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Dec 2019 · 126
KC Dec 2019
Perdi mi sensatez
Y me encontré aislada en una fantasía quijotesca
Convirtiendo hoteles de paso en castillos
Desafiando molinos construidos por reproches

Tu, un hermoso espejismo forjado por el romanticismo de los desventurados amantes e ilusos consuelos que me decían “En otra vida...”

Reconoci que enloquecía cuando vi tus manos como grúas
Tus ojos, espejos
Tu sabor a licor, un dulce empalago
Lo sensorial se transformaba en realidad

Lucidez esfumaba mi escudo
Y me convertí en una página doblada de una novela abandonada en tu buro
Alimentando tu certeza que encontrarías​ ​tu lugar cuando decidieras volver

Lo real y lo fantástico se entrelazan
Como la luna y el sol en la madrugada
Imposible de distinguir
Dónde termina el licor y empiezas tu?
Donde acaba el delirio y nazco yo?
Sep 2019 · 175
Te Quiero
KC Sep 2019
Te quiero como vasos de cristal quieren llenarse de hielo
y como el hielo quiere ser bañado en whiskey
Te quiero como el whiskey quiere ser acompañado por un cigarro
y como el licor y el tabaco quieren al sábado
Te quiero como el sábado quiere que sea de noche
y como el sábado en la noche quiere al amanecer
Te quiero como la mañana quiere a los domingos

Y los domingos en la mañana cuando la noche del sábado se haya despedido y estén las botellas vacías y los ceniceros llenos
Cuando el hielo en los vasos de cristal se haya derretido,
Te quiero mucho mas
KC Dec 2017
Then again,
there was you.
Dec 2017 · 211
Draft No. 3
KC Dec 2017
There's still room for you in here if you're looking for a place to lay your head
And forget about the noise instead
of being up until late turning in your bed
wondering where the *******'re gonna go next.

I'll leave my balcony light on so you know I'm awake
Wondering if it's due to drugs, alcohol, or heartache.
But make no mistake—
It's not you I'm waiting for
Even though my clothes are on the floor
I'm begging you for more
Swore I forbore
But I can't take being without you anymore

So I go back to you

Wave the white flag in this war
I know you're unsure
And I'm labeled as your *****

But who else in this ******* world will you adore?

Find another girl that ***** you like I do
That will let you turn her ivory black and blue.
Find another girl who will listen to you talk
And will take you to the end of the sidewalk

Who will ask what your mothers like
And at what age did you learn to ride a bike
And when did you trade in the handle bars for all those scars?

And who was the first girl you ever loved?
And did she love you back?
And did that throw your life off track?

And who's the one that got away?
Did she run? Walk? Or end up astray?

"Take me back to that first May," I'd say.
When you'd find me, looking for an ashtray
Please stay.
D e l a y
I'm not okay!

I'm living off a pack a day
and your foreplay is better than Chardonnay.

All I have is this empty space I am offering you.

Come back, I'm sorry...
...I got caught
At least I'm being honest!
You never liked me for being modest.

Remember the thrill I stirred in you?
Like fire and powder which as we ****** ignited
Got me hot, wet and excited
My moans to you I recited

**** this love unrequited.

This isn't what I meant when I said I liked it rough.
I'm sorry I acted tough
But you saw right through my bluff

Like my mom when I faked a cough
After she found out I was addicted to codeine.
I was only sixteen.
So sick, but not the type you can cure with a vaccine.

And here I am complete and brand new.
I was willing to get my **** together for you
And I don't mean life goals and ambition
Didn't your hear? Law school gave me admission.

And I gave you contrition
My loyalty to you I would have sworn without condition
And here I am, against my own volition

Pride comes before the fall
And If you listen I promise to tell it all
I'll abstain from alcohol
You'll take the place of my withdrawal

I'll even learn about American Football
We can sit together on Sundays
Exchanging clichés
And even though they're meant for driving slow we'll hit one hundred and nine on the freeways

Let me rephrase

If you have to go
you can go.

But it'd be a whole lot better if you stayed.
Nov 2017 · 202
KC Nov 2017
When you had your hand on the door **** and I said to you,

"If you leave, don't come back."

You stayed,
but you never came back.
Oct 2017 · 329
No. 9
KC Oct 2017
It's ironic how I found you in the dark,
and lost you there too.

Losing you isn't black and blue
It's my hands searching for you in every dark room.
Oct 2017 · 206
Sunday Worship
KC Oct 2017
You said you couldn't look past what my body's done
But if my body wasn't treated like a temple
How can you explain all those who were on their knees before it
Before you came along?
Those who inhaled my moaning like a song

I sang a Sunday hymn while making love to him
And hummed Monday blues
While drinking about you
To the ones who don't want you to be theirs, or any one else's
Jun 2017 · 462
September 19, 2016
KC Jun 2017
I still miss you sometimes
Like today when I spoke about goodbyes
When I said I hated the word “stay”-  so full of melancholy.

Did I ask you to stay?
I must have screamed it a thousand times,
but it probably came out as
“when did you stop loving me?”

When did you?

I remember when you left the last time.
I wish I’d known it was the last time.
Maybe I would have held on a little longer.
Maybe I would not have cried so you could have remembered me as brave.

And It’s fall again
This is around the time the “stays” turned into “please come home.”

I hope you’re well
I hope you still think of me as brave.
Excerpt from a journal entry
Jun 2017 · 354
KC Jun 2017
It was not over when the silence came
or when it was broken by the last
I love you

It was not over when our lips said the final
without saying a word

It was not over when we walked away
and fought the urge to turn around

It was not over when you spoke in
body language and
“I need you”
got lost in translation

It was over when I was in your arms
wearing nothing but skin
and I whispered - I miss you

I’m right here,
You replied
While you were
I believe there is a moment, a sudden epiphany where you realize you're in love, when you realize you're out of love, or when you realize they have fallen out of love. This poem is about that moment.
Jun 2017 · 616
A Girl Like Me
KC Jun 2017
If you follow me
I can teach you to keep up with my pace

You'll be the tone
I'll be the tempo

Follow me
and you will learn you never knew good mornings
until the sun rise was replaced by me

I will be your caffeine
your whiskey in a tea cup

I can show you the world that I know
like the back of my hand
as you eat out of the palm

You will learn to bite the hand that feeds you
and the lips

And you will believe the dead eyes that tell you
"You’re the best I ever had"

I will be on my knees
but it will be you doing the begging

I will consume you
until you can’t even close your eyes
without being reminded of the nights
I refused and used to spend with you

I will let you kiss my neck
and teach you to read the goose bumps
you create on my skin
like braille

Until the day comes
when my body speaks a language
you no longer understand

And that day you will say
I am the girl your mother warned you about

But silly boy,
your mother’s never met a girl like me
Jun 2017 · 951
Tempus Edax Rerum
KC Jun 2017
I remember how you’d say
We should spend time not money

But I spent my money on time
And not even my gold encrusted piece
Could freeze the moment you were mine

I can’t tell the difference,
Is it my watch ticking,
Heart beating or the metronome?
Is it the smoke or the pheromones?

You can’t remember the moans
But you remember how the liquor tricked you,
Made her loose
Made you lick her

And you found the gold mine at the meeting of her thighs,
It wasn’t only on her wrist and in her eyes

I’m not one to pray
But my knees got ******
From worshiping a Sunday kind of love

In the name of father time,
You - the sun
And my holy spirit

And I guess it’s true what they say
That nothing good happens after 2 AM

Then again, there was you
And then those 2 PM Monday blues

And it’s ironic how time heals all wounds,
but no drug, god or serum can save us from
tempus edax rerum
This poem is about time, that devours all things

— The End —