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She faded into the shadows
        of the love
             she wished she could forget
She solemnly swore
        to drown herself
               in the memory of her regret
Her eyes burned at the sight
         of the lost love
             she'd erased years ago
Her thoughts wondered
         and traveled to places
               she never meant to go
Life attacked her before
         she was even ready
                to feel the pain
Love forced her into the storm
         before she'd even
                 experienced **the rain
        All the poems I write
just the beginning
                              and end
               of every thought
   I've ever had about you.
Say my name
Say it gently
Use your words
To caress me
Speak your thoughts
Speak them out loud
Confess your love
Amidst the crowd
Scream your wishes
Scream your dreams
Make your reality
Better than it seems
Whisper your pain
Whisper your fears
Release the tension
Wipe away your tears
Open your mind
Open up wide
Let my love in
Let me inside

The lightness of
your footstep

as you hurried to me

caught in the slowly setting
you didn’t see

holds your fleeting love

your footsteps
greedy for me

paying no attention
to the world whatever

only knowing that
in a few footsteps more

you would be precious
and adored for who you are

your footsteps
still exist

echoing inside my tears

as I put my next step
inside yours

and the snow fills
the other   footsteps        up.
My little girl forever running to me...across time.
 Sep 2015 Bea Hastings
Just Melz
I would happily suffer
   because of how much I love you
I will put myself through misery
    just so you feel no pain
I would walk on flames
     and put them out
         so you can walk through
I will drive myself insane
     so you can have no part of the blame
I just wanna believe
        that you love me
               that much too
There's that same old
sun hung up in the sky

my my how
time goes by

he can only just
catch sight of

his dead wife's smile

as the earth treks
around that same old

the exact timbre

of her

lost to him now
as galaxies revolve

the days torn away
from the fabric of time

the 1963
gas station calendar

with a bikini'd girl
smiling in Kodachrome

the dates
in bright red

telling it how
it is

63 days to be

since she fell
off the edge of the earth

into the infinity
of death.

The dawn
inches up the lawn

like some wounded

Cartoon music
form a too loud

in another room.

He calls her name"
 Sep 2015 Bea Hastings
Just Melz
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