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 May 2014 Jane Doe
When my eyes feel heavy and my head does too
Why does my brain keep dragging me along
This night that seems so long
Knowing that tomorrow will feel longer
I'll just take my tea a bit stronger
Mommy went to Heaven,
but I need her here today,
My tummy hurts and I fell down,
I need her right away!
Operator, can you tell me how
to find her in this book?
Is Heaven in the yellow part?
I don't know where to look.
I think my Daddy needs her too,
at night I hear him cry.
I hear him call her name sometimes,  
but I really don't know why.  
Maybe if I call her
she will hurry home to me.  
Is Heaven very far away?
is it across the sea?
She's been gone a long, long time,  
she needs to come home now!
I really need to reach her,
but I simply don't know how.  
Help me find the number please
is it listed under "Heaven"?
I can't read these big big words,  
I am only seven.
I'm sorry operator, ,
I didn't mean to make you cry,  
Is your tummy hurting too?  
or is there something in your eye?
If I call my church maybe they will know.
Mommy said when we need help
that's where we should go.
I found the number to my church
tacked up on the wall.  
Thank you operator,
I'll give them a call.
"Does Heaven Have A Phone Number?" (Anonymous) is about a young child whose mother has died. The child needs to reach her, but does not know how. The child calls the operator for help. The child does not know where Heaven is, or why his/her mother is there. The child needs her RIGHT AWAY so he/she decides to call her at Heaven. The child remembers his/her mother telling him/her that if he/she is ever in trouble he/she should call the church for help.

I recited this piece for a speech competition a few years ago. I everybody in the room speechless and in tears. I hope whoever reads this will be as moved as I am!

Dear Queen,
Are you real? Or just part of my imagination
Cos lately you've given my eyes an occupation
Staring at you is work, and everyone in the room is employed
That sharp dress cut my tongue out and got me speechless
If the dress could cut my head open and read my mind
The only thing it would see is a reflection of itself
Cos all I think about is you, and you may not be real
But you're true
The silence you cause in the room, when you walk in
People stop talking, its akward.
You're on stage, you steal everyone's attention, like a thief
Attention is really cheap, but not everyone pays attention.
Its crazy right? How a queen falls for a pauper
The only way I could ever leave, is if I ...

Stop thinking.

Yours truly
the boy at the back
This was something I wrote in 5 minutes, hope its good
 May 2014 Jane Doe
Black Lipstick
 May 2014 Jane Doe
She hides her smile
behind black lipstick.
Her voice is low
and in between.
She smells of loneliness
and cigarettes.
She sings for me
when she is high.

She gets me higher
than I can go.
She takes me low
and in between.
Her heart's on fire
when she sings.
Her voice is smokey,
full of pain.

She sings of loneliness
and broken dreams.
Her dance is low
and in between.
She gets me high
and lets me down.
She kisses me
with black lipstick.

r ~ 4/29/14
 May 2014 Jane Doe
Love is..
 May 2014 Jane Doe
If you love a flower, don't pick it up.
Because if you do it dies
and ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be
Love is not about possession...
Love is about appreciation....
 May 2014 Jane Doe
A good poem is like a good sandwich

the layers are the lines that if not ordered right
would not rhyme and you wouldn't take a bite

The toppings are the words
alone are insignificant
but together make something magnificent
so rich with hidden messages and meanings
another way to eat your feelings

The sauce is the bit added hesitantly
because you're not sure how it is connected
these flavours you've perfected
and you hope the pieces all add together
to make your piece of art for you to munch
your rhyming lunch
I'm hungry if you didn't guess haha..Anyone notice the bold?:)
 May 2014 Jane Doe
1 eyes meet
2 a smile
3 bubbly conversation
4 hang out for a while
5 no sleeping we're on the phone
6 just when things seem reply
7 suddenly feel alone
8 cry
9 move on with time
10 another pair meet mine
Any ideas for titles?
 May 2014 Jane Doe
Inside out
Nosey people annoy me
Pompous people bore me,
Pretentious people irritate me
Whilst drunk people irrigate me.
Opinionated people grate me,
Cheating people forsake me.
Sly people irk me
Lazy people shirk me.
Judgemental people cast me,
Bigoted people blast me.
Most people avoid me!
We all judge each other
 May 2014 Jane Doe
Komara Wyss
I hate your smell that lingers in my nose.
I hate the feeling of your skin on mine.
I hate my ears and how they're filled with your voice.

I hate my mind for replaying our perfect memories.
And I hate my eyes for watching.
I hate my tongue and how your name rolls right off it.
And I hate my mouth for refusing to catch the sound.

I hate my fingers for remembering the contours of your face.
I hate my feet for walking your way.
I hate my bed for being so big.
I hate this town for being so small.

I hate every book, t.v. show, movie, and song for reminding me of you.
I hate my heart for hurting so much.
I hate my soul for breaking in two.

if that stunning smile shall grace your perfect face, if joy will fill your eyes, if your laugh will carry through the air and capture someones attention, and if LOVE will lead you to someone else to find your happily ever after...

**Then I'm happy to say I'll love my hell and all it's warm weather.
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