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 Dec 2019 John Stevens
 Dec 2019 John Stevens
A poet is no more than a person
A mother
A daughter
A lover  
Someone needing release
Or someone needing to recover

It’s the art they create when that ball of ink or stick of led dances on the canvas they so perfectly prepared.
And when the end result and their purpose become perfectly paired.
We need a Cleanser
To clean the Air
To clean the Water
To clean the Atmosphere
To clean the Soil

We need a Cleanser
To clean the Minds
To clean the Thoughts
To clean the Hearts
To clean the Souls

We also need a Blender
To Blend all these properly
And transform the world
Into a better place to live in
With Peace, Harmony and Luxury
Do  you also feel the need of these??  Please Let me know.
I stumbled upon you
Like a child
that finds a pretty stone

Bewildered by your presence
I sat and admired
Counting your cracks
Caressing what makes you glitter

You stood infront of me
Bold and beautiful
Like nothing I'd ever seen

And as you gave me your attention
I think I misconstrued your intentions

I wanted to put you in my pocket
But you said no

So there you sit
Perfectly unpolished
A love

I can only visit
From September - 2016*

"Comforting", it is-
in its application"

"Calming", it is-
in its purpose"

is its message"

Whether applied to an infant babe in a crib....
or making the tears of a crying child disappear...

or, simply giving a hug to mom and dad.......

or, your children.......grandchildren.........

or, to a friend.......

Channeled thru you... from heaven..........

The "power".................of..............a "touch"

r.riddle: 09-18-2016

*inspired by Pradip Chattopadhyay's "Distance"
By: Cedric McClester

What does it mean,
To be the greatest artist ever?
That you come up with rhyme schemes
Some people find clever?
Or, you design clothes,
That pull the cash lever?
Or, that you do other things,
Categorized as whatever?

What does it mean,
To have an ego so large,
That it becomes obvious,
That your id is in charge?
Or, you occasionally lash out
In an unseemly barrage?
Or, that you have fancy cars
Parked in your garage?

What does it mean to
Submit to Christ,
If you think what you do,
Is twice as nice?
Or, you’ve never taken
His Good Book’s advice?
And you can’t keep still
Like a bad case of lice?

What does it mean,
To be big bad and bold
Or, for that matter,
Have a million records sold?
Or, to be known
For having broken the mold
If your life is measured
By the people you’ve rolled?

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Of all the fears I posses
death is not one of them
Living without a purpose I fear
Live with purpose
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