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Life's possessions

Life's bleeding

Life's unkindness

Life's doubtful
How unkind life can be?
 Jan 2015 Jon York
Gaby Comprés
your worth doesn't come from
the things you've done or
the things you'll do or
the color of your skin or
the way you dress or
the way you look.

your worth doesn't come from
the words people have labeled you with or
what they think of you or
how many people follow you on twitter.
your worth doesn't even come from you.

it comes from the fact
that you are here
that you're alive
that you haven't given up on life
that you're still fighting
and smiling
even when you're falling apart.

your worth is yours and
no one can take that away from you.
 Jan 2015 Jon York
Gaby Comprés
open up and let Hope in.
let it dance around your heart.
open up and let Light in.
let your soul know the magic of sunrises.
open up and let Life in.
let it make you bloom.
open up and let Faith in.
let it make you believe again.
open up and let Love in.
let it change you,
let it play with your hair,
let it kiss you,
let it make you want to
fly and touch the clouds.
open your doors
and let Hope and Light
and Life and Faith and Love
stream in and chase away the darkness.
open the windows of your soul
and let boldness and bravery
drown fear out.
open up.
I heard the bullets scream
Smashed by the moment
Silence as the pin dropped
His head had hit the pavement

****** in the window
Blood spattered wall
Brother taken before me
Intrepid moment takes us all

Held his hand within mine
Closed his open eyes
Angered by the second
Said my final goodbyes

Bombing in the distance
Death cuts through the air
War is such a *****
and life isn't fair

Ribbons fill the trees
Markers field the green
Memories not forgotten
Brothers forever seen
Thinking of all veterans!!
2 am and i can't sleep
wide awake too tired to weep
funny how feelings
can make you weak
it's a long road, rough and steep
just hope i find the peace i seek.

people are so sweet and kind
if only they could help unwind
the tortured ropes within my mind
could help me break
the chains that bind
only God can help me find
bless'd release from this
pain which grinds

carrying a sack of stones
is no weight to bear alone
it will break my very bones
i want to cry, but will not groan
what I must do is clearly shown
i must be humble and atone.

i've got a message to be spread
been writing vanity instead
when all is done, all is said
when pretense is finally shed
is it truth or lies i've fed
my fire, in truth, is almost dead.

try and understand, my friends
no matter what the current trends
this path we're on
has trech'rous bends
the broad way winds
the narrow wends
but all paths DO have their END.

though i have been torn apart
it is time for a new start
strength comes from
the peaceful heart...

(c) soulsurvivor
Haven't written about
The Lord Jesus Christ in
Some time... it's high time I did.

I'm only on site a short time
As I can only write late at night.
I want to thank you all for sharing
Your well wishes with me...
They are appreciated more than
You could know.

I'm going to be FINE.
Just experiencing a rough patch.
As are we all... I'll be back to
Read again soon!
... you have to step
in order to

move forward

(C) September 20, 2014
 Dec 2014 Jon York
 Dec 2014 Jon York

Vague thoughts of you
leave a lingering taste
on my tongue

Thoughts of you
memories of you
'somewhere far away'

They merge
so delicately
and with such
a tenderness,
yet are still laced
with a sadness
that lingers on my tongue also

Unable now, to remember
the exact moments
I'm trying to forget

I'll recall them
but will I want to,
will I need to
when all I have here
is the 'now'
a place
where the past will never be.

Aaargh!!!  Haven't put pen to paper in ages!!!
(not sure what's happened)
 Dec 2014 Jon York

The warmth from your body
is no longer here.
It cooled so quickly
after you left

The flavour of you
on my lips
I can no longer taste
since you've been gone

Your scent lingers
but only in a memory,
so distant
now you're not here

Your voice,
I only hear in a far off place,
in tormented dreams
why did you leave me,  wanting?

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