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 Nov 2017 killjoy
Jackie Mead
Today on Plymouth ***, stood showing our respects.
Amongst the ceramic poppies
standing, tall proud and *****.
An installation of "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red"
Each one representing a life lost at war
Reminding us life is precious, Lest we Forget.
The least we can do is buy a Poppy.

Support your local heroes buy a Poppy this November.
Seems right to post this again today in remembrance of  all lost lives in all wars.
Thank you for giving your life do we can live.  
Went to visit the Poppy installation on Plymouth *** today, stunningly beautiful and very thought provoking, the original installation at the tower of London in 2014 had 886,000 ceramic poppies, each one representing a British soldier killed in WW1, most were sold off to raise funds for services charities the rest have been touring the country
 Oct 2017 killjoy
Dazed Dreaming
I'd rather be hard to love.
Than easy to leave.
 Oct 2017 killjoy
Starr Bright
Take a walk with me
through my dreams
I’ll show you a love
you’ve never seen.

A heart that will love you
more than you know
a heart given to you
a very long time ago.

Someone who sees you
for all that you are
someone who wished
for you, upon a star.

A heart that will give you
everything I am
a heart willing to walk with you
through an unknown land.

Someone who sees you
for all that you are
someone who will stay
by your side, and kiss every scar.

Take a walk with me
come follow my dreams
I’ll show you my love
what my love really means.
 Sep 2017 killjoy
Jiawen 张
I cut my hair short.
I got more peace inside.
No makeup on my face,
No fake confidence in my heart.
I am no longer that little girl,
Who would ask a boy
"You like my hair long or short?"
I am no longer that little girl,
who acts accordingly to please a boy.
I cut my hair because it’s my hair.
I am just who I am.
The less I own,
The less I can hide.
The more I throw away,
The more I can have.
To stop acting like a wanted girl,
To have more time in my life,
To gain more peace in my heart,
I cut my hair short like a male.
I am a woman who I love.
 Sep 2017 killjoy
Jiawen 张
Father and mother,
I love you.
This is how I remember
the spelling of FAMILY.
Father and mother,
I had been trying my best
To love you both equally,
And to lie to myself about everything
Till the moment he disappeared suddenly.

Father and mother,
I had been locked in a box
With my body folded.
No room to spread my wings to fly
Till the moment he flew away.

But it wasn’t just me.
We all had been locked in that box
With our bodies against each other’s.
Hurt and numbed
Till the moment he passed away.

Mother and I,
We’ve loved him in pain.
We’re loving him in tears.
We’ll love him in smiles.

He set himself free,
He set all of us free.
I’m still young enough to learn to fly.
Mother has forgotten.
But she will only forget
Till the moment I can fly high.

I will come back down,
To teach her fly high.
I will put her on my back,
To let her rest in the sky.
I will put her under my wings,
To protect her from the rain.

Father and mother,
I love you.
Equally and differently
Till one day we are together again.
My first real poem.

— The End —