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 Jun 2015 Kodis
Think of Love
 Jun 2015 Kodis
I think of love as a small home
With furniture well-used
And the clutter of life
And the smell of fresh food.

I think of love as a silouhette
In the dark of night
And whispered words
That ring true in daylight.

I think of love as long silences
Broken by the turn of a page
And loud, simple contact
And losing track of hours and days.

I think of love as a furrowed brow
As an angry shout and a sharp word
And a fist strinking out
And hurt, hurt, hurt.

I think of love as broken promises
And vitriolic, secret thoughts
And discontent never to be voiced
And doors that never unlock.

I think of love as a gilded cage
And a small bird that will never get away.
I think of love as predators and prey
I think of love as vulnerability.

I think of love as a downturned head
And silent submission
And an authoratative stance
And the will to listen.

I think of love as the catalysm's calm
As a word in a hurricane
That stops a million, million thoughts
And halts a crashing train.

I think of love as a private comfort
And rare affection
And overwheleming pride
And jealous admiration.

I think of love.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Nicholas A McNutt
Write me your poetry. Write me your words. How your body trembled from bliss. Being pumped into your veins as every breathe escaped you. Clenching muscles making your brain flush with hormones and chemicals. It's a drug. The things we do to one other. Pure. Raw. Natural. Ecstasy created within who we are. Derived of nothing more than intriguingly random chemical compounds. Acting on systems as vast as the galaxies around us. It's a wonder. Is this not a gift from the very force that drives us. Let me have you. Let me be one with you. Let us collide. Where your pen meets paper. Exists our universe. That very universe. I just created. I know you felt it. Let it surround us. Please let us become lost. Write me your poetry, darling.

- Nicholas A. McNutt
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Alice Baker
You were just a line
A line so faint I couldn't believe it
But then you became two lines
Three lines
Four lines.

Scattered out on my bathroom floor.
Its amazing, what lines can do
To a twenty year old girl.

I couldn't even say the words out loud.
But its been 9 months since those lines
And you're not here.
And all the thoughts I wouldn't let myself think
They're all too real.

Perhaps your name was Audrey
And you had your daddy's curls
Maybe you would've had your mommy's nose

Perhaps your name was Elijah
And you had your mommy's eyes
Maybe you would've had your daddy's smile

Or maybe I would've never known you
And you'd never know my name
I'd dream about you every night
As you lay far away.

I wasn't ready
For those little lines
Nor was your daddy
He cried.

I remember how I shook
The night you went away
The crying and the aching
I wanted you to stay.

I'll never hold your hand
You'll never ask to play
And I will never know
What it is like to hear your voice

But I am healing
I think less of your loss
Than I do my inability to care
You deserved better than I had.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Tim Amaru
To my future love,
I have been broken more than once & torn to shreds on my road to you..
Because of this, my heart has been forced to rebuild itself & learn to love anew..
And though I’ve seen the darkest nights I could ever imagine,
That they'd  lead me to your arms &  to a light I cannot fathom..
So to my future love, I vow to give u everything that I have,
jus promise me that if I slip up & make a mistake, u won't do like the others & begin to pack your bags....
 Jun 2015 Kodis
 Jun 2015 Kodis
i'm counting every breath now
each one bringing me closer to death now
there's a searing pain in my lungs
if they collapsed and i collapsed
i'd become the fortunate son
we're no longer talking in terms of days or weeks or months
but rather minutes and hours
i've lost my will to speak
and the air we breathe is sour
i don't think i'll make it
i want to tell you how i really feel
because it's killing me to fake it
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Ray Suarez
she once told me
her and a friend invited
the local jehovah's witness boys over
to try and **** them
it made me laugh
then we ******
for years
what's your type?
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Josue cruz
You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me
Your beauty is something I fear I can't hold on too
There are so much better men out there for you
Why did you choose me
I'm poor
I have a bad reputation
I am a outcast
But you choose me
Even when you where so much better than me
The sad part is that keeping you with me is killing me
I can't let you go
I know I can't give you every thing you want
But at least I can try
Little by little I waste away every day
But your beauty is the force that keeps me going
I am a mindless animal with you
I know you
I know your beauty has let men into your life
I know you've accepted them without a hesitation
But I am just to powerless against your beauty
It's like a web and I'm the fly
I just can't leave
Until my death I will try try try and try to win you over
Even if it's killing me
I know I should just leave know
But I can't tell myself that none of this love was true
Not while I still think I have a chance to fully conquer you
Someday I'll win
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Every time I'm happy you come find me,
And you start your game.
Going on and on and on and on about the things
That you hate.
Can't you see?
All of our talks, they torture me!
Every word is like a dagger in my mind.

I don't know who hurt you.
I don't know who stole the light inside of your eyes.
But, I know this hole you hide in is far from paradise.
When you yell
And when you scream-
All of our talks, they torture me!
Every word is like a dagger in my mind.

I don't want to hear you talking if that's all you have to say.
Take all of your hate and cruelty and walk away.
How long can I keep on like this?
Don't I deserve my peace of mind?
I'm walking on tiptoe around you in case you ignite.

Just let it go.
Please, let it go!
Free the hate inside of your soul!
I know it hurts, but please don't take it out on me.
There is hope.
There is grace.
There's forgiveness in this place!
Just let it in, and I will help you!
I will help...

But I don't want to hear you talking if that's all you have to say!
Take all of your hate and cruelty and WALK AWAY.
How long can I keep on like this?
Don't I deserve my peace of mind?!
I'm walking on tiptoe around you in case you ignite.

You're like a bomb!
~ tick tick tick tick ~

You're like

A bomb.

~ tick tick tick tick ~

~tick tick~



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