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Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I lack morality.
In fact, my morality
is what I pride myself on.
I have this strong urgency
to love everyone
because I refuse to listen to
the God of discrimination.
I certainly don't need a book
that condones ****, slavery,
misogyny, and genocide
to teach me right from wrong.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean my life has no meaning
It just means I have
the freedom to choose my own.
I have value
because I know how
to be a giving person
without having to be tempted
with eternal bliss.
If you're only being helpful
to others due to a promised reward,
does it not cease to
be a good deed?

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I have no one
to look up to.
God doesn't create us,
women do.
And why the hell
can't I praise a goddess?
We are creating misogyny
young, claiming that
little girls are always to
put a him first,
instead of themselves.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I hate God.
It's impossible that which
you do not believe exists.
And I desperately don't want
him to exist, because if he does,
then that means he doesn't care,
that he's okay with
watching me suffer.
I don't need any more
people letting me down.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I worship the devil.
It's impossible to worship
that which you do not
believe exists.
But if he did exist,
then I would embrace him
at hells entrance -
tell him I too know what it's like
to be turned into something evil.
Thank him for taking all
the rejected souls that God
turned away without a second glance
Remind him that losing
something good can win you
something great.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I think
Billy Graham is a *******.
No, I actually do
think Billy Graham is a *******.
Anyone who has the audacity
to claim God wanted
marriage to be between
a man and a woman,
when marriage was constructed
long before Christianity was,
doesn't deserve to be
preaching to our children.
This is indoctrination
of the worst kind.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I hate religious people,
only what they preach.
I'm tired of people blanketing
their bigotry with
"religious freedom"
and getting away with it.
If you build a fire
to warm yourself,
and end up burning down
someone's home,
your warmth doesn't bring
their house back.
And it doesn't let you off
the hook for accountability....
Unless you're a Christian
because America was founded
on Christian morals, right?
***** John Adams who says
"The Government of the
United States of America
is not in any sense founded on
the Christian religion."
Or Thomas Jefferson
who encourages you to
"Question with boldness
even the existence of a god."
Or James Madison who once said
"Christianity's fruits are
superstition, bigotry,
and persecution."
But what do the
founding fathers know anyway?
This nation was created only
for those deemed worthy,
those who never realize
they have the right to
think for themselves.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I have all the answers.
But neither do you.
 Dec 2015 John michalski
Zoe Sue
At the night's close
The winds whisper their way through tree tops
To tell of their travels
And looking upon them
We are rustled just the same
All hands at rest
While mine are restless
Shaking for a page to pen
In the solace of the the dark
Where you'll find me
Uncovering words in constellations
To scrawl on floorboards
In hopes that some day these words may carry me
And I may write
Words that echo
In minds not mine
 Dec 2015 John michalski
J H Webb
Well the night was young and early
But the tension was still there
I had watched you go and f##k him
There was *** still in your hair

And then as you were leaving
You gifted me that deadly blow
You said I f##ked him for a reason
And I just wanted you to know

They say love is all that matters
It's eternal is what  they say
Crooked is the hole that flatters
and the quiet always find a way

And beauty sits there breathless now
Her cigarette thrown in the snow
She has to try hard for an excuse how
No one understands or knows

We let oceans grow between us
like they ever mattered at all
We make mountains out of mole hills
then complain when they fall

We're a poor excuse for spouses
But in love we rule the game
We've saddened all the angels
and put the devils all to shame

James H. Webb
I make smiles from shattered eyes

cry December's distracting frost

move my soul with hopeful sighs

and pray our devotion is not lost

It is the eve of renewal's glee

gave sad promises to spoon the moon

but in the haste of glass we freeze

pose with strangers who fill our room

sweat bemoans my reaching hand

your eyes are vacant with his lust

he bids the hours by your command

we smoke our feelings into dust

this boy is weak yet worships you

opens darkest gates to breed

now enter light that stirs, confused

my screaming tears unheard,unseen...

i am a wish of hearts refused,

the sound of fallen poetry...
I feel like I'm dying, without dying
I'm overly emotional without any emotion
I'm hurting without pain
I'm crying without tears
I'm bleeding without blood
I'm thinking without thought
My mind is full without being filled
I'm colored without color
I am without myself
 Dec 2015 John michalski
Touch me; all without using your hands, I propose.
Strip naked without removing any of your clothes.
Show me who you really are under all the deceit and lies,
and you'll see that from the ashes your true soul shall arise.
 Dec 2015 John michalski
 Dec 2015 John michalski
Sometimes your voice sounds like rain beating heavy on a galvanized roof.
Sometimes I feel like I can hear the sadness pouring from your mouth like a rainstorm in the middle of the night.
You tried hard to swallow it, hide it beneath your tongue;
when you laugh you pretend it doesn't sound like thunder and howling winds,
You've flooded my home many times, my dear.
Sometimes I feel like I can hear the sadness,
the sadness pouring from your mouth like a rainstorm
in the middle of the night.
this is all over the **** place
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