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The words he held behind his tongue were so heavy
Weighing us down like ships at their moorings,
Anchors threaded so loosely to their ships
The abyssal was whispering in her ear
A victim of a godforsaken sea
Without a warning she floats away

Storms weeping with such vehemence,
Waves crashing into their chests
An asphyxiated sink to the bottom.
Choking and heaving on the bitter taste,  
A mouthful of salt water
Strangulated from air she couldn't bare to grace

It was true, her heart was so heavy.
Gasping helplessly
Just to take one breathe above the weight of the ocean
the deep had swallowed her fear and her sin
Baptized by the holy waters of tenebrosity

The tides carry her unto the shores,
Washed up and empty of breath
Her body was so
and her eyes were so
She drifts into the darkness,
Clutching every poured word of his against her chest
The abyssal whispering in her ear
Without a warning she floats away

My dear humanity

What is there

( really )

To talk about


in the wild morning

Should a dream appear

A truth about love

A vision of a lover or a saint

We would certainly all run away


Lost and alone

Seems normal now

Naked and Enchained


In the free breath

In the holy wind

We seem to be seeking

A kinder  master who

Won't beat us so bad

As was done yesterday




What is there to say

To one who only wants

To be

Left alone in servitude

I see

I see

You so proudly


The world

Your scars and chains
Let in the evening
with her ways inconclusive
she walks in that in between.
I know how it goes
I look at this ring every night before I fall asleep, you have this to me the day you asked me to finally be yours. I felt so loved, and cherished. This ring reminds me of such a simple time, when life was working out for a change, and everything seemed to be going right. It reminds me why I stay, why I put up with all the ******* you throw at me. It reminds my heart that you were once a man I was so deeply in love with, that I couldn't bare to not be with you. It reminds of the times you treated me like I was your last breath and all you wanted to say was "I love you." It reminds of when I was your princess and all you wanted was to treat me like an angel.

Now, I stare at this ring. It has left a ring of white wrinkled skin underneath. I stare at it and all I can think is what does it mean, what were you trying to say when you gave it to me? Was it a promise that you knew you could never keep? Was it a lie to shield your heart? Was it this deep fear in your soul that you knew would shatter me? It reminds me of the man I knew before the you you are now. The man who loved me unconditionally. The man who wanted nothing more than a laugh at his expense. Nothing more than a smile that he created. The man who took me in his arms late at night when the demons in my head started to drown me. Who stood by me when my mother drank to much and my father yelled so loudly. The man who took my hand in the breaking waters. The man who wiped my tears before they fell. The man who loved without question.

what happened to the man I once knew?
 Nov 2015 welcome to hell
I learned that sometimes life doesn’t always hand you lemons.  Sometimes life hands you a grenade with the clip already pulled and it blows up in your face. Well, besides the fact that this type of hand grenade doesn’t **** you… not yet anyways.
Life hands you obstacle after obstacle. Trial after trial. Heart break after heart break.
Life is hard, but you are tough.
I know what it is like to feel alone in a crowded room. To feel like no one understands. To cry in the shower so no one can hear you sob and grasp for air. I know what it feels like when you feel like you can’t do anything anymore.
I learned that no one can make me happy. Maybe for a few days, a few weeks, or maybe even a few months, but it doesn’t last long.
Depression is real, and it lives inside people you wouldn’t even imagine.
Depression almost killed me.
Life handed me depression, like a grenade with the clip already pulled and it blew up… in my face. Life isn’t easy, not with depression. But dealing with depression is something that not many can do.
But that’s what I learned. I learned how to deal with being sad 97% of the time. I learned how to look in the mirror and accept what was there. I learned how to cry softer, and not speak my opinion all the time, because I know no one gives a **** about what I feel or what I think. I learned that not every situation needs a reaction. I learned that you can’t trust those who you once thought you could.
That’s what I learned.
 Nov 2015 welcome to hell
 Nov 2015 welcome to hell
even my reflection looks
back at me with distaste
Boiling blood is just the start
Igniting the energy of the heart
The chi, it swirls to and fro
At the Master's command
Ready to flow
It builds, it builds!
Whispering gently to muscle and nerve
The mind removed to keep emotions at bay
Movements are swift
Precision and trust
Past and future
No place here
The moment the air is cut by no fear
Only the moment remains
The moment.....
When a samurai reveals his blade
You said your other personality
Was the spirit of anger

Well baby,
Didn't you know,
My whole personality,
Is the spirit of love,
Of undying hope

Didn't ya know that girl,
Who once loved you the way I did,
Could never stop

Didn't ya know,
That despite so much anger,
Despite your unwillingness to forgive
Despite every bad day

The spirit of love within me never died,
She lives forever,
She is me,
Love is me,
You cannot **** us,
Cannot knock us down,
We will always stand,
We will always love.
Sweet words for her ear
Ring true and ring clear
I know they'll be fear
So please do come near

Respect I don't lack
Abundant in fact
It keeps us on track
No looking back

Her body I do crave
Its hard to behave
Lust's slave
A reason to shave

Many a question
Hope I'm the selection
When your not sure if it's lust and/or love
 Nov 2015 welcome to hell
 Nov 2015 welcome to hell
i miss you so much the sky is crying
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