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As her eye's' melt into Mine
A soft sweet shiver
Runs up my spine
While I recall another Time
The touch of her Tongue
Like Butterflies upon My Breast
Slowly Wanders Softly
Toward Loves sweet Nest
While her gentle Hands
Caress My Hips
I feel the tender Pressure
of her sweet Lips
Kissing me to Ecstacy
JMF 98
This Poem is from the Collection "POETIC STALKINGS"
*second printing*
All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
**** me back together. love me enough to heal these wounds. make love to me as though you could reach infinity in my skin. taste nirvana on my tounge. grab all my broken pieces and fix them one at a time.
"I just want to have ***", you said.
An unexpected non-sequitur.
We had been sipping tea or coffee or something.
We had been reminiscing about the old street,
Back when none of us were single.
"yeah, I miss it, too", I said.

"No.  I mean right now", you corrected.
As I turned to see your face, it betrayed little.
Impassive but alert.  Warm but not intimate.  No passion.
I was willing, but remember: this never happened to me.
Something seemed wrong about it,
But was there any harm?

I asked if I could think about it.
You thought about it, too, as we watched a movie.
Halfway through some Ridley Scott epic, we held each other.
We touch-explored and memory only tells me this is true:
With no further reason beyond the will to be,
I soon lay naked there with you.  
It wasn't love but, then again,
This never happened.
Awkward, at first, we found our place,
Our touch and pull, our rhythm and pace.
"no kissing", you admonished, speaking only that.

Though I rest spent and full inside you,
That was your concern.
Too personal.
Too intimate.

We held each other for a while,  you left within the hour,
Saying, "this never happened", and my only thought,
My only answer to you,
Was a solemn confirmation,
That nothing could be more true.
I only saw a woman
In her motion and the way that she is made.

Read here by the author:
How could you tell me we'd be together forever

But one argument could change us from lovers to strangers.
It's like right from wrong becomes irrelevant when it comes down to the person you love. You know you're not being treated how u should but you ignore it, due to pure fear of loosing them or simply not having them. I know I should be number 1 but I'm accommodating to less than that because of love? Is it love? Or is it the desire of something forbidden.
This pain is paralyzing.
I need her.  
I want her.
If I think about how her arms,
How her body completely held mine I can still feel it.
I can still smell her scent.
I cry. The exact same tears I shed as she held me.
Emotional overwhelment.
difference is, I'm actually alone.
She's not holding me anymore.
She has her own person. So she can survive without me.
I was just a distraction.
Yet she still acts and Perseus and brainwashes me as if I were superior to her number 1.
It's all so messed up, it's all so degrading, and simply wrong,
And I am choosing to ignore it.
Which is also wrong.
But how could I not talk to her? How could I cut her out when she's crawled in so deep.
I need to get her out. And keep her out.
I am not the other woman.  
I have my flaws. But my potential is not of thee to be in this position.
So I scream
"**** her I don't need her I can do this"

In hopes of one day believing it.
Maybe one day her voice won't make me melt.
Maybe one day this will all just be a memory just as every other person, who has come into my world and left with pieces leaving me with less of myself.
 Jul 2014 Juan Manuel Romero
It’s 2 a.m.
And I’m still awake
There’s no one here
but just me;
my thoughts,
my loneliness,
my sadness,
it’s just me.
Then why do they say,
‘You’re not alone’?

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