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Lazlo Mehl Jul 2024
Hey there little Brother

You've left is once again, I know that this was not by choice but God needed you there, I know that you hurting, the same way we all do but you have to know this Louboy, you've won the race and now you get to see God's face, please don't be so disheartened, your mom's and dad's  are okay, you were truly special that's why God couldn't wait, for you to come back home and take up your rightful place, today we are mourning but we also celebrate the beautiful memories that we got to make, no no don't cry, dry your eyes and celebrate your life is now eternal we still have to wait. So please little brother, please prepare our place for we pray to meet you once again face to face.
Louis was only 16 when he tragically lost his life to mistaken identity. Forever broken
Lazlo Mehl Oct 2015
Wait let's see take a moment to think, reflect back to your week. What is it that you remember the most, oh that honestly and ultimately I remember that too.
Lazlo Mehl Oct 2015
Is it not ironic how u meet someone that changes the way you think And then in a heartbeat, they are gone away. Yet those who linger and stay around, are those you wish could leave
Remember that dog that was your best friend, that when you go into trouble by mommy and daddy, he stood firmly next to you and when daddy hit your bums he would bark so loud and put up a performance sending daddy and mommy on a guilt trip making them all soft and apologetic – then is it not ironic how your dog would leave you, all alone but yet the cat that sat on granny’s lap, that thrilled at the sound of your voice when you cried behind the tool shed would still be around.   Is it not ironic how your best friends would be taking away from you so young leaving you in this world to face each day alone – and all you can say is why did you do it, why did you leave, why did you leave me and not say goodbye.
Is it not ironic how u meet someone that changes the way you think And then in a heartbeat, they are gone away. Yet those who linger and stay around, are those you wish could leave

To all my friends and family that I have lost in 2015 I will miss you all, and while I'm on this earth your memory will linger on in my heart and soul and in endless stories of the days pass and the many more to come.
To all my friends and family that I have lost in 2015 I will miss you all, and while I'm on this earth your memory will linger on in my heart and soul and in endless stories of the days pass and the many more to come.
Lazlo Mehl Oct 2015
In the morning I wake, eyes opened in a foreign place
I don’t know these wall or these sills
Nor this bed I find myself in
These windows are, thee only familiar thing
Wide doors, dark passage wall
My mind seems to be running
I’m too afraid to touch the marble floors
Looking at my reflection head tilted down
This place is all to foreign to me
The curtains hang from ceiling to ground
Covered in what looks like circus clowns
To my left a candle lit, to brightly beam
To the right a door, that leads to my dismay
I feel the breeze run through my hair
Waking every sleeping, pore
My throat is dry, my mind confused
Where am I, wait who am I
Have these four walls, taking away my identity
For some faint reason I cannot remember
I feel lost, isolated and even dead
Well perhaps this is hell at its best
For heaven seemed warmer, brighter and blessed
This is a nightmare - as I move to get off the bed
In total silence I slid to the edge, my face
Tiled towards these marble shinning floors
Where my reflection, reflects right back
A look of fear, anxiety and total disarray
As my feet touches the floor I feel,
Shivers run up my spine to my neck
The ground is cold and horrid too
Of all the colours, grey is what you choose
You must have, had a dull and boring life too
To be continued in time and space
Lazlo Mehl Jun 2015
It spreads as quick as
Oil runs down a water fall
Taking over my entire body
I’ve only ever once felt this way
When I fell in love on a winter day
But now my body weakens
With every passing hour
I’ve not been treated,
There is no cure
As the days pass by
So does my body pass away
What once was will
No longer be
What once was me
Will pass away too
Why did this happen
Why did I let it get to me
I thought I was protected
By all means I tried
I pushed and pulled
Wh­y the hell didn’t I fight
Like so many before me
I gave up my strive
For existence seems
Bette­r that way
At least now I’ll be out
Of everyone’s way
# cancer #mylife #fear #God
Lazlo Mehl Jun 2015
As I wake in the morning
to find my favourite window
covered in mist
I then realise winter is here just, just

Its warm in my bed
Id rather rest my head
then face the cold of winter
as winter is just, just

I fear the cold of winter
trenching over my face
is it to late to long for summer
coz winter is here just, just
Winter, Cold, Summer, Cuddles
Lazlo Mehl Apr 2015
How can it be, I said
As I laid and stared
Why me I asked God
I always prayed so hard
Why did this happen
What have I done
I never sinned or pinned
I was never out of line
All I did was obeyed
Why did you spare me
I should of just died
I remember still now
Many years later
The scar on his cheek
the smell of his odour
The bang against my head
Nothing but a faded scar
The marks on my stomach
Hiding behind my imperfections
I fought real hard
But I had to give up
I prayed that day
That God please don't spare me
I'd rather be dead, then a shattered soul
The image of his face haunts me still
I remember those eyes
Burning deep inside my soul
Lord how I seek for revenge
The one that stole my soul
He took away my motherhood
But he will never know
For that day will haunt me forever
And forever I will be afraid.
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