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Don't judge us,
We are too stupid to be judged,
We even judge others,
We are that stupid.
castles are falling through the air,
crashing into waterless deserts,
giving strange nightmares to camels.
When you need me the most,
At anytime of day,
Just check your front porch,
I’ll be sitting there,
Waiting for you to smother your burning torch,
Just crawl into my arms,
And you will see,
I will always be there,
Today I stood against the beast
I realized he was a coward
He cowered before me when I roared
I am in control
I realize now
Oh ye beast within
I am in control
The beast within can be anything: procrastination, fear, alcoholism, *** addiction, laziness whatever it is, You are stronger and you can defeat the beast.With Determination, patience, time and love from yourself and those around you... stay strong
 Nov 2019 John Stevens
You never can tell the impact that
A simple act of kindness can cause
It could restore hope to a broken heart.
Think of a stone tossed into a pond
And the ripples that get formed
Just one tiny good deed can create
waves of kindness to spread around
You can create the ripple in your world today
Or if it spreads to you
don't let it end with you
Let it travel as far as you can ...
 Nov 2019 John Stevens
Your glory is brighter than the sun
in its brightest intensity
Your Spirit in man is divinity at work
in humanity
Your mercies is like series of heavy rainfalls after years of drought
Your love is superabundant, inexhaustible,
too much to run out on
Your loveliness has no likeness
You alone truly art God and Lord of all.
Socks and sandals a fashion faux pas?
I've been told that its an unspoken law.

Whether they're  thick or thin, woolen or silky.
As long as they hide feet so pale and milky.

Not only do they keep my toes toasty warm.
But cover those hideous and unsightly corns
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