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 Jun 2021 Leocardo Reis
She bled not through the holes in her,
but through the lines she wrote
She let it all out
emptying herself of pain,
devoid of emotions
The paper took it all from her,
her true companion
listened to her all day long,
comforted her,
and finally was burned in the fire
along with her own blood.
This is not how i wanted this poem to end but this is all i can feel and think of.
All these words are just ingredients
for the recipe called feelings.
Recipe Called Feelings
 Jun 2021 Leocardo Reis
If I die young, do not mourn me.
Throw me a party
Wear bright colours to my funeral,
Make it a festival.
The world was dark enough,
Make my exit bright.
its 7:26am
and i’ve convinced myself
that you still talk to me
in the form of bukowski quotes
left in places you know i’ll see
i haven’t slept
but when i close my eyes
we still talk a lot
It’s all flat sounds
 May 2021 Leocardo Reis
And here we are
the end.

Five years running
and nothing to show

except the slowed
platonic love

and tired

and an absence
of what once was

Except you don't know
do you

know that I'm
leaving us

know that I'm

into wondering
if I'm behind in

experiencing people

I feel I'm at a loss
with you

because we met each other
too soon

and now I'm just pointed bones

and you are the sun

and I'm greedy
for still wanting a piece of you

But I am burnt

The End.
I didn't think I'd write this kind of poem about you.
 May 2021 Leocardo Reis
Roses are red
Berries are blue
She's for me
if by chance
you take my place
i'll take my fist
and hit your face
 May 2021 Leocardo Reis
The moment someone knows me
The moment someone sees
I exist
I am present
I am back to being me

And so I go where noone knows me
To where I'm openly not seen
To not exist for a few hours
Is such a blessing
Not to be
The January Lasts

It's not about non-existence. It's about getting away from the self without reset. It's about being... Refreshed. And we all do that differently.
 Apr 2021 Leocardo Reis
you like them
because of him;
i like them
because of you.
 Apr 2021 Leocardo Reis
she likes to draw
and paint
and she likes her avocadoes.

she is afraid of the dark
avoids people in the park
and she likes her avocadoes.

her hair is copper blond
and this girl is ever fond
of green ripe avocadoes.

she has more fluorite
and lepidolite
than avocadoes,

but man oh man
does she love avocadoes.
and she really wants water right now.

hehe she told me to write this - prompted by 'I want mangoes' by shamamama
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