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Amidst the smoke and light and laughter
Along the smiles and cheers thereafter

A sound is bled, wrung free from strings
It bounds and treads and wholly sings
Inside each song, a secret’s moved
Not right nor wrong or frequent proved
The message dances from bow to ear;
A coded trance of love and fear
From left to right the story rings
Of death and light the Cello brings
The covert tale engulfs the room
It vibrates truth to those who loom
The Cello knows for why it’s played
Its secret lost, both gone and stayed

In the smoke and light and laughter
Music lies and cries thereafter
  Feb 2018 Kambria Keelie
Eric the Red
Just know...
He’s had lives & loves before you
Remember that when the bricklayer or the mechanic
Asks for your hand
You’ll receive one flower
Instead of a dozen roses
Picked on his way home
Handwritten notes in your shoes
Instead of Hallmark greetings
Elaborate dinners cooked by him
Where he said he’d clean
But didn’t
Spur of the moment
Road trips
Instead of planned vacations
The opening of windows
For the springtime thunderstorms
Listening to the beat of his heart
While the rain drops
The drain
He’ll write you with jazz playing
Wine in his bottle
Records in his head
Absorbing you into his world
And if he dies before you
And you bury him
And you mourn over him
Lasting for years
Remember his flower
His notes written just for you
And if you see his ghost
Haunting you
Then the Poet
Has fallen forever for
Kambria Keelie Feb 2018
I miss scrapping my knee and my mother running to my rescue
Fighting with my siblings over the saturday morning cartoons
Belly aching laughters
Bonfire burnt legs and running through the snow to save them
Sunburned skin from hours of jetskiing at the lake
70mph winds hitting my iced face on the rocket
Broken heels and memorable nights
Mosquito bites from sleepless nights beneath the moon
Lost phones and genuine hearts gained
cross stitched scars and new hobbies
I miss hurting in a way that healed me...until then.
Kambria Keelie Feb 2018
How can you miss something you've never held on to long enough to be yours?
deprived of lips you've never touched
longing for a warmth you've never had before
restless anxiety
Why do we sabotage the unknown? out of fear to be loved and adored?
feeling childish over non-existent efforts to be happy
I miss her faded heart...
Kambria Keelie Jan 2018
I'd never leave a night without my favorite men.
Jack, made me feel ambitious and protected.
Jameson, warmed me when the nights were too cold to bare.
And lastly, Jose, I'd never have a dull moment when he was around. He always knew how to lift my spirits when life was out of lemons.

I'd leave them all for you in a heart beat, but you've opened yours to me only to reveal a love as cold as the ice cubes in my honey Tennessee.

Where is the nearest liquor store? My men and i have much catching up to do.
Kambria Keelie Nov 2017
I'm tired and always cold
Almost finished a family size box of comas.
Lack of motivation because it's so gloomy and cold outside.
So, it seems like a better idea to stay in my warm solitude, rather than being productive and having a life.
But this too shall pass shortly,
It's just depression seasonally.
Kambria Keelie Mar 2017
I wish I was as happy as I pretend to be
Scared of unspoken defeat, who would care?
I'm most vulnerable alone when my thoughts are racing
Like a web browser with millions of open tabs, thousands of book marks I never seem to reopen
My mind is tired and restless
My body wears evidence of emotional exhaustion like a blanket
This outbreak of sorrow won't last but even then, when all seems ok...The storm will come back.
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