings
which lead me on the maps of life
to you, my sweet  companion of amorous journey.
Moon envies us the glow of the full moon of our unity and love.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
When I commune with you
I feel like I'm standing in front of the fire.
You are mine good, my only future.
You are leading me skyward.
We enjoy exploration of body and soul.
The space is filled with criminal act.
I got burnt in your arms.
We are close to the explosion.
You belong to my hands, lips and toes.
You whole belong to me  
with your silky tongue,
with skin intriguing as well-written novel,
with thighs bobbing like the sound of a lullaby,
with secrets of scarlet lips.
I realized my dreams next to you.
I found a new heights in space of love.
Unlock the doors of your innocence for me.
My personal mission is to make you my real home.
Am I worthy of your trust?
Our mission is one and the same.
I do not expect anything in return.
Come out of the shadows of shyness and disbelief.
Do not be deeply troubled by unnecessary things.
Wind and fire live in harmony.
I sank to the bottom of you
and I floted up to surface of your fingerprint.
I exhale your sight like tempting Eve.
Nothing can overshadow discoveries of my love for you,
any careless mistake.
I entrusted you my innermost desire.
This is our moment of glory.
Liliana Jaworska Nov 2017
My soul came to this world as conscious daydreamer hypnotized in ecstasy of sunlight like stars drinking sunbeams during day to shine bright in darkness emitted by all human faces in this world and light candles in sanctuary of human hearts. Sky must absorb human shadow to let Universe breathe. Sun must be God for stars, the Source of Loving Light. I hear stars praying every night for darkness not so vivid to survive, for darkness not too deep but perfect enough to be called part of their God, so they forget death. Stars like human beings need shadow to come back home. Stars are living proof world is too dark to keep pure light. Darkness is part of infinity. Without darkness soul would be mortal and Heaven empty. Darkness is God. The smallest star in the sky wishpered last night into my ear 'Be careful what You pay attention to in your mind, darkness or light. Let Your actions shine in the midst of storms. Actions are prayers. We are Angels watching over you from above. After death You will be God in Hell or God in Heaven. Remember that these two energies are deathless. Maybe some souls after death will split into two souls. Are You God of Day or God of Night? There is only one God, the One existing in Your heart. Be innocent like a moth dancing in moonlight. Harm nobody. Kiss flames.'
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
"A kiss on the beach when there is a full moon is the closest thing to heaven."
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2015
Without him by her side her soul is empty as a starless sky. Insenient, drunk from poisoned wine of doubts mixed with teritories of hell she was looking for him among the thicket of dark clouds to celebrate memories of joint adventures. Every part of her is bleeding with unspeakable desire of his closeness filling the cup of longing for atonement of stars. Her feet are ready to walk through tremendous fires and tread upon demons that split them heartlessly. Only superhuman powers could give him the strength to fight, so she blessed his bellicose blood with unremitting prayers feeling his mad with uncertenity thoughts under the skin. Her silent voice in his head calling him to tresholds of home made him closing his eyes to see, feel, cherish her existence.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
I am too close for him to dream about me.
I'm not flying over him, not fleeing him
under the roots of trees. I am too close.
Not with my voice sings the fish in the net.
Not from my finger rolls the ring.
I am too close. A large house is on fire
without my calling for help. Too close
for a bell dangling from my hair to chime.
Too close for me to enter as a guest
before whom the walls part.
Never again will I die so readily,
so far beyond the flesh, so inadvertently
as once in his dream. I am too close,
too close—I hear the hiss
and see the glittering husk of that word,
as I lie immobilized in his embrace. He sleeps,
more available at this moment
to the ticket lady of a one-lion traveling circus
seen but once in his life
than to me lying beside him.
Now a valley grows for her in him, ochre-leaved,
closed off by a snowy mountain
in the azure air. I am too close
to fall out of the sky for him. My scream
might only awaken him. Poor me,
limited to my own form,
but I was a birch tree, I was a lizard,
I emerged from satins and sundials
my skins shimmering in different colors. I possessed
the grace to disappear from astonished eyes,
and that is the rich man's riches. I am too close,
too close for him to dream about me.
I slip my arm out from under his sleeping head.
It's numb, full of imaginary pins and needles.
And on the head of each, ready to be counted,
dance the fallen angels.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
If love was a starry, clear sky,
I would find for us cosmic patch
of lunar infatuation swirling among planets.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in the tails of comets sparking in your eyes,
at that time when ship with your body reaches port of my hands.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in the window of our shivery hearts,
in sound of bee wings next to the ears of yours.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in fragrance of linen laid by your hands,
in tea brewed with your golden dreams.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is here
in your singing amidst forest of birches,
in cello playing in the darkness of our alleys.

If somewhere is heaven,
it is in the oaths out of our mouths,
it is in long, common stories attenuated in house full of lilacs.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
I looked for you in the distant, plural reality though you were so close to me.
I was looking for your vibrant eyes in other men, in vain.
Meanwhile, I discovered the charm of your manhood painted with my eyes.
Manhood can be viewed from different perspectives.
Respect, safety, trust, protectiveness,
it is not experienced by all other humans.
Feelings differs from person to person.
I fell in love with you without reason,
without calculation of the probability of a broken heart.
I want to cherish all your human creative elements,
all aspects of your manhood,
biological, anthropological, psychological, theological.
I want to become a notion of divinity,
to feed you with the unknowable.
I want to become indigo, scarlet, gold,
to be coulors of your soul.
I want to speak the language of your dreams
to give you a magic moment before sleep.
I want to love you infinitely like nobody ever loved you
before and after me.
I want to listen to your breathing at night
and in the morning spoil you with a passionate kiss.
I would like to live in your dreams
and wake you up with the aroma of coffee.
I want to be a leprechaun in your hands
and dwell in them as in a house in a tree.
I want to dance with witches
whispering in my name oldest love spells.
I want to become magic in your eyes
to enchant your famished senses .
I want to swap roles with you
to understand your unique world.
Love is not rational, it would not be love.
You can not touch it but you can prove it.
My love is more real than real.
Our love will never become smaller dream when it comes to true.
I belong to you.
Liliana Jaworska Nov 2014
Learn life from life
not to make the same nonsense,
to avoid regret for mistakes.
The circle of life is spinning
and you dance with it.
You could turn it around,
but first you have to learn
life from life .
Extract essences from
exploited time,
devoted energy.
From life flows
the most valuable knowledge
that we need so much
to reach the gates of
clear conscience,
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Mist does not enslave my eyes anymore.
During the lonely walk down the desert beach
I found silence and peace of heart
among the midst of  lonley waters.
God never let us travel with empty hands.
If you have clear eyes,
you sea through the fog of a mundane despair.
Nature opens the gate of the soul
to the wide world.
I get wind of heaven
on the desert beach.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Stop for a moment.
Imagine that one day you will embrace silence.
You will look backwards and you will recognize
that this silence always rocked you to dream
about  boy who gave a falling leaf,
about nights longer than day,
about lost years,
about not ending talks at dusk ,
about stormy wind which lifts up the waves of the sea,
about warm summer like a desert wind,
about  fire of dancing bodies,
about horizon of fulfilled fantasy,
about  soul brave as a lion,
about forgiveness of inequitable sins,
about harvest of ripe apples,
about fresh bread in the morning.

Stop for a moment.
Imagine that one day you will pass away.
You will look bakwards and you will recognize
that everything on earth has deeper meaning
boundless despair,
fulfilled promise,
sense of hopelessness,
carefree laughter,
overwhelming piece of art,
passionate kiss,
poetry before bedtime,
long walks in forest,
thick fog in the morning,
birth of a child,
glittering stars in the sky,
wild dance of the senses,
sweet flavor of peach,
God's wisdom,
even your name.

Stop for the moment.
Imagine that one day you will be permeated by thougt
that the beauty in others is not ethereal.
You will look backwards and you will recognize
that you didn't  appreciate significance of invisible treasures
of  heart filled with hope,
of  hand given for goodbay,
of  secret of eyes in love,
of  soul as particle of divinity,
of  faith in another human being,
of   prayer of child,
of  warmth of awaited touch,
of  taste of shed tears,
of  burden of sacrifice,
of  joy from happy ending,
of undying values,
of delight in the sun,
of  love larger than life.

Stop for a moment.
Look backwards as long as you have time.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Love gives wings to fly.
I find myself beyond reach of gravitation .

Is it a bird released from a cage,
colorful wings of a butterfly
or moth following the light?

When I say your name aloud,
I feel as if all the stars twinkling just for me.
In the spirit I whisper to them my longings .
I wish to look at them through ages.

Love is exquisite flyer,
although she met a routine.

Intricate hours are peering into us
through the windows of our house
but like everything in life they will pass away.

Embodied we will rise in the air in unison,
although we are different rays of the sun.
You are the one that broke through the clouds,
I am the one which remained behind.

Hot or cold, dry or moist
I will fly over seas,
over tropical rainforests.
I will migrate thousands of miles to discover
clearings dotted with romantic desires,
   garden thirsty of your admiration,
uplands of your filigree body,
oceans overfilled with affection,
aurora of your thoughts enchanted with my poetry,
oranges tasting like your lips,
violets with the scent of your body.
Love gives wings to fly.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2018
Blood turned into milky-sky wings of butterfly.
Stretching my breaths to lungs of forests.
Fantasies turned bleeding poems.
Words grow magnolias on my skin.
Stars burned all my thin masks.
Penetrating new lights away from you.
Dream of lovers turned into two universes
not aware of each other.
This universe was too small for both of us.
Aurora emerging from chaos you left in my thoughts
flying beyond bird's eye haunting dust around sun.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
If the kiss lasted through all eternity
I would become the ocean of your breaths.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
The beauty of the heart
is the lasting beauty:
its lips give to drink
of the water of life.
Truly it is the water,
that which pours,
and the one who drinks.
All three become one when
your talisman is shattered.
That oneness you can't know
by reasoning.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Perish the thought!
Do not leave me in the void
bitter as a wormwood,
lonely as precipitated leaf,
neutral as silent stone,
cold as a sea of winter,
wide as a valley of fiery hell
grief-stricken as dead, young life.

Without you oranges lost sweet taste.
Without you my apartment forfeited soul.
Without you colours are false.
Without you my heart is pinched.
Without you eternal dreams left me.
Without you world has stopped for thousand years.
Without you life is cruel and predictable ride.
Without you I forgot what comfort means.
Without you I despise all world.

Perish the thought!
We shoud still continue to be together.
Remain with me in moments of infinity
before the last spark of hope lights up your repents.
Do not annihilate our love in vexation.
It is unutterable pain.
I don't wish to inflict us upon degradation and misery.
I wish God lives between two of us.

It is not too late
to listen patiently whisper of forgiveness,
to reveal frustrated feelings,
to extinguish embers of confusion,
to find in yourself shadow of lover from the past,
to sink in the depths of my arms,
to forget the human weaknesses,
to look white at each other,
to set the clocks of our bodies at the same time,
to unearth hidden in the rubble of routine chest of elations.

Perish the thought!
You cannot leave without word.
I know you are hot-tempered.
Do not leave me in these moments alone,
moments darker than night.
I will die in slaveries without you.
I put my soul in grave without you.
You are my first and last breath.
I kiss the ground you treaded softly with your feet.
I cuddle the space where you are.
I move my eyes in the hope they will see your form.

Perish the thought
before it is after dusk of our dreams.
I feel like I am completely stranger for you.
I breath half-savage hell in the air.
I am hardy of perfection of our souls.
We are made of the same colours of existence.
I will have to break your heart if you break mine.
But I don't feel strong enough to do this.
I still have power to love you.
Do I want to live without you?

Perish the thought!
Fling your arms around me!
Don't betray your heart!
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
I tune you as piano keys.
I listen intently to their blare through billions of seconds
to make sure they have sound of suitable height
with thirteen-digit accuracy.
I found the arbitrary parameter,
in shimmering sun in your eyes,
in consonants in your name,
in literature you are reading
in your footsteps in sand,
in joint travels,
in energy of your heart,
in motion of your thighs,
in your grace and beauty,
in the tone of your voice.
I am not able to say a word of admiration
for the sound of your body and soul.
Piano closed in such small creature.
Only I can play on you.
Instinctively, we escape from reality in music.
I try to focus on vision of notes
when I am distracted by your radiant face.
You sensed I play first time.
Light in your eyes gives me confidence.
Love is the music of your existance.
Life is secret of black and white keys.
I like when you are mostly undressed
wearing only underwear
without feeling any shame,
with your mind filled only with sounds
and touch of my hands.
The notes fell in torrnents.
Where am I?
I try to put excited pieces together .
Burning sensation in my skin gives new symphony,
overtones as powerful as waves of ocean.
Let it happen.
The blood needs to flow with music.
I barely breath.
I never felt like that.
Each movement felt like pure ecstasy.
The water of our sensation grows hotter again.
I am all fired up.
Play with me, my love.
Liliana Jaworska Aug 2018
There is plenty of beauty, bliss, joy and happiness waiting for you today. Stay aware. Blessings of today are remedy for yesterday's seriousness of sorrow, nightmarish hopelessness, ultra-strong hunger of relief from speech of dramatic, intrusive thoughts you can't stop but let them pass, bone-crushing tiredness of the soul, fiction in uninvited perceptions of you others have, words of historically programmed blame that had destructive effect on your feelings, thoughts and health. Give up the past effortlessly and naturally like wingless atom free of any shame in the flight and enjoy the radiance of present moment. The Moon saw so many burning shooting stars but still shines upon us with unbroken face. Even beings full of light have right to kiss the ground or be distorted like fragile space-time and shake the sky. Only waters of seas, oceans and rivers can break love-carrying wholeness of Moon into pieces. Make sure you nourish your inner waters with acceptance, love and hours spent in sunlight. Look at the Moon for so long until you will become completely blind to colorless negativity around and inside of you. My dear, keep your focus frequently not just seasonally on bright beings above when you forget you are one of them. Open your heart for all-encompassing love of Source and and hold its hand tightly. You don't have to walk alone. Give it to yourself now, the love without expectations. You deserve for peace, dear traveller. Love is bottomless space full of purest truths. Let them wash your soul. Dive into boundless space of love fearlessly and you will never be lost. There is nothing wrong behind desire of love without condition. Be full of it. The love of God is not a false hope. Unconditional love is the quietest state of mind. We are all empty. We are all full of God. I believe in you. You are waterflame full of positive thoughts.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
How to propitiate destiny?

Turn your face towards God.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
You are the moon which looks enviously at each brighter star.
I would sacrifice the sea of falling stars for your love.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
The body was given to us as impression of the gift of love.
We were conceived in love and born in order to love.
The Creator has given us through the body to the world.
We are therefore divine spark.
Let us look at other man as at indescribable gift.
Adam and Eve in paradise followed in the wake of ****** without shame.
Through the body we can touch the soul.
This ****** was
acceptance of a man with his limitations,
tangible form of love,
devotion to each other without mystery,
boundless openness,
freedom from lust of flesh.
Bashfulness has its roots in this original innocence.
Discretion to the body is inscribed in man.
Let us follow with pure look at man.
Purity is trying to get access through the body to soul and inside.
The physicality brings us
childish joy,
communion of souls,
inner enrichment,
sharing a beautiful relationship,
exploration of mystery of love.
Pure look at man is unconventional symphony of his gift of life.
Such scrutinizing is necessary for genuine love.
Beloved should first  play simultaneously the same notes of feelings
before the symphony will flow with sexuality.
This presage will give your body speech.
Sexuality should not drown out the relationship with beloved,
it should build skyscrapers.
Sexuality is a gift, such as body and life.
Sexuality discovers endless wealth of lover.
****** expression of love is a confession of God's presence.
After all, God is love.
Only the perception of sexuality as gift saves from vulgarity.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2015
Her gaze where utopia is reality took him to journey into the world of souls and fields of virginal innocence to renew his spiritual memory and memories of her.
Her scent like daybreak of heaven is the promise of idyll and sphere of sturdast.
Her touch is liberation from villainous demons of fears, insecurities and delusions of his past lives.
Her kiss like revelation of harmony and loveliness of the universe evoked lost particles of his soul to live life dancing on wings of forgiveness in the outer space with full moon after losing sense in the midst of deadly kisses of other women to appreciate immortality of her lips breathing for him.
He wanted to light stars in her heart but gave her hell fires desiring days and nights of lost womb calling it destiny and not listening of silent whispers between her words.
Now, he is arguing with himself about her.
Now, he is arguing with God asking of cosmic consciousness to unite separated hearts and souls.
Now, he is giving everything up to Universe knowing that time heals wounds.
Now, he is begging for humility to apologize for his sins she dispersed by her bright presence in his lunar thoughs.
She is intoxicating wine in his veins calling her back home.
She is intense, caressing redness of his prayers kissing her starry hair with invisible touch in her dreams to make her feel safe.
She is music unknown to any instrument heard only by senses of his soul to escape the grayness, flatness and prose of life. He is her pure, rapt sound.
She inspired him giving thanks for the sun, soft slippers and taste of tea.
She is conscious energy compensating his incarnations with lilac garden on the moon cherished by angels.
He made her hopes cold like snowy storm to bring her bouquet of springs.
He starts and finishes every prayer with her name.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Sleep is fair.
Each state is suitable for sleep
depressive or happy.
Liliana Jaworska Jul 2015
He was dancing between forces of light and darkness.
His eyes celebrated journey of sun in the sky
looking in it for ancient knowledge
invoking light and fire of all stars
praying to divine source of goodness
pretending to be white lunar light.
He told me' You must be light to give light,
fire to give fire in this dark world.
All living matter belongs to light.
All living matter is thought of God.'
I needed him as I need breath to live and die,
as astrology influence of stars and planets
as east west to embrace direction
as plants cosmic rays to exist
as body cells Infinite Intelligence to guide
as child womb to grow .
I guess he has good heart underneath
worthy miracles come to him
even if he appears to me like black moon
hungry for light to experience pure moments.
He called me Venus, Isthar.
I called him hidden mystery of universe.
We both spoke soul to soul
with codex of love
and sacredness of spirits.
I was Divine Godess filled
with smell of white roses
illuminating his mind.
When night came
he loved me with power of Gods
embracing my crown between stars.
Showing me constellations and moon
he became almighty Creator
giving brigtness of all of cosmic creation to me.
My mother told me
'Choose your man wisely.'
But what is wisely
doesn't come from heart.
He was first man
who didn't break my heart
and shattered my dreams.
I choosed him following my heart
and voice residing between my heart,
fate and God's inspirations.
When he looked in my eyes he told me
'Vision of God is clear to me.
Loving you I am one with His light.
You gave me eyes of God.
I am godlike, goddess like
I am His wings of Love above all
Existing only for you and our love.
I am prayer of your heart.'
Angels created intimacy and ecstasy
between our bodies and worlds.
Sacrifice, sweetness was my gift to him.
'Guiding lantern of my heart' he called me.
Holding his head in my arms close to chest
I was morning and evening star glorifying law of love .
He was guardian Angel of my day and nights
rebirth of my soul to escape death
music and poems of my longings
force of attraction between our hearts.
It was romance of souls and minds,
body to body, spirit to spirit
intimacy of clouds carrying our hearts
close to Mars,
closeness of bodies, kiss of breaths
unity of flames, memory of Eden.
My mother told me 'Choose your man wisely.'
All I know heart is wiser than mind.
Listen your inner voice
blood, veins and cells
God's whispers of intuition
and you will find the one.
This love is return to Source,
fullfilment of human emptiness
not caring for pride, humanity.
It's nakedness of souls
celebrating acts of closeness
not looking for any other lover
not knowing beginning and end
of falling in love and being in love.
'Let his fires and silence burn you.'
pure passion whispered.
I choosed wisely.
Soul to soul.
Heart to heart.
Fire to fire.
God making two one.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Irresistible fragrance of the lands of your skin hides a secret of the spring blomming with our burning love.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2015
He called her star angel
lulling all her demons of sins too heavy
to love herself like in ancient days.
She left wings in hell of weakness
to become loved for faces of gloom.
She trusted that if he loves her
he will go through the fire of nether worlds
in spite of defeats and tears
and sacrifce his life to ****** her wings
from big and little devils
lightning perpetual candle of future days
after sundown of her fragilities
to tear her off shackles of human smallness
making faint the ingidence of her soul
loving her like paridise bird the sun.
Falling to the ground like a shooting star
she became his inexpressible wish.
He travelled to the corner of the world
to catch her in his hands
and make her safe in their Eden
full of bliss, peace and delight.
The way was indicated to him by God
with map written for their hearts.
It was destined day and destined time
meticulously planned in scriptures of Universe.
She knew she had to fall from sky
to shine on his lands closer
because sometimes stars shine brighter
in heavens ment to exist only on earth.
Art is not shining in the midst of millions
to everyone and anyone.
Art is one star worth of wars of heart
for earliest and eternal love
falling from sky once in light years.
She fell to burn in him
the light of his own soul
to guide and heal her
to ignite in her pureness of child.
He was God for her and her absolution,
the only skies where she could glow timlessly
for two lips, two hearts and bodies
but one soul.
She almost fell at his feet
to irreversibly unite them in one flame
giving birth to Universe
with Earth for starcatcher
and Heavens for his starlet goddess.
He existed only for her,
and she just for him.
They knew that earth
is a mirror of the sky.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
After you left only stardust
and the moonlight speak.
You were my every breath.
Now go to sleep,my love.
The moon has already risen.
When it goes out
you will fade away.
Dawn will awake me
from the constellation of yearning
thoughts of you.
I will rise with the sun
to celebrate unknown destiny,
new day,
new life.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Stormy darkness emerges from your wide open eyes .
Dark clouds are coming.
The whistling wind of your words is druming in my ears.
Planes of tears pouring on unshakable ground.
You put on today dress woven with rain drops
and gloves sewn from fog.
Sky-blue color of your eyes transfigured in livid.
I see no difference between night and day.
Let disappear's your loud anger.
I would like to see the horizon and sun.
The heavens melted with the ground.
I hear the noise of too bluntly spoken words.
I'm ready to scream with fear of lightning of your complaints
but this is not middle of the night to wake up someone.
Storm and leaden sky reigns in the valleys and on the hills,
do not let to sleep at night.
You go too far, my love.
Time for me, I need to intercept umbrella.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Surely I am dreaming
about heart left in the theater of your ardent idolizing.
Surely I am dreaming
about your strands enveloping my cheek.
Surely I am dreaming
about day in impetuous snowstorms spent in your arms.
Surely I am dreaming
about rush of events that take place only in movies.
Surely I am dreaming
about body panting into oblivion of worldly pleasures.
Surely I am dreaming
about face flushed from compliments of lover.
Surely I am dreaming
about hectic rush to your awaiting hands.
Surely I am dreaming
about red roses protruding from corners of your sensitive hands.
Surely I am dreaming
about heat of caresses in boiling blood.
Surely I am dreaming
about book of poems about our first love.
Surely I am dreaming
about you dancing in the withered leaves.
Surely I am dreaming
about sighs at beauty of carnality.
Surely I am dreaming
about sensitive whispers of desires of melancholy hearts into ear .

Surely I am dreaming
because I did not send a telegram entitled "Looking for love".
Surely I am dreaming
because loneliness can not disappear like stone in water.
Surely I am dreaming
because the best dreams come in the morning.
Surely I am dreaming
because it is so difficult to find warmth of someone else's hand.
Surely I am dreaming
because thoughts gallops as steeds in the forest of wilderness.
Surely I am dreaming
because dawns wake me up in supplication for more and more of you.
Surely I am dreaming
because kingdom of your eyes staring at me can not last forever.
Surely I am dreaming
because I am senseless from blizzard of evening events.
Surely I am dreaming
because you can not find love in a café or bar.
Surely I am dreaming
because I departed a long time ago from the distant land of fulfilled wishes.
Surely I am dreaming
because flowers are handed to uncommon women.
Surely I am dreaming
because hidden secrets are revealed only to beloved.
Surley I am dreaming
because I did not have  eyes half-closed in pleasure before.
Surely I am dreaming.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
Time flows inexorably like a river
and we become the waves of  vivid memories
bustling in us like a heart.
Liliana Jaworska Nov 2014
Remember to pray for those who do not see the meaning of life.
Devote them time, let them witness will to live.
Doctor of the soul should control the situation.
Let's not get tangled up in emotional blackmail.
We are not able to give what we do not have inside.
What can you give to another person
when you do not carry in yourself faith and hope?
The lack of meaning in life and the desire to commit suicide
need a serious  medicine not usual 'tomorrow will be better',
rather 'I will wait and pray with you until sun comes out, rain does not last all eternity'.
Hope brings us to God, belief that He directs everything with heart filled with love.
In moments when illusion of self collapses let's guide people to God.
Let us pray for those who doubt in God to experience His love.
God forgives sins, and there is  hope for all human beings.
God wants to heal our minds and souls.
We are never left alone.
Everyone experience life situations that overwhelm him.
Struggling with difficulties requires humility.
Life with problems, therefore, makes sense.
Let's assume  sins and weaknesses of others showing the face of loving God.
Let's pray for them, take them together out of abyss of darkness
and blind alleys which seem only to deepen the state of despair.
If you have something to offer, do not be afraid to help.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
We are only travellers in the hands of destiny.
Let's nourish what breathes life in us.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Under touch of your sweet lips I tend to become
light like a feather in the wind of poet's words,
ideas of goodness and beauty,
communion of souls,
love at first sight,
lady at ball of your singing thoughts,
wild appeal of nature of my instincts,
flame of lanterns illuminating imperceptible printing,
baton in hands of conductor absorbed with scores of your words,
peak overlooking creek of sensitive words,
coffee in your cup thirsty for your mouth,
doctrine of the love of God,
exchange of secret informations,
lunar-dating scenario of joint moments,
spell of love put on your mad from sensations soul,
strait connecting the continents of inexpressible feelings of pleasure,
steepest roller coaster of short-sighted thoughts on the run,
the loudest cry for the right to vote on the bond of souls,
the hottest desert crying for rain of sweaty bodies.

I want to dance with you in convulsions of the fullness.
I find my beginning and end in falling in love.
I think about us as ****** art of two met souls.

Write me a thousand fiery love letters
before we disappear from unsaturated cards of infatuation.
Talk to me Shakespearean verses
before we close lips in inspired kiss.
Dazzle nightingale with music of our souls,
before mistuning breaks the song.
Put my every breath in the depths of your arms
before forthcoming dawn of unrestrained passions.
Cry a river over my every angry glance
before ***** of spike of another sleepless night.
Knock on the door of God's heavenly court
before you go down from ecstatic clouds to the ground.
Tell the angels about our eternal love
before they don't protect us from designated mistakes.
Sing with the echo to my dreams
before lonely lullaby of distant places lulls me.
Share with me bread of trust
before loved ones feed with crumbs of our love.
Do not prevail over your raging storm of senses
before my smell disappears behind closed doors.
Avoid presence of doubt in fairies and unicorns
before we get to the promised land.
Dress for me flowery dresses
before greedy ice capture all waters.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2014
Unclose my fallen, lost soul,
unclose my greedy, loving mind,
unclose my unsaturated, fastidious heart
with demolition of me on the particles of you,
with your shameless nails under fragments of my skin,
with your hands embracing me in anticipation of fondling,
with your playful mouth saying unprintable suggestions,
with your accelerated breath mixed with my breath,
with tempting taste of your saliva.

Stars in imitation of us kiss one another.
The rays of the moon belong to us.
In the darkness your skin whispers to me its enigmatic metaphors.
We write with touch legend of our bodies.
There is bold discussion between our adorned in sparkling details souls.
Half-embracing we sail to the edge of inspiration hungering hearts.
It's you and me in this sheets, in this bed, in this apartment.
We ran away from the hustle and bustle of the world,
from vulgarity, from obscenity.
We are beyond time , beyond sinfulness.

I have waited for your enticing, alluring gestures
since the first time I saw you.
I paint on your skin in the moonlit glow of my promises.
In your soul I have graven rite of passion of our hearts and bodies.
Everything we do stems from the insatiable hunger avid for ecstatic unity.
My heart tears in chest when I think about long nights
without your lecherous thighs, *******
and soul innocent, tiny like defenseless child.
I've been waiting  for you forever .
Now when you are next to me
spring is coming in December
and dead volcano of lust exploded.
I burned past to ashes
and I live staring at the motion of your sensual lips.
Separation atomized with every moment of fiery intimacy.
Liliana Jaworska Sep 2014
My apologies to chance for calling it necessity.
My apologies to necessity if I'm mistaken, after all.
Please, don't be angry, happiness, that I take you as my due.
May my dead be patient with the way my memories fade.
My apologies to time for all the world I overlook each second.
My apologies to past loves for thinking that the latest is the first.
Forgive me, distant wars, for bringing flowers home.
Forgive me, open wounds, for pricking my finger.
I apologize for my record of minuets to those who cry from the depths.
I apologize to those who wait in railway stations for being asleep today at five a.m.
Pardon me, hounded hope, for laughing from time to time.
Pardon me, deserts, that I don't rush to you bearing a spoonful of water.
And you, falcon, unchanging year after year, always in the same cage,
your gaze always fixed on the same point in space,
forgive me, even if it turns out you were stuffed.
My apologies to the felled tree for the table's four legs.
My apologies to great questions for small answers.
Truth, please don't pay me much attention.
Dignity, please be magnanimous.
Bear with me, O mystery of existence, as I pluck the occasional thread from your train.
Soul, don't take offense that I've only got you now and then.
My apologies to everything that I can't be everywhere at once.
My apologies to everyone that I can't be each woman and each man.
I know I won't be justified as long as I live,
since I myself stand in my own way.
Don't bear me ill will, speech, that I borrow weighty words,
then labor heavily so that they may seem light.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2015
I close my eyes listening to my veins trying to imagine you in front of me.
Liliana Jaworska Oct 2015
God was breathing in his kisses making her infinitely inflamed giving him her body in unweary prayer of love.
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