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 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
Half smile,
The rare dimple in perfect
Pleasure to the eyes,
But never outlandish laughter.
( Like a woman who knows she has
You in her trance)

   Hip bent to one side,
Arm defiantly attached to bent hip,
Her dress of flowers flow like
A mobile garden,
The air seems to glide around every
Curve and dress wears her well.

The eyes of men
Become magnetised,
Through which the world
Is observing her magnetic frame
The smile piercingly gradual,
Yet playful, still a touch of vulgarity.

Woman, whose smile
Beckons a portrait,
You walk with depths
Unknown, but the abyss
Of your smile
And the eyes jumping in.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
K Balachandran
A trek to the golden peak,
of clarity of every kind,
she had taken up earnestly
as her singular mission all along.
Near  the  upper reaches,
at the difficult terrain,
without any admonition,
an avalanche.
Her ego, frozen and hardened,
rushed towards her,
blocked further progress,
for ever,
like a wall of resistance.
She tried her best
to venture forward,
but she had lost the path
completely by then
and didn't know which way to turn.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
phil roberts
It's me again
It's the early hours and I'm slightly drunk
And it's me again

He has the sins of his mind
Which keep him warm inside
Amidst the weary and the wasted
Such warmth keeps him alive

I've always been restless
I hate to move yet I can't sit still
Hours are endless

There is a thrush inside his head
An agony of wings
Panic beaten thrashing
A cage of singing things

Still always anxious
Even though I've slowed right down
This edge is ageless

Laying low and watching
A million sub-plots hatching
Paranoid and paranormal
He scatters to survive

                                    By Phil Roberts
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Alyssa Underwood
stark revelations
return me home to true love
new life birthed from death
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Little Bear
All aboard the crazy train
were going for a ride
tickets out! bags are packed
let's see the countryside

No stops until we get there
a day trip to remember
Still a passenger in spring
though I boarded in September

I pull the cord to stop the ride
This wasn't mentioned in the brochure
'Hang on tight!!'  the driver calls
'It's a crazy, mad adventure!'

Corners that just twist and turn
slamming baggage, luggage flies
hanging on for dear life
'Ain't this fun!' the driver cries

Speeding past the stations
never stopping, never slowing
passengers are screaming
drivers eyes are red and glowing

The devil rides beside me
holds my hand and screams my name
the ride, a rolling death trap
and drives me fearfully insane

This was not what I signed up for
The train hurtles off the track
wreckage, twisted metal
I want my money back
Inspired somewhat by the crazy ride in
***** Wonker and the Chocolate Factory.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
           (The heart desires,
             Action at a distance)
The slow burning
Needs when the eye meets.
       Was she there before?
       The manifest destiny of its mechanics,
       How world upon world was stacked
       Until finally what the heart
       Wanted comes to be.
The fire's ancient name
When the name burned
As the first words spoken
Into existence.
      Quantum lovers to the atomic
      Extremes, the matter cannot
      Be mathmetised, fate rarely explained.
Great the string,
Silhouettes of her body
In a thousand bodies,
Only one looks his way.....

        Fallen star
        In the endlessness of many worlds
        Beneath the eyelids electrified,
        The girl, only the girl,
        I see through a tunnel
        Like destiny in a wormhole.
Tiny energetic particles,
Trillions inexact,
They lay motion into desire,
The motion becomes a walk,
A walk become a word,
The word becomes them both.

   They explode like comets
   Too close to the star,
   The spirit intertwined,
    Evaporation of perceptions,
    Both accidental and fated,
    The quanta come together.
A series of waves
That take part in duality,
Two lovers, immeasurable destinies,
Coming together,
A scarlet queen,
A quartz king,
Fire on the head of the energy.
      Silent in the moment,
      He holds her hand,
      Connectivity on the sub atomic level,
The wheel spins,
The procession of the heart
Began as multiple universes collided,
The love devours all destiny,
In a rain shower of possibility,
The boy meets the girl,
They fall in love,
In this love quantified,
All the matter and energy
Swim in a pool of desire and need,
Never can it be measured,
Destiny is but
A prelude to a kiss.....
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
A war has been fought in foreign countries and in streets. In school houses and church houses, in courtrooms and in the media. Is it wrong, or is it right. Drugs and human sexuality, what is right? People are willing to risk life and freedom to make their own choices. War has been raged against the ideals of personal choice. One way hasn't worked, perhaps another should be tried. As long as no one else must pay for your choices or is affected in their own lives, perhaps letting us choose for ourselves is the right path at this time.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Noah Ducane
Venom dreams of waving smiles
Circled suns all caught in a line
Made of lead tears
That wished you were made
A promise that broke the earth
In a perfect peace.

And then the rain of blues
And the words of white
That washed against the sea walls
And flew kites
Fast against the childhood skies
And made music
For the deaf.

Sunship dreams of *** in rivers
Of ***** that flowed like milk
In a harmony Hellenistic
Like mosaics of the buried past.

Venom dream of number nine
In the ways you will be mine
To hold and love forever.

Serpent sails for the guns of tomorrow
Not bullets in your ironclad heart
That cannot pierce no love or feeling
But rhyme always
Against the fallen grain.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
she opened the basement door
went in and allowed
it to slam behind her
the sounds of the battle
receded into the distance
she didn't turn on the light
she emerged when
everyone was asleep
no more yelling
no more fighting
it was in the dead of night
didn't vampires do this?
but she was no vampire
she was a flesh and blood
little girl
to this day she loves the night
and cellars
they represent safety
and she has made peace
with the darkness

(C) 2/26/2016
My childhood was a warzone. My parents fought constantly. We had a lot of benefits. I had piano and ballet lessons. We had enough to eat. But we were also neglected in very vital ways.

My father never beat my mother. But the emotional abuse was horrendous. And he would be very violent at times. Once he threw a pan down our hallway so forcefully that it bent into a taco shape.

I love my parents dearly. And they did the best they could with what they had. But there is deep emotional scarring. And I took refuge at that time in our basement. I still often like to sit in the dark. I love the night and often stay up all night and sleep during the day.

Fighting is big trigger for me. Whether it is physical, emotional, raised voices, or expressed in writing.

These wars on this site are having a profound effect on me. Not only because it's between people I care about. But because it triggers my past.

I may be very tough, and seemingly together, but there's still a small child inside of me crying constantly. Jesus is mending these terrible fractures in my heart. But he's not done with me yet. This is an appeal to all those who are at war with each other. Please don't bring me into it anymore. I don't want to be involved. I know you didn't ask me to fight. I did out of loyalty. Now I just want to be left alone and at peace. Thank you.

♡ Catherine
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