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KM Abbott Sep 2016
I just want to let her sleep.

Let her rest
        so she can reemerge a warrior against
        the gilded masochism
        and misogyny
                of the office.

        so her perfect vessel combats the encroaching infection
        and she can breathe deep and strong
        and snort in the lifeblood
                of the dawn.

        so she can see despite our return to dust
        there is yet so much
        and she must live in ecstasy
                of the moment.

        so she can reap the reward of a long deserved slumber
        and lose the swollen circles and pains of defeat
        and shake the anxieties
                of her heart.

Let her rest
        so she can come alive.
Let her rest
        so she can come back.

        let her sleep.
Sep 2016 · 419
A seed grows in my Heart
KM Abbott Sep 2016
A seed grows in my Heart.
                (no more than a summer melon’s)        
        Black, brilliant, roots
        crack veneer shell and sprout
        deep into the marrow of my very life.  

Tender flesh juicing red,
Replace my sinew!
Take what once fueled the industry of vanity,
        the fell machinery of your demise,
        the coffee life,
        the algorithmania,
        the I deserve,
        the trite Insta-filter,
        the like and friend and tag and share
And cast it aside!—as you once were!—
And make me the vessel of your deliverance
And teach me again
        to see you
        to breathe you
        to feel you
        to love you
So that I may redeem some future, some place
        where my son can pull the blade from his stone before it is sent to quarry.

How I long for you!
        For air!
        For sun!
        For solitude!

        For green!
        For radiance!
        For decay!

        For life!
        For rot!
        For fungus!

        For bark!
        For sap!
        For dirt!

        For some well-wish,
        some clue,
                that we haven’t dug too hastily
                with spite and ego and industry and greed.

Henry! Let me in your house!  
        Show me to fish and to bake your bread!
Walt! Chant for me!
        Sow me a path with your electric melody!
                (you understand my dilemma, boy of the city and soul of the Earth)
Allen! I cry to you!
        Put your sunflower in my eyes
        And wipe away my tears through dusty gray.

        It may never once was, yet let the future be.
Inspired by a hike I took with my son this morning.
KM Abbott Sep 2016
I was visited again by Death.
Not the hooded creature, but a shadow of my own cadence
        slid across the cortex of my mind
                the place
        where the rational man falls to the unceasing siege of the animal,
        where every edge of every plane of time thrusts itself and
                interrupts our daydreams to inter seeds
                of fear
                of frustration
                of hope
                of anger
                of things gone
                of things we wish
                of things we want
                        things we dare never speak aloud.

It (I) brought to me (myself) no vision of my own demise,
        no recycled image from film or phone or fable.  It brought worse:

My own house.
My own floor.
My own back
My own legs
My own head
My own shoulders
My own arms
My own lap
My own son

        Brown curls on a blue forehead in a peaceful, lifeless rest.
        A pietà.


I fade away as I appeared, and revive. A searing kiss on both eyes.

        Brown curls on a pink forehead in a peaceful, mid-meal grin.
        A Cheerio.


Wake up!
Wake up! Arise! Look out!
        and See
        and Be
        and Grasp
        the Goodness of All around You.
Sep 2016 · 500
KM Abbott Sep 2016
Are we Frodo or are we Sam?

We’re been there and back and
        find ourselves unfound

        in an unknown cog on a wheel we don’t know is turning.

Robert’s misread roads
rise to our feet yet
        is the choice that simple?  Is it that binary?

We are no longer binary.

We are not a yes or no, a black or white:
        a party of two.

How can we choose?
        we can’t

So we sit?

We sit.  We wait.  We emit and pray, ponder and vibrate.

We wait.

We wait.
Sep 2016 · 410
The Third Grade
KM Abbott Sep 2016
In the third grade,
        my teacher scolded me for pretending my pen
        was a rocketship.

well, ha ha!

                       I wasn't supposed to be using pen.
Sep 2016 · 316
Verse 7
KM Abbott Sep 2016
Why must your "art" always come from despair?

Recognize all the feelings as energy, and
give yourself the time and kindness to convert negativity and moaning into
a celebration of experience.
Sep 2016 · 379
Verse 6
KM Abbott Sep 2016
As I wince through plucking each silver strand of hair,
I see a brown companion accompany it.

Do not spend your vitality futilely trying to recapture what is already past.

Instead, embrace the ebbs of flows of time.

If you don't, you'll simply end up aching and bald.
Sep 2016 · 327
Verse 5
KM Abbott Sep 2016
Do not render yourself inert because of damages, harms, and "brokenness."

Instead, embrace your human condition, and believe in your own capacity to impart compassion.
Sep 2016 · 420
Verse 4
KM Abbott Sep 2016
Despite how it feels, take notice of the myriad reminders
you are not the center of existence.

Like Galileo, fight for the understanding that there is much more than you.
Sep 2016 · 273
Verse 3
KM Abbott Sep 2016
Approach existence with humor,
especially in turmoil, frustration, and disappointment.

A smile and grin will keep the last laugh off you.
Sep 2016 · 301
Verse 2
KM Abbott Sep 2016
Each time I grasp my aggression and anger, guilt and denial,
it's like grabbing a knife upside-down.

The error quickly manifests, but
the woulds are slow to heal and easily reopened.
Sep 2016 · 325
Verse 1
KM Abbott Sep 2016
I cannot control the world around me, but
I can control how I engage with the world.

Being successful is a different struggle.
Sep 2016 · 713
In a Hotel in Munich
KM Abbott Sep 2016
A moth
A rat head
      ­  spit
        sliding off
        a bedpost
A cross
        a convenience store
        back-lit display
        dissolving two-dimensional
        Charlie Brown
feed your dog
        shaking, dry-ice
Find the bed and
        Close and rest on
        pillow lips
Slick black
        gossamer shell
Red light
        always on
        always seeing
        always waiting
what do I see?
        manipulated mutated
I see nothing next
        to nothing.

                **** mirror.
Sep 2016 · 563
Statute of Limitations
KM Abbott Sep 2016
What’s the statute of limitations
        on my obligations
                as a son
        on my victimhood as a
        on my blamefulness as a
When does it end—these yet-to-be-seen effects of the mundane
        I make now?
When do I not carry them
        the strings
        of the yarn map tracing
my endless encounters and tacking
        not into cork but
        into my soul stretched pulled
in four dimensions.
Length times width times depth times time. I coexist
         in every manifestation of
myself simultaneously.
        All time all me, all tacked,
        All pulled, all stretched by
more hands than my own.  Vibrating
        into my marrow reminding
of the inescapability of the
        contracts I didn’t sign.  Most of them.

Each day the threads move.
They swirl and choke or puncture
        taut and pull. pull. pull
        me back, back to them.
        To early morning and late nights
        every day
        That old house of repressed
memories and façade bonds
        of newspaper-wrapped electric
circuits waiting for the
        to finally incense the
        old aged kindling of other
        string maps of
        other pasts of
        more and more disappointment.

My heart is a prism. a rock.
        set in the stone of my
chest compressed
by pressure into endlessly
        juxtaposed edges of glass.
        An edge: a time a place a person a me. Surrounded
        onyx black
but yet
        Reflecting.  It’s deep
        but shine deep enough
        yes, go
        and it will reflect
        go on, go on
        yes yes yes go
        myriad colors of spectrums
                of me
torn out of the mine of
my own construction of
        the muscle memories of
        the past pains of
        the unceasing variations of
the crude black **** I’ve
made before.

        How long
                        will I be responsible for
For you?
Was I ever?
Am I at all?

— The End —