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It's not the game
we think we play
there are no winners
no losers
life is not
something we do
it's what we are
immeasurably complex
heartachingly simple
tiny spools of life
threads of time
woven together
so tight
that sometimes we feel
our rough ends left
floating in the open
reach out
to join the web
adrift upon infinity's breath
sparks within the current
occasionally we unravel
 Aug 2015 Jon York
Angel Smith
God gave the birds the power of flight,
Some fly in day and some in night.

How wonderful it surely must be,
For them to land in the tallest tree.

To soar through valleys and see below,
The summer greens and the winter snow.

They never seem to have a care...
'Cause most times their food is everywhere.

But before you wish to be a bird,
I do have some facts that should be heard.

Most birds only live such a short span,
Unlike what God has given to man.

When they die their life will surely end,
They will never be reborn again.

God has put a soul in each of us,
And He only wants our love and trust.

Then as our earthly life is through,
Our life in heaven we will ensure.

So please do not wish for wings to fly,
No bird on this earth could go that high.

As when God lifts our soul high above,
And showers us with an endless love.

God loves us so much as we why should we ever wish to be other than what we are.  Written:  11-25-2001
 Jul 2015 Jon York
sanch kay
my recipe for happiness is simple -
smoke-filled lungs,
chemicals in my bloodstream;
head buzzing with ideas,
a heart thrumming with words.
Because I like days that are crystal-clear in their haziness.
 Jul 2015 Jon York
 Jul 2015 Jon York
The words of last night
Written by the hand of a ghost
And I read them anew
Under light of a new day
And worry that
My very own Mr Hyde
Was lured out once more
With fermented grapes
I write about every person who enters my life

thats why I never find closure
so I'm stuck in this infinite loop
of love and depression

the only two options I have left
is to stop living
or stop writing

but I live because I write and I write because I live
 Apr 2015 Jon York
 Apr 2015 Jon York
do you erase
the demanding thoughts
that float around
your mind

do you stop
the howling wolves
that run around
your head

do you dim
the frightening scenes
that replay in
your eyes

do you release
the haunting cries
that reside in
your heart

do you forget
the grueling monster
that lives in
your soul
He went to war,
A flag came back.
And with a last, dying breath,
He cried your name.

If one is to love unconditionally,
Without being loved back,
And without justification,
What is the point of love?

He has fallen past my reach,
With no where to turn.
Bullet wound turns a crimson red,
Shrapnel covers your face..

Vision gets dizzy,
Legs get heavy.
You fall.
You went to war, and a flag came back.
Once upon a time, I found that love of mine.
It was in his eye's and in his touch,
without a doubt we loved so much.

As time went on our love grew strong,
we knew where we belonged.
We danced and played and made each day
a memory with our songs.

I surely wasn't ready, the day God called
him home. I wanted to go with him, I
can't bare to breath alone.

Six years has come and gone so fast,
but still my heart feels empty. I know it's
time to let someone in, but how do I let
go of our dance?

A kind man asked for my heart today,
I wanted to turn and run away.
If he looks in my eye's he may see my soul,
my pain that's hidden within.

Or was this man so kind and gentle sent
here for a reason? Should I give this man my
broken heart and see if it feels pleasing.

I couldn't bare to go through this again,
my heart would just stop beating.

By Bevi Jean
Don't matter who you are,
or how much money you make.
Don't matter if you tithe each Sunday,
God can see a fake.

When people know how much you give,
or just how much you've done,
it's hard to call that humble when your
bragging to your son.

If people turn and walk away, you can bet
they have good reason.
God want's us all to be the best we can
and get away from those unpleasing.

I won't raise my voice in anger,
or even scream or shout.
I realize I'm not perfect, yet you don't need
to point that out.

God know's he still has much to teach me,
but my hearts in the right place.
When all is said and done for us,
your money you can't take!

By Bevi Jean
Like a treasure hidden deep inside.
only one man could reach it though
others have tried. Your words may come
easy, yet I'll be no fool. This heart will
stay guarded, till I feel loves pull.

A man of strength and deep compassion,
holds the key to love everlasting. It will
be in his eyes, on his face and forever
in my warm embrace.

For a true man of honor with grit to his stride,
I'll be waiting well guarded with my treasure

By Bevi Jean
*** for Tat Jon
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