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 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
My parents.
They call me

But what about passionate?

I know I'm young,
But there's a spark,
A flame,
A fire.
One that is far too strong to be extinguished by the words
Or even the dreaded "Crazy."
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Time flies.
Before you know it,
you're not six,
but sixteen
and you can't even remember
what you were feeling
when you rode a bike for the first time.
You can't remember what you felt
when you first accomplished something–something big.
You can't wrap your mind around the fact that you're two years away from
being considered an adult
because you sure don't feel like one.
In fact,
you find it amusing
because you're not even responsible
enough to know what to wear in the mornings.
It's crazy to think that we are just kids
who swear we know the future.
We think our words will take us halfway around the world
but most of us won't even leave this town
and that girl who dreams of the city
will never see New York.
When we were younger,
we thought being teenagers
would be heaven.
We dreamt of makeup
and parties
and sneaking out to kiss the cute boy
across the street
but nobody ever bothered to tell us that
there would be days when we no longer want to live or, rather, days where we
feel so numb we'll do anything to feel something because truth is,
we feel kind of dead inside
and all we want is to feel alive.
and so we swallow pills
and we cut open our skin
in hopes of getting rid of the monsters
inside our heads that follow us every day,
even though everyone told us
they'd be stuck under our beds.
it seems like just yesterday
you were playing with dolls
and now you're writing poems about a boy who won't ever see you
the way you see him.
It's hard for any of us to realize that
in a year we won't remember
this very moment
and you won't remember how fast
your heart beat when he held your hand
for the first time
because in reality,
feelings don't last forever.
Nothing lasts forever.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
You are young
and still don't understand why you should be afraid of the dark
so you venture into it.
Leave behind the crying people,
and your parents blank faces
surrounding the urn that cradles your sister's ashes.
No one has told you why she wanted to be burned so you do not ask.
You don't know this yet, but you never will.

Imagine you are chasing fairies,
it helps you to ignore the cold,
the pinch of your Sunday shoes,
the voice of your older sister whispering that you will be caught.
But you are determined to have an adventure
and so you run.

Years from now you will remember this moment,
you will swear you could feel the brush of fairy wings
against your face as you rushed away from the marble mausoleum;
but there are no trees
only dirt, only gravestones,
only bushes too high and wide
for your arms to reach around.

Run until the ground rises up,
and greets your body with a bone crushing hug.
It will not let you go, no matter how hard you struggle
or how loudly you scream.
Dirt covers your head and you fear you are being buried alive.
You are not.
This will not stop the nightmares that come later.

(You are twenty and you are speaking to your therapist
she tells you to breathe, she tells you again.)

Time passes, as time has a habit of doing,
and you are standing above ground.
You cannot feel your fingers
only the curious stares of your cousins
and the long suffering sigh from your mother
who wipes the dirt from your face, absentmindedly.

“Did you go off to play and get lost?” she asks.
“You promised you'd stay put.”
You say nothing.

“You are so beautiful. Such pretty eyes.” she says, struggling to smile,
to say words that she thinks will calm the heart clawing at your chest
the way you clawed at the walls of your grave.
You are covered in dirt. There are rocks in your shoes.
You have lost your favorite bow.
You say nothing.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
hurt me
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
i would much rather
you hit and bruise me
than leave such emotional scars
on my frail heart
i would much rather
your strikes upon me
than aching; crying
in the middle of the night

broken bones heal,
while broken hearts
do not

 Mar 2014 Katie Lew




my body

*my soul


 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
I want you
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
I don't know you
But I want you.
All of you.
I want to hear your voice
Speak warm laughters
I want your hands to
Trace my geography 
To have them laced in my hair
and lock my fingers
I want your gaze
To drown me
I want the bow of you lip
To see how they pout while listening 
I want you
All of you.
Why are you laughing at me?
The next hall.
Why are you staring at me?

What so funny?
Whatever it is... just stop laughing at me
What now?

I cant wait for this time to end.
I'm sick of waiting on you to realize I'm still a person.

I cant call anyone.
I just sit alone.
I can't talk to anyone.
I'M still alone.

No more waiting on you to realize.

Here she comes.
There she goes.
Where do I go?
I cant cry.
I can't show them.
I have to hide.
I have to run.
I cant run.
2 more hours.

Ignored this too long.
Whatever it is........
Stop laughing at me.
Inspired by What Now~ Rhianna
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Thank you
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
to my mother who never cared

i.  Thank you for becoming the woman
    you promised that you would never
ii. I never got all my stuff back, and
    I'm starting to lose myself in the
    stuffed animals and photographs
iii. i don't need you
    i don't need you
    i don't need you
iv. dad still cries and so do i but
     it's alright you never loved
     either of us anyways.
v.  thanks for forgetting my birthday
     and Christmas
     and that you gave birth to me
vi. i don't need you
     i don't need you
     i don't need you

     I don't need you.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Why can’t you see
the you that I see?
The smiles and dimples
And pretty teeth
Go along perfectly
with your voice and words
but you can’t see
the you that I see
and I can’t see
the you that you see.
 Mar 2014 Katie Lew
Poetic T
Six feet under and no signal on
my phone, I was buried dead but
I just wanted to phone home.

The life of a corpse is no fun, there is
no air in this coffin, it has long since

I look around with the one eye left, my friend
earth worm tim, calls my other socket home,
now only my bad eye left. I would smile but
my lips are gone, they fell next to my ear
whispering sweet nothings for fun.

I wish I,d been cremated, just ash in the wind
think of the travelling I'd have done. But
no I'm six feet under, bored to death
for eternity, this is not the life i'd
want dead or alive this is just no fun.
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